Today, we're going to take a look at all of the major astrological transits for the week ahead. There are several. And of course, this week is an eclipse week. We have the first eclipse in our eclipse season, which is a lunar eclipse in the sign of Virgo on March 14.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology []. Happy Monday, everybody. Today, we're going to take a look at all of the major astrological transits for the week ahead. There are several. And of course, this week is an eclipse week. We have the first eclipse in our eclipse season, which is a lunar eclipse in the sign of Virgo on March 14. So I'll be talking about that a little bit today, but obviously, we'll have more coverage on that as the week unfolds.
Mercury is also turning retrograde in Aries this week, and Saturn is cazimi. So definitely a week of busyness astrologically. We'll start today by looking at all of those things, laying them out for you, giving you a sense of what's to come and the coverage for the week on the channel. Then, I will be covering some of the angular house topics that will be active for all of our mutable signs and Cardinal signs this week. Fixed signs, it's a little quieter in your Angular houses, but a lot of activity for those people with the mutable signs rising, especially. And of course, we'll have some Eclipse coverage with horoscopes later in the week as well. So don't worry about that.
All right. Anyhow, that is our agenda for today. Remember to like and subscribe. We are just at about 75,000 subscribers, so we are 5,000 away from where we had our goal for the spring equinox. It was an ambitious goal. I'm glad that we got halfway there. I think that's great. We have far surpassed our monthly average of subscribers on the channel because I take a moment to ask people to subscribe if they watch regularly. So it really has made a difference. Thank you to everybody.
If you haven't yet subscribed, of course, it's free to do so. You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, which is Nightlight When you are there, you may want to start checking out our courses because our next first-year program begins in June. I will begin promotion for that in April. So we're a little ways away from the enrollment period. But if you want to learn more about it, you can start checking it out now.
Otherwise, go up to the events page, click on live talks, and you will see the slate of monthly webinars that I am doing. Last week, we did a talk on the third house. The first week of April, I've got a talk on essential dignities. This is for those of you who hear things like fallen moon or exalted Venus or something like that and go, "What does that mean? Why? What like? What's the logic behind it? How do I use that language, and is it prescriptive or not?" This is going to be a little crash course on the topic of dignities for people. So check that one out, of course.
If you are not able to attend live any of those talks, when you register, you get the live link, and then we'll send you the recording afterward if you can't make it live, of course. So go to Speaker Series. And you'll also see that this month, on the 15th, 16th, and 23rd, we have the next guest speakers in our annual seasonal speaker series. So every season of the year, we host three talks. These are free for you, and if you can't make it live, like always, the recording is there for you.
Go to the book of reading page, click on need-based astrology readings, and you'll see our need-based astrology reading service. These are tiered pricings. So there is something there that is budget-friendly for you. I'm sure of it. We have alumni tutors and course directors at different tiers of pricing. So you can get a reading and check out how these transits of the spring, all of these major Aries movements, eclipses, are affecting you personally. Those affordable services are all provided through the success of the Kickstarter every year. So I can't thank you all enough for making that possible.
All right, on that note, let us turn our attention to the real-time clock, and let's check out the astrology of our week ahead. So this is for March 10, that's Monday today, through Sunday, the 16th. The week is really getting started tomorrow when we will see Mercury and Venus conjoin in Aries. This is a really interesting transit because when Mercury passes Venus, Venus is moving backward in retrograde. Mercury is moving direct in Aries. So when the two switch places, Mercury decides to go ahead and station and turn retrograde along with Venus.
It is as though the meeting between these two planets this week is signaling some of the reasons that Mercury has for turning retrograde. So if you want some insight, in other words, into the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle in Aries, look no further than tomorrow's conjunction between Mercury and Venus. I could almost guarantee that their meeting, their conjunction, especially because Mercury is slowing down and so it lasts a little bit longer, is like a late-over. My kids call them late-overs. They get to have, they're not sleepovers, but they get to stay up late, and then they go home late. So it's a late-over with Mercury and Venus.
Whatever they're discussing, whatever plans they're considering, Mercury right after conjoining Venus will slow down, station, and turn retrograde by the end of the week. So I would really look at what kinds of things are coming up tomorrow in particular. Maybe you're even feeling it today as they're approaching their conjunction. But that conjunction is really interesting. It marries together some of the qualities like mind and beauty, or intelligence, communication and sensuality, or pleasure, creativity and intelligence. Like a creative intelligence.
