Today, I receive initiation from my spiritual teacher on the path of Krishna Bhakti. It is easily one of the happiest days of my life today, and so I reach to ask for your prayers and blessings.Initiation isn't the end of anything, of's just the beginning. Today, I wonder with hope and holy fear if I'm capable of living up to a devotional name, the practices I will be vowing to keep and the regulative principles of spiritual life that come with it? I wonder how and when and …
A Tale of Two Weekends: This Weekend’s Astrology
Today I've posted a short video exploring this weekend's lunar movements. I'm calling it the tale of two weekends due to the sharp contrast between the start of the weekend and the end of the weekend, so be sure to check it out and let me know how it goes! …
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Saturn Conjunct Pluto Part One: Fear, Trembling and Freedom
Today I've made the first of a series of talks that I will be doing on Saturn's upcoming conjunction to Pluto in January. …
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Ancient vs. Modern Astrology
In this talk I answer a question I get quite often, which is, "What is the difference between modern and ancient or traditional forms of astrology?" I discuss the differences both philosophically and practically, dispelling a few misconceptions along the way, and then demonstrating some of the techniques of both ancient and modern astrology in a birth chart, which I was given permission to use from a recent client. …
The Astrology of December 2019
December 2nd – Jupiter enters Capricorn to stay for a year.Here’s what to watch for: Expansion by virtue of saying no, setting new limitations, doubting something, or become more focused, contained or committed. Waves of expansion and contraction in alternation. Trying to make something bad into something noble, righteous, or heroic. The expansion of the negative. Serious moral authority. The challenging of an old system, or a new system facing an immediate setback. The old order and …
The New Moon in Sagittarius
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