Continue Reading about Venus Square Pluto, Mercury Retrograde, and the Sun Enclosed
Happy Spring Equinox!Today the Sun crosses over the zero Aries point, and we officially enter the light half of the zodiacal year.Here is what to watch for:* The Sun moving across the zero Aries point means the Sun is moving into the place of its exaltation. The Sun is especially powerful in the cardinal fire sign of Spring.* Exalted planets are like honored or revered guests, or you might think of them like the owner of a business as opposed to the domicile lord who is like the everyday manager …
Venus is conjoining Mercury today as Mercury continues to slow down to its station point this week.What to watch for:* The emphasis on communication dynamics in relationships, as well as beauty, love, harmony, friendship, aesthetics, romance, etc, paired with subjects like the mind, intellect, thoughts, speech, learning, translation, interpretation, ideas, information, gossip, technology, and rhetoric, continues as Mercury is slowing down to stop and Venus is catching Mercury again.* Mercury and …
Continue Reading about Venus and Mercury Back Together Again!
Mercury is slowing down in the sky right now to station by the middle of next week and turn retrograde by the end, just as Venus squares Pluto.What to watch for:* As Mercury stations in Aries watch for "foot in the mouth syndrome."* Have you ever noticed how tempting it is when talking to someone to bring the conversation back to yourself? Have you ever noticed how easy it is when talking to start thinking about what you're going to say or how what someone else is saying relates to yourself, …
Continue Reading about Mercury Stationing in Aries and Venus Squaring Pluto
Happy New Moon Saturday everyone! The New Moon is in late Pisces today, just days away from the Spring Equinox and making a trine to Jupiter in Scorpio. Meanwhile, Venus and Mercury and moving ever closer to a square with Pluto, and Mars is about to change signs into Capricorn this afternoon.Here's what to watch for:* A New Moon means a new beginning, and in the sign of Pisces with a trine to Jupiter, we are talking about a Jupiterian flavored new beginning, which means renewed faith and spirit, …
Today we're entering the dark Moon phase, which will last until early Saturday morning...* In these final hours of the lunar cycle, the reflective light is lost* The world exhales, softens, quiets* And death settles upon winter one last time* We are also nearing the end of the dark half of the solar year. In the next week, we will cross into zodiacal Spring.* Transitions are difficult. We are naturally creatures of habit because we are each eternal spirit/souls, unborn and undying. As we …
Continue Reading about Dark Moon, End of Winter, A Time of Transition…
The Sun is moving into a trine with Jupiter over the next few days, just as Venus is moving through a square with Saturn.Here's what to watch for, but first, an "astrology story."Yesterday, as Mars made a trine with Uranus and just after Jupiter had turned retrograde in Scorpio I finally "decided" to call an electrician to come to our house to fix a broken outlet. He found the problem within another nearby outlet, right next to our garbage disposal switch, and fixed it very easily. However, …
Continue Reading about Venus Square Saturn and Sun Trine Jupiter
Mercury and Venus are moving through squares to Saturn right now...Here's what to watch for:* Doubt, uncertainty, skepticism, hesitancy* Criticism, careful or methodical thinking, harshness* The need or desire to slow down, to backtrack or to reconsider* Meeting an impasse in negotiating or seeing a red flag that makes you stop and wonder whether or not you're making the right choice* Punitive or judgmental language* Mental blocks* Getting caught up in self-doubt, negative self-talk, or rigid …
Jupiter is slowing down to station and turn retrograde this week.* You can always tell that Jupiter is going to retrograde or turn direct after a long retrograde period because the Sun will usually move through a whole-sign or degree-based trine with Jupiter right around the same time that Jupiter stations or turns direct. Right now, for example, the Sun is approaching a trine to Jupiter in Scorpio from the sign of Pisces.* Remember that it takes Jupiter approximately one year to travel through …
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