Happy Monday, everybody! We have a huge week ahead—one of the biggest astrological weeks of the year. We'll be breaking down all the major transits, including a solar eclipse in Aries, Neptune's entrance into Aries, Venus and Mercury retrogrades changing signs, and a couple of key conjunctions with Neptune.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. We have a huge week, astrologically, one of the biggest weeks of the year, in fact, in front of us right now.
We're going to break down all of the astrological transits to come this week, which include a solar eclipse in Aries, Neptune entering Aries, both Venus and Mercury Retrogrades, changing signs, a couple conjunctions with Neptune. It's a huge week, really.
So we'll be giving you a preview of all of those transits today, but then there will be a significant amount of coverage on these bigger transits of the week as the week goes on. So a little bit for the cardinal signs today. I'll be reminding you of which whole sign houses are being activated in the angular positions for the cardinal signs.
So we'll be doing a little treatment of that toward the end as well. And then, like I said, as the week goes on, there'll be plenty of coverage on the Eclipse, Neptune changing signs. So yeah, it's a big one. It's a big week. Excited to get into it.
Remember to like and subscribe. It really helps our channel to grow, seeing what we can do as we are right around the equinox here. Our goal is to get to 80,000 subscribers as of the time that I'm making this. I have no idea how close we are.
I'm making this a little bit in advance, because my kids are on spring break, so I take some time off for them around this time and make these videos in advance. So hopefully we're close, but we're trying to get to 80,000 subscribers. So if you haven't yet subscribed, please do so. It's free. Give us a thumbs up, but the video really does help.
You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, which is Nightlightastrology.com. Now when you're over there, I want you to check out just one thing for now, and that is going to be if I pull up the screen here, go to the events page, click on live talks, and you're going to see that coming up on April 3.
I have a talk on essential dignities that I'm doing, which you may enjoy. So that is on April 3, from seven to 9pm eastern time, we're going to be talking about the logic of essential dignities, like, why do we say that planets are in their rulership, their detriment, their fall, their exaltation. What's the logic behind these placements?
How do we actually use them thoughtfully as well, and what are they and what aren't they? There's a lot of misconceptions about them. So for people who are into astrology and want to learn more about the language and why we use this terminology, that'll be a really good talk.
Anyhow, so let's go ahead and get into it. I'm going to put the real time clock up. We're going to take a look at all of the transits of the week. It really is like this week I've had highlighted on my calendar since the beginning of the year, major astrological week.
We start off today. I'm going to go through everything, and then I'll circle back around to talking about Mercury in Aries today. Mercury is cazimi. Mercury is cazimi, meaning it's at the heart of the sun to start our week. So after I get through every transit, I'm going to come back and talk a little bit extra about Mercury and the sun.
Since we're dealing with that today, that'll become our focus before we leave today. Then going on. So that Mercury cazimi at the heart of the Exalted sun in Aries is taking place. It's a rebirth moment for Mercury that's taking place today, Monday, March 24.
Now tomorrow, Mercury will briefly sextile Pluto in the sign of Aquarius after crossing the face of the sun. So this really is a kind of a moment of transformation for Mercury that's taking place today and into tomorrow, with the brief sextile to Pluto that Mercury then makes after the cazimi.
On March 27 we have Venus entering through her retrograde into the sign of Pisces, where she will immediately be exalted, rather than in her detriment, and conjoining Neptune. So a Venus Neptune conjunction with a major increase in dignity for Venus, as she is also starting to come out of combustion.
This is a part of Venus bringing forth the transformation of her cycle right now. So a really interesting week, because that's coming forth under a dark moon right before a solar eclipse. So Venus's powerful transformation taking place in the midst of other very powerful transits this week.
So that Venus conjoined Neptune and the change of dignity is something we will also focus on as the week goes forward. If you are a Pisces rising, or any of the mutable signs rising, this will be falling in one of your Angular houses.
