Today, we’re going to explore all the major astrological transits for this final week of the year. We’ll take a closer look at Jupiter’s square to Saturn, happening just after Christmas, and Mercury’s final opposition to Jupiter. By the end of the week, Venus will square Uranus.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Ellenbass from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody!
Today, we're going to take a look at all of the major astrological transits for this last week of the year. We’re going to be discussing Jupiter square to Saturn, which is happening just after Christmas. We’ll also look at Mercury opposing Jupiter one final time. Remember, Mercury has gone through this opposition to Jupiter several times due to its retrograde. So, it's a very interesting dynamic, especially since the two planets are in each other's signs. This creates a mutual reception between them, but by opposition and detriment, which we'll explore as well.
Venus is squaring Uranus by the end of this week. It's a sparkly and interesting transit, and we’ll take a look at that too. There’s lots of good stuff coming this week. I also made a special episode for Christmas Day. If you’re celebrating, I hope it’ll add some upliftment and value to that day.
But yeah, today we’re going to look at the astrology for the week ahead. Before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe. It really helps our channel grow. Share your comments, we love hearing from you all. And you can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on our website,
Now, we’re down to just eight days left in our annual Kickstarter campaign. As of this recording, we’ve accumulated over 700 backers, but we still need over 1200 more in just eight days. So, I’m sounding the alarm a little bit right now because we need a lot of backers to reach our goal in this short time. A big thank you to everyone who has already donated. Every donation helps—$5, $10, or $1—every little bit makes a difference.
We have two goals: a backer total goal and a financial goal. We’re confident we’ll hit our financial goal if we reach the backer number target. So, on that note, at the end of today’s talk, after you sign off, you can hear about all the rewards we offer. This includes our biggest sales on all of our training programs. We’ve got four years’ worth of curriculum in ancient Hellenistic astrology and modern, archetypal psychological astrology. It’s a fusion of both.
All of our programs include a mix of the two, so you can learn more about them. At the end of today’s talk, I’ll tell you how you can donate and pick up classes at the best deals, with 50% off, and up to 75% off when you bundle them together. This sale through the Kickstarter is something we only run once per year, so it’s a special deal.
In addition to the training programs, there are a lot of other rewards you may find interesting, like some exclusive content and your horoscopes for the year ahead—45 minutes for each sign. So, there’s lots of great stuff.
I’m going to take you over to the Kickstarter website. You can find the link to the Kickstarter in the comments section, pinned to the top of today’s episode. You can also find it in the description of the video and on our website,, where you can click on the 2025 Kickstarter link.
That’s the place where you can pledge. The rewards are on the right-hand side. When you scroll down, you can pick different rewards, like the astrology of 2025—my new book coming out, which will be released chapter by chapter in both audio and text form. There are also year-ahead horoscope readings for all 12 signs. It's almost 10 hours of content on all rising signs, like a very detailed horoscope video for the entire year ahead for all 12 signs.
There are also previous masterclasses, next year’s masterclass, the Roots and Spheres class, and all of our programs on sale. If you value this content, and if this is a place you come to for daily spiritual and astrological learning and nourishment, please consider donating to support us. We do need a huge amount of support with just a little bit of time left.
With eight days left to go, we still need about 1200 backers. It sounds like a lot, but I truly believe we can get there. There’s still enough time to meet our goal this year.
On that note, I hope you’ll enjoy today’s content on the astrology for the week ahead. I’ll also be doing a live stream on Friday this week if you want to join me for a Q&A and Birth Chart readings. I’ll be rallying last-minute support for the Kickstarter, and I may spontaneously come on to do more if needed. Who knows, I might pop in a few more times. But for sure, Friday morning I’ll be there, so if you can make it, I’d love to see you!
Otherwise, I hope you have a great week, and I hope you enjoy this coverage of the astrology for the week ahead. Bye!
All right, let's get into it. We're looking at the astrology for the week ahead. There are a number of transits coming up this week. So, what I'm going to do is lay them out in order, briefly talk about the timeline for each one, and then I will return and reflect on each of them. And remember, as the week goes on, we'll be opening an exploration of these transits individually. There’s a lot of good stuff to look forward to this week for sure. It's a big week of the astrological year, with the Jupiter-Saturn square perfecting. Of course, that’s the big news, but there are also a couple of other aspects we’ll be watching for.
So, all right, let’s go through it one at a time. We’re looking at Monday, December 23 through Sunday, December 29. The week starts off with Jupiter squaring Saturn. Now, we’ve talked at length on this channel about the meaning of Jupiter-Saturn squares. We’ve looked at old cycles, and there’s a lot here. I’m going to reiterate some of the main things for your consideration, and then we’ll be looking at this more tomorrow, for sure, on the actual day of the perfection.
Here’s Jupiter in Gemini, making the square to Saturn. This is something that’s already been in effect. It’s not the easiest transit to identify because of how process-oriented it is. I’ve done a lot to try and illuminate the meaning of a Jupiter-Saturn square and the kinds of things it does in our lives over long periods of time. Remember, this square is going to come back next June, and it already happened in August 2024. So, it’s an ongoing transit that we’ll be looking at.