I think of these two together as the articulation of a musical instrument and the knowledge of the instrument that extends beyond the craft itself into being able to play things that are not only technically masterful but beautiful. So where technique and aesthetic come together, where you're learning a new skill that is Venusian, which could be communication technique in a relationship, or could be the art of making love, or it could be the art of communication in relationships. How do I articulate my needs and desires in a very fiery Mars-ruled sign in a way that still creates harmony while also communicating effectively what I desire, what I want?
Mercury and Venus can also be about a shift around our values. If we think about Venus in relation to values as what I like and what I don't like, what I want or desire and what I don't want or desire, what I find beautiful, what I find pleasing, or what I find maybe even ugly or displeasing. And Mercury is joining in on that conversation. And maybe because of that conversation, plans are going to change, or life direction is going to change somehow. So it's a very interesting meeting between those two planets. We will be discussing that more tomorrow. So I will leave it for now there, and I'm going to come back and we'll look at the cardinal signs in a moment.
Here, in terms of the angularity at the end, middle of the week, we have the Sun conjoining Saturn. I did a video last week called "Saturn is Dying." If you have not watched that, I would recommend going back to watch that video because it is all about the combustion/conjunction of the Sun and Saturn, resetting Saturn's synodic cycle with the Sun. That video covers the meaning of this conjunction in greater depth. But what I want to say here is that when Sun and Saturn come together, there is often a crystallization of wisdom, creativity. There's something maturing and reaching its peak, or it's almost like a moment of creative contraction.
Excuse me, I can't talk. Creative contraction or crystallization are words that I like for Sun-Saturn. Of course, the death of solar figures is like Sun-Pluto, one of the kind of textbook things that come up when Sun and Saturn aspect in conjunction, squares, or oppositions. Transitions of leadership or life direction, reaching the limit of something, but it's a death and rebirth signature for Saturn, which we will also be exploring later in the week, again on Wednesday.
Then we move forward just a little bit further to Friday, and on Friday, we have a lunar eclipse in the sign of Virgo. Now, I will be spending a lot more time with this on both Thursday and Friday. Probably. We'll probably do some horoscopes and some mundane coverage on those two days. So a lot more to come with this one, but you want to look at that whole sign house of Virgo in your birth chart and note that there are themes of completion and resolution.
The South Node in Virgo, in particular, can bring signatures of purification or of reaping what's been sown, or of lessons around what you can and can't control, what you can and can't perfect. It's about dealing with the limitations of the world and the earth and the body and learning to forgive and accept those limitations while also doing what is in your control as mindfully and conscientiously as you can. To whatever extent we can get things right, we can have a standard of purity or almost like good hygiene or health or care and precision in what we're doing. Those things will also be emphasized.
And also, it is about things that are in a process of being cleaned out from the past. That's a South Node signature in general that we can apply. So we'll be visiting that again more later in the week. That'll be kind of the focus of the last part of the week, on Thursday and Friday. Really excited to delve into that one together because it's our first eclipse in this new eclipse season, this new eclipse window. So of course, we've got a big one in Aries coming up at the end of the month as well.
But yeah, this is interesting because the nodes have changed signs into Pisces and Virgo now, and this is really our first, our sort of our first eclipse with the nodes having changed signs. So now, on that same day, one thing that's worth mentioning is that although this eclipse is, you know, Virgo, and we're going to look at it mostly in terms of the sign of Virgo, I can't help but notice that at the same time that the eclipse is occurring, the eclipse will be forming a trine with the Sun, also sextile Uranus in the sign of Taurus.
So there's a very harmonious way in which Uranus is being incorporated into this eclipse, and we're gonna be looking at that as well later in the week. But that means that this eclipse can also bring positive shakeups and changes and breakthroughs, or, you know, that kind of just that slight twist of fate or plot that you don't see coming, that can also liberate and free up stuck energy. So I like that there's a harmonious contact with Uranus at the time of the eclipse, better than a really conflicting one, you know?
And then finally, at the end of the week, Mercury will turn retrograde in the sign of Aries. Now, most of my coverage of this will come into tomorrow's video when I talk about Mercury and Venus conjoining. We will then unpack a little bit more of Mercury's upcoming retrograde at that point in time because I'm going to save the Thursday, Friday coverage for the Eclipse. But suffice to say, Mercury turning retrograde in Aries at basically the exact same point where Venus is turning retrograde, basically the same exact space where the eclipse is taking place, is really interesting.
And I think the way that we're gonna cover this will be to ask ourselves, what could Mercury and Venus be cooking up together that causes Mercury to sort of instantly turn retrograde and follow Venus's path backward into Pisces? Very fascinating, and the dance between Aries and Pisces is something we'll also consider tomorrow.
