The Moon is in Taurus today, and you might have seen it last night like a thumbnail with Venus nearby! The Moon will aspect Mercury this morning and then Chiron before going void of course for the rest of the day. Meanwhile, Uranus and Pluto are still square, and the Moon cycle is building toward our next eclipse at full moon!
What to watch for:
* New eras that require wise judgments at the outset
* Ending relationships beginning others
* Challenging ethical situations and charged emotions
* Problems with boundaries, oversharing, or holding too much back
* Repeating the same old problem, learning the same old lesson
* Impulsive decisions, tempers, and setbacks
* Vivid dreams and their meanings
* Grief, communication around grief, and the sharing of grief
* Isolated by our emotions, feeling sorry for ourselves
* The deepening of our inner life through the processing of loss or disillusionment
* Healing words, healing hands, healing touch
* Losing ourselves in someone else’s story or drama
* The fear of confrontation…confrontation with people, with feelings, with truth, etc
* The love of all things simple, stable, earthy, and sensual
* Oversimplification
* Tension building in relationships
* Learning how to hold correct boundaries
* Deepening our discernment and judgment
* Aligning ourselves with new partners, new projects, new visions
In each of us there live a host of divine images….scenes, characters, and holy scripts. Standing back and looking at the planets holistically, right now we are being asked to mine our knowledge of the past in order to create strong new beginnings for ourselves. We have an opportunity now to move beyond the repeating of an old pattern, but it will require both the courage to confront the pattern as well as the wise judgment and discernment necessary to disentangle ourselves from the relationships that have been part of the pattern. Some relationships will have to go, while others will simply find a deeper level of honesty and a new way of doing things that reflect the release of old patterns. In the midst of all of this the subject of victimization is a big subject, as is the question of how much we can give to one another before we lose ourselves in an unhealthy way. Additionally we are asking ourselves what balance in relationship looks like…what is the healthy cooperative partnership or friendship compared to an imbalanced or co-dependent one? Discerning these things TODAY we might be looking particularly at the subject of resources. What do I have that can help me through this? What do I have that’s just my own? Can I do things on my own, and where should I look for help when I need it?
Answering these questions is always a matter of checking in with ourselves to find the soul images guiding our lives and the work of our souls. For example, at this moment, a Sun sign Scorpio might be looking at all of the above themes relative to the core need for depth, profound emotional honesty, and emotional catharsis and power. Whereas an Aquarius might be considering all of these things from the basis of questions like, “Who are my people? What future am I trying to create? and Does this look like forward thinking?” The seed images that govern and compel our lives are as numerous and diverse as the snap shots of the sky at the moment of each person’s birth. And let’s not forget that even today’s astrology, as we speak, is already the “seed image” for thousands of lives whose first day on this planet begins today!
One of the leading soul images in the sky right now is the image of the Libran scales. Are we weighing decisions carefully and making wise judgments? Are we being profoundly ethical and thoughtful about how to sort out difficult situations? If we’ve trespassed or damaged our relationships, then what new vows or oaths are we taking relative to the new lessons we’ve learned? If our heart was weighed today, against a feather, would the scales be level, or would our hearts be heavier?
Image: A single feather resting in the golden light, dust particles floating, waiting on the scale for the heart…which is now being carried into the halls of judgment…
Prayer: Help us to see the past clearly, help our words to cut through illusions, help our wounds to see beyond themselves, and help our judgments and decisions to be as light as the feather of truth.
Image courtesy of creative commons:
What to watch for:
* New eras that require wise judgments at the outset
* Ending relationships beginning others
* Challenging ethical situations and charged emotions
* Problems with boundaries, oversharing, or holding too much back
* Repeating the same old problem, learning the same old lesson
* Impulsive decisions, tempers, and setbacks
* Vivid dreams and their meanings
* Grief, communication around grief, and the sharing of grief
* Isolated by our emotions, feeling sorry for ourselves
* The deepening of our inner life through the processing of loss or disillusionment
* Healing words, healing hands, healing touch
* Losing ourselves in someone else’s story or drama
* The fear of confrontation…confrontation with people, with feelings, with truth, etc
* The love of all things simple, stable, earthy, and sensual
* Oversimplification
* Tension building in relationships
* Learning how to hold correct boundaries
* Deepening our discernment and judgment
* Aligning ourselves with new partners, new projects, new visions
In each of us there live a host of divine images….scenes, characters, and holy scripts. Standing back and looking at the planets holistically, right now we are being asked to mine our knowledge of the past in order to create strong new beginnings for ourselves. We have an opportunity now to move beyond the repeating of an old pattern, but it will require both the courage to confront the pattern as well as the wise judgment and discernment necessary to disentangle ourselves from the relationships that have been part of the pattern. Some relationships will have to go, while others will simply find a deeper level of honesty and a new way of doing things that reflect the release of old patterns. In the midst of all of this the subject of victimization is a big subject, as is the question of how much we can give to one another before we lose ourselves in an unhealthy way. Additionally we are asking ourselves what balance in relationship looks like…what is the healthy cooperative partnership or friendship compared to an imbalanced or co-dependent one? Discerning these things TODAY we might be looking particularly at the subject of resources. What do I have that can help me through this? What do I have that’s just my own? Can I do things on my own, and where should I look for help when I need it?
Answering these questions is always a matter of checking in with ourselves to find the soul images guiding our lives and the work of our souls. For example, at this moment, a Sun sign Scorpio might be looking at all of the above themes relative to the core need for depth, profound emotional honesty, and emotional catharsis and power. Whereas an Aquarius might be considering all of these things from the basis of questions like, “Who are my people? What future am I trying to create? and Does this look like forward thinking?” The seed images that govern and compel our lives are as numerous and diverse as the snap shots of the sky at the moment of each person’s birth. And let’s not forget that even today’s astrology, as we speak, is already the “seed image” for thousands of lives whose first day on this planet begins today!
One of the leading soul images in the sky right now is the image of the Libran scales. Are we weighing decisions carefully and making wise judgments? Are we being profoundly ethical and thoughtful about how to sort out difficult situations? If we’ve trespassed or damaged our relationships, then what new vows or oaths are we taking relative to the new lessons we’ve learned? If our heart was weighed today, against a feather, would the scales be level, or would our hearts be heavier?
Image: A single feather resting in the golden light, dust particles floating, waiting on the scale for the heart…which is now being carried into the halls of judgment…
Prayer: Help us to see the past clearly, help our words to cut through illusions, help our wounds to see beyond themselves, and help our judgments and decisions to be as light as the feather of truth.
Image courtesy of creative commons:
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