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Mercury is stationing as it is also forming a conjunction with Mars in Leo, and both planets are in a close square with Uranus in Taurus.Here's what to watch for:* Retrogrades bring reversals, delays, significant turns or twists of fate or circumstance* Retrogrades often indicate that what was gained is being given back or taken back* When a planet stations, just prior to turning retrograde, it's also as though the planet is saying "Look at me!"* With Mercury stationing in a conjunction with …
Happy Solar Eclipse in Cancer Today!Things to watch for:* Cancer is a feminine, tropical, water sign.* Cancer is the domicile of the Moon.* Solar Eclipses are like very powerful versions of a New Moon.* This Solar Eclipse is with the North Node of the Moon.Let's put it together:* A powerful new beginning* In a feminine sign, this implies that it will take a while to gestate, reach out, and grow. It is more relational, instinctual, and will weave its way into your life slowly over the next 3-6 …
Adam's Written Horoscope Columns at AstroGraphClick on the Glyph for your Sun or Rising Sign …
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Continue Reading about July’s Sun/Rising Sign Horoscope Videos
SoundCloud Audio Edition Happy Summer Solstice, Everyone!Some reflections on the Solstice, the meaning of the Sun in Cancer, and our approaching eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn:* As the Sun passes through the cosmic gateway of the Crab, the ascending portion of the year culminates and we begin the long, slow journey downward.* Ancient astrologers associated the sign of Cancer with the descent of the spirit or soul into matter. The sign of Cancer was also linked with the creation of …
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