Now, what I'd like to do at this point in time is say something for the cardinal signs and the mutable signs. We'll start with the cardinal signs because it just makes sense to kind of do it in order. For cardinal signs, the Mercury Retrograde this week, as well as the Mercury-Venus meeting, is in your first house if you're an Aries rising, which places continued emphasis on the house of self, identity, health, vitality, appearance, constitution. It's an existential place for Aries to be working with right now.
If you're a Cancer, these Aries transits, many of them this month, right? They are all taking place in your 10th house, which is the place that pertains to your public-facing self. If you are retired, this is a place where you connect to the outer world still. If you're working, this is usually the place that connects you to your work and your sense of calling or purpose in the world through something like vocation. So there are some shifts going on here with respect to your focus or direction. Maybe revision of projects, plans, changes with relationships in the workplace. So there's some focus there for Cancers this week.
Again, for Libras, straight up in the house of relationships. How are your communication dynamics being featured in the house of relationships? What is the power differential or power dynamics in relationships? What kinds of relationships are coming in or going out? Who are the most important people, and what are you collaborating to do together right now? Or how do you need to separate or define yourself more independently? These kinds of themes are very loud for Libras this week. Of course, we've covered that a few times now.
And then, finally, for Capricorns, taking place in the Mercury Retrograde this week in the fourth house, in the place of home and family, along with Venus retrograding there, placing continued emphasis on this place of roots, property, family, parents, family karma, ancestral karma, the foundation of your life, and how it's shifting or changing is highlighted for Capricorns.
Now, what I want to do next is take it forward and go through the mutable signs where you guys have the eclipse in Virgo happening this week in Angular houses. So if you are a Gemini rising, you will have the lunar eclipse. Let me actually take this forward to the day of the lunar eclipse. Here we go. Gemini rising will have the lunar eclipse in the fourth whole sign house, which is the place of family, home, roots, property. So some significant karma resolving itself or peaking or culminating around home, family, living environment that is going to be recurring throughout the year.
So this is the first of a few Virgo eclipses that we get this year that will be focused on this place of home and family. If you are a Virgo rising, this is in the place of health and identity. So the body, health, identity, psychology, it's existential. How are you changing? How are you growing? How are you maturing? How is your body and its needs speaking to you right now? Cycles of health and sickness that are coming to a close or resolving themselves, or announcements that your body is making about what needs to change or grow, or how you are growing or changing as a person, in terms of who you are, what makes you unique, and what you need at this point in time to move forward in the healthiest way, or what you need to let go of in order to move forward in the healthiest way. So Virgos, it's quite personal.
Now, moving forward to our next mutable sign. Sagittarians, you have this lunar eclipse in your 10th house. That's the career house. So something is peaking. A cycle is culminating. Old karma is resolving itself with respect to the public sphere, your involvement, your identity, your role, your vocation, the workplace, relationships in the workplace, structures in the workplace, reaching a point of closure, change, transformation. And you may notice this, not just right now, but in the months ahead for everyone. That's true.
Finally, Pisces, this places the eclipse in your seventh house. So karma that is ripe and ready to burn off or transform in the house of love and relationships, a culminating moment, a peak moment, a moment where insights are arriving at unique insights, or moments of epiphany or learning, the crystallization of insights because of old karma that's releasing, or cycles that are ending as well as, you know, just moments of heightened importance or transformation in relationships. So important things happening for lovers or spouses, important changes or decisions coming up in relationships, any kind of emphasis on the most important interpersonal dynamics of your life are a focus for Pisceans.
So that takes us through our kind of the angular positions of the Mercury retrograde and the eclipses this week. Now, again, just a reminder. Tomorrow, we'll look at Mercury conjoining Venus. Wednesday, we're going to look at the Saturn cazimi. Thursday and Friday, we're going to do Eclipse coverage. And on Tuesday, tomorrow, we'll be looking not only at Mercury conjoining Venus in Aries but what that implies for the subsequent Mercury retrograde at the end of the week. So some really good stuff coming up here. I'm very excited.
We're in the midst now of easily one of the most powerful astrological months of 2025, so I'm eager to hear from you. Remember, at any point during this busy season, if you have a story to share, use the hashtag, grab, tell us the name of the transit, and then tell us your story and put it into the chat there in the YouTube channel or wherever you're listening. And then you could also email it to us, grab at Nightlight as the email address, and just tell us the name of the transit. Tell us your story. Keep it concise, and don't share anything that you don't mind us using, that you don't want us to use in a future storytelling episode.
So that is it for today. I hope that you are going to have a wonderful week, and I can't wait to explore these transits with you as the week unfolds. Take it easy, everyone. Bye.
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