The subtler teachings of Mercury/Saturn in Sagittarius you may stumble across somewhere in the ether:
* When you walk a spiritual path there will be many times when you remember your true self and there will be many times when you will discover your true self. Discovery and remembrance become one and the same when their object is the eternal soul.
* We frequently say things that we don’t actually know.
* We say things that say things back to us, if we learn to listen.
* When we learn to listen we soon realize that most of what we think we are thinking is actually something we are listening to.
* Who it is that we’re listening to when we are hearing these thoughts is a matter of speculation, an inquiry into spectres or the spectral. Some mystics have suggested we think less about who or what our thoughts are and more about who we are to be thinking we are our thoughts, but, this also isn’t something to speculate about further.
* Often our opinions are disguises for the things we want that we feel we ought to defend. However, it’s not always clear that we actually have any opinions at all about the things that we want, in and of themselves. Opinions may disguise our desires because we are afraid of them, because they are shy, because we don’t feel that we ought to understand some things, or because some things just don’t want to be understood. One beautiful question is, “Do I want to be understood?”
* When we deny ourselves in order to get something, we’re practicing a form of magic. On some level, we are making ourselves invisible. We can get things by making ourselves invisible. But when we are invisible for a long time, it’s easy to forget that we are a person, a being, sacred and loved.
* When we get excited about an idea, we can also pause and consider that an idea is getting excited about us…that makes it a little easier to consider whether or not we want to use our actions for someone or something that didn’t introduce itself before it started trying to persuade us of something. Also, lot’s of things that don’t announce themselves “properly” in our lives may be the best visitors we could possibly receive.
Prayer: Be our teacher, be our friend. Be our sweet humor, and the answer to every end.
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