Mercury is just passing through its conjunction with the Sun in the past twenty-four hours, which means it will slowly start its "recovery" phase from combustion as it eventually appears again as the evening star.Meanwhile, Mercury will also be changing signs over the weekend into Libra and making an immediate square to Saturn.Here's what to watch for:* A serious mind* Sober, disciplined thinking* Balanced, refined, committed ideas and communication* Systematic thinking* Intellectual or …
Mars Square Uranus
Mars is square to Uranus today.Here's what to watch for:* You are feeling attracted to rebels, innovators, and iconoclasts, or you are considering whether or not you are one yourself.* You are thinking about originality, bringing something old up to speed* You are feeling the need to throw off constraints or to break from the normal routine* You are drawn toward the controversial idea or position* You are feeling rushes of yang, assertiveness, aggression, competition, or a desire to individuate …
Mercury Opposite Neptune
Mercury is opposite Neptune today.Here's what to watch for:* The mind is tranquil, distant, in another world* The mind is overwhelmed, dreaming of water, preparing for the flood* I am not my thoughts, I am, thinking* A message, an important piece of information* A dream, a symbol, an omen speaking* A mantra, a sacred syllable* Mind in a fog, haze, daydream* Deception, a manipulation of facts* Distortion of information* Loss of memory* Inspired speech* Fluidity of words, thoughts, and ideas* …
Venus Opposite Uranus (written edition)
In the next twenty-four hours, Venus in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus. This is happening just prior to Venus turning retrograde next month, which means that we will have two more Venus/Uranus oppositions to come.Here's what to watch for:* While Venus represents the harmonization of things that differ from one another, Uranus represents a departure from norms or traditions. While Venus represents beauty, Uranus represents defiance and originality. While Venus represents love, pleasure, and …
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The New Moon Opposite Neptune
The New Moon in Virgo is just opposite Neptune in Pisces today.Here's what to watch for:* Remember that during a New Moon the Moon is invisible behind the Sun, emphasizing a seeding time. Meanwhile, the Sun rules intelligence, and the role of the intelligence in ancient philosophy is to select between things.* The intelligence selects what it believes to be true and rejects what it believes to be false, just as the Sun divides the day from night.* However, when we repeatedly select what we …