The Moon is in Gemini today, square to Neptune and about to conjoin Venus in Gemini. Meanwhile, Mercury is about to conjoin Mars in Taurus as both are trine to Pluto in Capricorn.Here's what to watch for:* Deception, lies, misinformation, excuses, gossip, smoke and mirrors, secretive communication, blurred boundaries in love (Venus in Gemini square to Neptune in Pisces)* Dealing with crazy people, being a crazy person, what seems crazy isn't so crazy, weepy, teary, mental/emotional haziness or …
New Moon Recap
After an exciting weekend home in Michigan to celebrate my mom's graduation, I'm back home, it's New Moon time, and the Sun has just moved into Taurus. Out my window there's green everywhere, and the sun is shining. Deep spring is moving in!Here's a list of what to watch for right now, along with a recap of our recent new moon...* Over sharing, diarrhea of the mouth, confusion, deception, cloudy speech, misrepresenting or exaggerating, gossip, false information, plagiarism,intoxicated speech or …
Dark Moon Forecast
The dark moon is in Pisces today. Meanwhile, Mars is almost exactly square to Jupiter, while Venus continues its t-square transit with Saturn and Neptune.What to watch for:* The return of faith hope and optimism (Jupiter moving direct again)* Hard fought victories and toughing it out (Mars/Jupiter)* Financial obligations, responsibilities, and control over finances (Mars/Jupiter)* Planning for the future (Mars/Jupiter)* War, machismo, masculinity, adrenaline, courage, assertiveness …
The Intercourse of Our Beliefs
The Moon is in Aquarius this morning and heading into its balsamic, "dark moon" phase. Meanwhile the Venus/Saturn/Neptune t-square is intensifying, as is the Mars/Jupiter square.More on the Venus/Saturn/Neptune t-square.The word "epistemology" comes from the Greek "episteme" which means a "knowledge or acquaintance with something." It also means, "skill or experience." Add the "ology" and you get something like, "the study of knowledge, skill, and experience." Unfortunately most people speak of …
The Unruly Truth 4.12.2015
The Moon is in late Capricorn, about to enter Aquarius. Meanwhile, Venus has just entered Gemini and is applying to create a t-square with Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Meanwhile, Mars in Taurus is moving into a square with Jupiter in Leo.A list of what to watch for given these two transits, and then a brief meditation on the subject of truth and belief.What to watch for:* The subjects of finances, financial goals, hardship, and long term planning or building* Masculinity, …
Going Slow Out of the Woods 4.11.2015
The Moon in Capricorn is applying to conjoin Pluto and square Uranus today, before making its last quarter late tonight. As usual this hard turning point of our eclipse cycle is engaging the Pluto/Uranus square and therefore packs a cosmic punch!Here's a list of what to watch for, along with planetary matches:* Family/ancestral karma or patterns rumbling beneath the surface, or even erupting into plain view (Moon/Conj Pluto in Capricorn)* The topic of elders, grandparents, and lineage or …
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Last Quarter of Our Eclipse Cycle 4.10.2015
The Moon is in Capricorn today, applying to make its last quarter by tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, Mercury is at the heart of the exalted Sun in Aries, and Jupiter is moving forward again.As we've discussed for most of this intense eclipse moon cycle, we've just entered a very new phase or era of our lives just as an old one is ending. The solar eclipse at the start of our moon cycle, right at the spring equinox, set forces into motion that cannot be reversed. However, by the Full Moon …
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Discovering the Alien “Other” 4.9.2015
The Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, about to trine Mercury and the Sun in Aries before going void of course for the rest of the day.Yesterday a chief NASA scientist predicted that we would have evidence of life on other planets in the next 20-30 years, just in time for the next hard aspect in the Pluto/Uranus cycle. This prediction was also made as the Moon was entering Sagittarius and its ruling planet, Jupiter, was turning direct. A good image reflecting back and forth from the stars and …
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