Here’s what to watch for:
* Consulting with people in authority (Moon/Jupiter)
* Receiving the green light from an authority figure (Moon/Jupiter)
* Marketing or developing an idea or concept (Moon/Jupiter)
* Receiving popular praise or recognition (Moon/Jupiter)
* Making good and constructive use of something in or around the home (Moon/Jupiter)
* The gift of the mother or women (Moon/Jupiter)
* The successful growth of something in the home (Moon/Jupiter)
* A fortunate turn of events (Moon/Jupiter)
* The beautiful and the wise come together (Venus/Jupiter with mutual reception)
* The design and the content are worthy of each other (Venus/Jupiter)
* The importance and success of ceremony, candor, and decor (Venus/Jupiter)
* Harmonious negotiations (Venus/Jupiter)
* Relationships that benefit or partners that prosper (Venus/Jupiter)
* Ambassadors or representatives that do good work for what they represent (Venus/Jupiter)
* Praise and positive reviews or encouragement (Venus/Jupiter)
Meanwhile, we’re heading toward the last quarter moon, which means we’re also reaching an important harvesting and equalizing or finalizing moment in our moon cycle. All of the themes above may participate in the general push to complete something or find a peaceful resolution at last.
Prayer: Moving now toward completion, may the inner and the outer reflect one another, so that the beauty of the third can be see by all.
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