In this livestream, I look at a horary chart to ask the question, will President Trump survive, after testing positive for Covid-19. We also take a look at the astrology of the moment and running up to the United States Presidential election 2020.
In this livestream, I look at a horary chart to ask the question, will President Trump survive, after testing positive for Covid-19. We also take a look at the astrology of the moment and running up to the United States Presidential election 2020.
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OCtober 6 2020
I think you called it. when you said in your blog on “Will Trump Survive?” late last week, “Regulus…known for people getting the shit kicked out of them for not knowing when to stop.” Trump goes to the hospital but just can’t sit still! Goes in a motorcade to campaign. Goes home, probably too soon.
This is what happened in the 1918 flu epidemic. People went back to work too early and died. Young people in their 20’s & 30’s died this way especially. My ex-husband’s mother was born a few months after her father died. It happened so often.
Trump definitely doesn’t appreciate all the breaks the cosmos has given him through Regulus. I don’t wish him to die, he just needs to get off the stage and stop endangering people’s lives.