But if we just unpack this for this week, from today into tomorrow, it perfects, and then for the rest of the week, we’re looking at a square that’s within a degree. So, the rest of the week will certainly continue the theme of these two planets being in their square. They start to gain that three degrees of separation by about January 10. So, all the way up until January 10, we’re very much in the midst of the Jupiter-Saturn square, and we’ve already been for several weeks now. Just remember that this transit has a long, slow way of developing.
If we take this forward a few months, all the way into June of next year, 2026, we’re going to see that in the middle of June, when Jupiter enters Cancer, it will square Saturn in Aries. That’s the final square that comes through in the summer of 2025, or the winter if you're in the Southern Hemisphere. So, we’ll look at that both today and tomorrow. That’s the first major transit of the week—one of the biggest transits of the year, happening right around Christmas. So, it’s an interesting one.
Now, let’s bring it back to here. Starting on the 26th, Thursday of this week, Mercury will be in exact opposition to Jupiter. We’ve talked about this one a number of times already because Mercury went through this indirect motion, then retrograde, and now again in direct motion. The exchange between these two planets is a mutual reception—kind of exchange. They’re in each other’s signs, but they’re opposed and in their detriments. So, it’s a very interesting kind of exchange between Mercury and Jupiter, which will be depicted this week, the day after Christmas, on the 26th. You’ll definitely feel that this week, for sure.
If we back this up again and look at the timeline, you’ll see that, on Monday, December 23, Mercury is just three and a half degrees away from the opposition. So, it’s already in engagement range to start the week. Then, if we move on and get to about four degrees of separation by Sunday, December 29, that will mark the end of the week. So, this whole week will really be an experience of Mercury’s opposition to Jupiter. That dynamic is one that we’ll also be exploring. We’ve already explored it a number of times on my channel because it’s the third time we’re seeing this transit due to Mercury’s retrograde.
So, that’s another big transit of the week, really pinging off from the Jupiter-Saturn square as well. That Mercury-Jupiter square will involve Mercury with Saturn. So, if we take this to the 27th, that’s Friday, after the opposition between Mercury and Jupiter is complete, Mercury will go through the square to Saturn in Pisces. Now, Mercury is in the superior position. I don’t anticipate this being a super challenging Mercury transit. I think Mercury will be in that overcoming position, able to work around or deal with the impediments of Saturn. We’ll talk about that today a little bit too and then later in the week.
Finally, on the 28th, there’s a strange ending to the week. On Saturday, we have Venus squaring Uranus. Venus in Aquarius will square Uranus in Taurus. This will happen on Saturday, December 28. If we back this one up just a little bit, you’ll see that the exact square comes through on Friday. If we give this a range of about three degrees, you should start noticing it from Tuesday this week. So, this aspect will be in effect from Tuesday all the way through to Monday of next week.
So, you’ve got about a full week of Venus being in a square to Uranus. This is an exciting transit, but a quirky one, especially with the mutable T-square going on with Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter. It’s really interesting to see that one in the mix—it’s like a weird punctuation mark in a sentence. Maybe it’s like, you know how we’ve come up with our own punctuation in text messages? Maybe that Venus-Uranus dynamic is like the question mark-exclamation point we put together a lot these days. We’ll see how that goes.
Now, what I want to do is roll through each of these and say a few things about them now that we’ve laid out the timeline. First of all, the Jupiter-Saturn square. What I want everyone to think about is the fact that Saturn is about things that reach their expiration date, things that find their natural limit, and also the tension between something reaching its limit and the sense of something beyond the limit—something alternative to what has been established in the past.
Saturn is a planet that is associated with the opposition. The aspect there is a way in which Saturn will bring up tensions between two things—the new and the old, life versus death, etc. It’s the reaching of a limit at a threshold, or Saturn as a planet of thresholds and defining limits, as well as crossing over limits into something new, other, or beyond. For example, Saturn can easily be associated with those who are marginalized and those who are part of the "in crowd" or what’s considered normal. But Saturn can also represent conventionality and people who are unconventional—like punk rockers versus straight-laced people. That kind of dichotomy, that tension that Saturn brings up, is being applied to Jupiter.
What is Jupiter? Broadly speaking, Jupiter represents our sense of coherency—the universe makes sense to me. I have beliefs, a moral compass, and a sense of what is true. You can apply that to any specific area of life. If it's in your seventh house, it might pertain to your sense of coherency in relationships. Jupiter in its current placement, in the sign of Gemini, could be bringing up that kind of transitional space. This is how things have been. This has been the established order.
Jupiter is the planet of order, far more than Saturn in ancient astrology. But when an order of any kind—a belief system, a structure, or an organization that’s ideally supposed to create unity and coherence—reaches its limit, a threshold, or is ready to be transformed, we find ourselves at a philosophical crossroads. This is a challenge of our faith and a remaking of some kind of larger system or paradigm. It speaks to the natural development of our wisdom and understanding.