So I'm guessing I'm going to do some horoscopes on all of the things happening in Pisces later this week. But for now, you could just note that if you're a mutable sign rising, that would be Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, that this shift of Venus will move into an angular house and be a little bit louder for you this week.
Now on the 29th if we roll forward just two days later to Saturday, now we're really cooking. This is where the week really this is the big news, right? Solar eclipse in the sign of Aries, where the sun is exalted. It's only a partial solar eclipse. Not the world's strongest eclipse in that sense, but it is still a solar eclipse where the sun is exalted.
And we have both Mercury and Venus going through powerful facial transformations, and the next day, of course, Neptune will enter Aries. This is another thing that's worth pointing out. Is between the solar eclipse in the sign of Aries, and the very next day, the 30th and we're also going to see Mercury go backward as it's recovering from combustion and starting to emerge as the morning star.
Mercury goes backward across a conjunction with Neptune, back into the sign of Pisces, where now it's in its fallen detriment. So as opposed to Venus, whose transformation brings her into this very positive dignity, Mercury's transformation brings it back into that sort of nebulous, watery space of Pisces, where it's a little bit more challenging for Mercury.
You'll see that Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces, and then immediately Neptune enters Aries, all between the 29th and 30th, as you can see at the beginning of this week, if we roll it back, we start the week with a Mercury cazimi. You know, we go forward to a Mercury sextile to Pluto, followed by Venus retrograde, entering Pisces and conjoining Neptune, followed by a solar eclipse in Aries, followed by Mercury Retrograde, entering Pisces and conjoining Neptune, followed by Neptune entering Aries. Holy cow.
And this is why it's one of the biggest weeks of the astrological year. It's a big week because rarely do you see a solar eclipse in the same sign that two Retrogrades have just started in and that an outer planet that doesn't move signs. But you know once every 14 years plus, with Neptune is actually moving into the same space the solar eclipse and all these Retrogrades are taking place in.
So there is a ton of focus on that whole sign house of Aries this week, in your birth charts. We're going to be doing a bunch of horoscopes this week. It's a week where I'm going to try to pack in as much information as I can, both archetypically and horoscopically.
Now let's go back just briefly and preview for you cardinal signs where all of this is landing. And then remember, this week will feature plenty of horoscopic information for everybody. So just hold tight on that level, if you're not a cardinal sign rising, or if you listen to your sun sign horoscope, if you're not one of the cardinal sun signs that you listen for.
So anyway, this Aries dynamism takes place in the first house for Aries rising that is the place of identity, body health. It is a place where we individuate and grow in our sense of who we are and what makes us most authentically and uniquely ourselves.
So a lot of existential, personal emphasis with the transits for Aries right now, perhaps no more personal for any sign than Aries this week. And then you go forward to Cancer rising. We see all of this Aries emphasis taking place in the 10th house, which is the place of career, the workplace environment, your the intersection between you and the world that you work or live in.
It's your social, public facing world. So that world getting lit up by these Aries transits this week for Cancers. Now, oops, go back here. If I go forward to our next sign of Libra on the cardinal spectrum. Here we have all of these Aries transits taking place in your seventh house.
So that means that we're placing this eclipse and the transition of these of Neptune, as well as some of the Mercury cazimi. We're looking at all of it in the seventh house of interpersonal relationships. This is a place that has to do with your the most meaningful exchanges that you have with other people.
Why is there such a strong emphasis on this house right now? It's going to be different for each Libra rising but the balance of power, the push and pull, the share or exchange of values and energy in relationships a major topic for Libras this week.
Now, if we go forward, finally, to the last cardinal sign of Capricorn, this takes place all of these Aries transitions will take place in your fourth house, which is the place of home, family and roots. The roots can be your living environment. That can be family karma. It can be the past. It can be what provides a solid base or foundation for you.
And there is quite a powerful emphasis on this place and these topics this week for all of you Capricorns out there. So now what I'd like to do, given that we've just done a little horoscopic focus on the Aries planets, and as promised, there will be more horoscopic contact to come in the week ahead, I want to now take a look at what's happening today, which is the Mercury cazimi.
