For the sake of practice this morning I hand calculated where the upcoming Spring Equinox and Solar eclipse will occur at exactly the MC of a location somewhere on earth. I came up with Hong Kong China as the largest city I could find where the Equinox/Aries Ingress happens at nearly the exact position of the MC (please feel free to check my calculations). However, further south the Sun will be at the MC in various cities throughout Indonesia. My horary teacher had me do this exercise for the Libra ingress this past fall, and it landed on the MC near Tehran, which was interesting specifically because of nuclear deal that was sealed with Iran last September (a final last effort to block the deal by senate republicans failed near the equinox).
Add to this that the path of the upcoming solar eclipse is moving through this same part of the world (I found the solar eclipse on the MC in Micronesia, for example, and very close to the MC at Syndey, exact just off the coast of Australia), and we have an interesting area of geographical focus. Just three days ago there was a very powerful earthquake off the coast of Indonesia that raised concerns throughout the region about possible after shocks or subsequent earthquakes or tsunamis.
The possibility that this spring’s eclipse and equinox astrology includes environmental disasters and the subject of water (Pisces) isn’t hard to spot. Just this past week for a few hours we crossed the “2 degree” raised temperature red line that most leading scientists and world governments have agreed upon as a very clear and dangerous threshold. The fact that this news went largely undetected is ominous. It brings to mind a Hollywood film where the one “Crazy/dismissed” scientist is telling everyone something big is about to happen but nobody is listening and soon its too late.
Add to this the poisoned water in Flint, Michigan, or the warmer oceans delivering far less rain to drought stricken California during El Nino season, or the polluted waters generally, and you have a grim picture. When water is dying life is dying.
Now I’m saying all of this, but I don’t write this post to be gloom and doomer. Certainly this upcoming eclipse, like all eclipses and celestial events, signifies far more than can be written about in one sweeping prediction or archetypal summary. But for some reason this morning I felt it was important to actually hand calculate the locations of these events (roughly, and again please check my math if you’re in the know!), and when I did I was overwhelmed by the picture of the oceans on google earth. Of blue and water. Of the after shock rumblings of a great earthquake and politicians ignoring poisoned water and the media largely asleep on the most devastating temperature spike in recorded history.
Prayer: Heal the waters as they heal us. Teach us to build more than proud sand castles. Teach us to be stewards and teach us how to listen to the natural world when she speaks.
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