So these thresholds are really interesting. They can mark shifts in eras in our lives, which are subtle and take about a year. This is why we have several of these passes—slow-moving planets demarcating changes, reaching the limits of something, and then crossing over into a new era. It’s as if we’ve reached the limit of something or learned how to hold different kinds of tensions—the tensions of opposites that force us to reconsider or revise paradigms and structures of all kinds.
This energy is in the air right now. If it were the Venus square to Uranus later this week, you’d notice it more acutely because of how fast-moving and expressive it is. But when slower outer planets like this dance together over the course of a full year, you’re talking about a slow, gradual paradigmatic shift. We are right in the midst of a very powerful moment of such shifting right now, though it may be hard to see or identify. We’ll talk more about that tomorrow.
So, the Jupiter-Saturn square is a big one this week. Mercury opposite Jupiter is fascinating because it’s participating so dynamically and closely with the Jupiter-Saturn square. This means that something—some kind of transaction or resolution of conflict—is taking place, whether it’s differences in ideas, values, or opinions. Agreements, contracts, and negotiations of differing perspectives or stances are at play.
When two planets are in each other’s signs, they work together, but they’re also opposed to each other and in their detriment. It’s like two people who need to work together somehow, or making something good out of something difficult. It’s walking a mile in someone else’s shoes, considering something from a perspective opposite to the one you usually take. There’s a shifting of perspective and a dialectical tension in the air that can be very beneficial, but it may require reluctance to compromise.
If you’re able to find balance or some kind of negotiation, this exchange may be crucial to the larger paradigmatic shift happening right now. It’s one of my favorite transits of the year, because it’s so interesting. It’s also participating in such a unique way with the Jupiter-Saturn square.
Now, on December 27, Mercury squares Saturn, hitting off the other side of the Jupiter-Saturn square. In this case, I feel like we’re working around and through different kinds of boundaries and thresholds. Mercury and Saturn were both described by some ancient astrologers as being neuter, which means they have the capacity to move fluidly across thresholds and boundaries.
Isn’t that interesting? We always think of Saturn as being all about limits, but not necessarily about the conversation of two things across opposite sides of a boundary. That’s very much what Saturn represented, which is why Saturn ruled the opposition. Not surprisingly, Saturn was good friends with Mercury in ancient astrology. Both have the ability to be fluid.
When Mercury is in the superior position over Saturn in a double-bodied water sign, I think what we’re looking at is moving fluidly around and with an evolving situation. It’s one way of thinking about it. We’ll revisit this one later in the week.
Finally, on December 28, at the end of the week, Venus squares Uranus. As I said, this will be building as the week goes on. What I love about this transit is that it’s provocative, artistic, creative, sensual, and flashy. It evokes the creative power of the feminine and the good fortune that comes randomly and suddenly, and is not what we expected. There are also disruptions to Venusian things—love, relationships, sensuality, and beauty—through things that are provocative, erratic, or, again, maybe disruptive, something unexpected.
So, with Venus hitting into a square with Uranus this week, I’m not as worried about it. Remember, Uranus is in Venus’s sign in Taurus. There is something that Uranus in Taurus is doing with Venus that’s not completely outside of what Venus is all about. There’s an evolution or revolution of Venusian things coming, and that’s a very good thing.
Venus square Saturn reminds me of a med spa, for example. Venus in Aquarius is like New Age technology—peptides, collagen supplements, PRP treatments, and all those things. It’s about youthfulness and beauty, but there may be a shadow aspect to that. Venus square Uranus, though, brings something like science and biology, beauty and art, with a little bit of a sci-fi feel to it. I find that intriguing with Venus in Aquarius.
At the end of the week, the Venus-Uranus transit has that sparkly, exciting feeling. It’s like a sparkler on the Fourth of July. There’s something bright and unexpected about it. Especially because Uranus is in Taurus, Venus’s sign, I don’t feel like this will be a hugely destructive Uranus experience. Uranus can sometimes feel like the Tower card in Tarot—things destabilizing. But in this case, especially with both planets in fixed signs, I’m not getting that vibe. Venus has generally done well with Uranus in Taurus, from what I’ve observed.
We’ll look at all of these transits as the week goes on. After I sign off here, I’ll tell you about the rewards available when you support the channel. We have a variety of great rewards available through the Kickstarter campaign, and I’ll share more about that next.
We have a long way to go and still need the support of over 1,000 backers. If you’re able to support the channel, the link is in the comment section, in the description of the video, and on the website If you value these videos, and if they give you something good or are part of your week, please consider supporting myself, my team, and everything we do.
All right, much love. We’ll see you again tomorrow. Bye.
Hi Adam, regarding the venus uranus transit: since they are in each other’s sign, this would also be mutual reception ? And they are sort of “getting along” in a manner of speaking? And venus will have a uranian feel to her behaviour while uranus will disrupt venusian aspects of life, but in a way that feels good?
I’m one of your students at the moment and just trying to piece together the idea of mutual reception between planets. Thanks ☺ Nanditha