So the Mercury cazimi takes place when Mercury crosses the face of the sun, at least on zodiacal longitude. In zodiacal longitude, which means the same degree, some ancient astrologers debated as to how exact the the transition needed to be? Did it need to be down to within 15 minutes? Did it need to be just on the same degree?
I tend to view it just on the same degree that that some ancient astrologers looked at it that way, and I've always found that once they're on the same degree, a lot of the symbolism shows up regardless of how many minutes apart they are, but each to their own, regardless, today is a Mercury cazimi day.
So what does that mean? Well, with an empowered sun in Aries that is about to experience the sun, I say is empowered in Aries because it's exalted there as the light takes over from darkness in the northern hemisphere, this sign was associated with the initiation of the light half of the year, and with birth and new beginnings and initiations or inceptions in general.
So it's a very powerful, fiery, creative, trailblazing or pioneering impulse behind this Mercury cazimi. What information, what ideas are taking shape in the heart of the sun right now? It's like saying that there's new ambitions that are forming. There's a new direction that's taking shape. There's a new idea identity, a heroic mission or quest.
There's a new impulse. There's a new burning passion or desire starting to convey or communicate itself in some way. Or you're having powerful encounters with solar figures, fathers, leaders, executives. Or you're cultivating those qualities, perhaps within yourself, whatever the case may be, this heart of the Sun moment conveys some powerful idea or images or information.
It has. There's a message of strength and clarity and sort of brilliance. It could even tilt a little bit into bravado or arrogance, or maybe speaking or thinking in ways that are overpowering or domineering to watch for those shadows. But whatever is coming through the heart of the sun, it's an empowered moment for the messenger Mercury in this fiery, inceptional sign that precedes the solar eclipse and Neptune entering Aries on that zero degree mark.
Very shortly, we are at the brink of a time of major transformation. That transformation coming through the fiery place of Aries is exciting. It's thrilling. I think there's going to be a lot of themes of people becoming very ambitious and excited and worked up or intense about something that they're they're eager to do or start.
That's part of the Mercury cazimi, preceding Neptune and entering Aries in the solar eclipse. But also, there's maybe things that you feel you're ready to fight for or stand up for, or there's a reaction or a response that requires, like an advocacy or, you know, a form of action that's that's decisive and immediate.
Also, what is the new path or new trail that you're ready to blaze these I think Mercury today is starting to convey something of where the Eclipse wants to take us in the months ahead, and that's may continue to clarify itself as the week goes on.
I wouldn't be surprised for there to be some level of over promising and under delivering, or idealism that has to be tempered a little bit, because, remember, Mercury will go through backward into its retrograde, through its retrograde into the sign of its fall in a conjunction with Neptune, things could get a little manic and ungrounded this week, but I do think that there's an inceptional creative direction that's starting to come forth right now that's very exciting, and for many people, we'll clarify what actions are needed.
So that's what I would watch for today, given everything else that's taking shape this week, it's a fiery start to a very fiery week, although there's an interesting juxtaposition with some of these Neptune dynamics that will be taking place, which we're going to explore as the week goes on.
So anyway, this is just a short intro to the week ahead. I am super excited to take a look at that Eclipse and Neptune entering Aries. I'm going to do some treatments of Neptune into Aries that pull a little bit from a webinar that I did on Neptune entering Aries, called when the ocean turns red.
That is something that for those of you who are really interested, may also want to pick up the recording of from the shop page on the website, because there's going to be a lot. There's going to be, you know, two hours worth of focus on Neptune into Aries that still holds up.
The other talk is Saturn and Neptune together, which will happen in a couple of months, when Saturn enters Aries. There's also about a two hour webinar that I did on that on the shop page of the website. So you may enjoy those as extra content to pick up this week, in a week that features the change of Neptune into Aries as well.
But yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I will see you again tomorrow, and we will continue unpacking this one of the most dynamic weeks of the year. All right. Bye.