Today, we're going to take a look at the Full Moon in Leo. I'll share five themes to watch for during this Full Moon that we may all experience, and then I'll walk you through the whole sign house placements for all 12 rising signs.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology []. Today we're going to take a look at the full moon in the sign of Leo. I'm going to give you five themes to watch for given this Full Moon that we may all experience, and then I'm going to take you through the whole sign house placement for all 12 rising signs. You can listen to this for your sun or rising horoscope, and I'll give you a sense of what topics might be activated in addition to the themes that we cover to start with.
This will be a way of combining the best archetypal insights with the most specific topics likely to manifest in your life right now, given your whole sign horoscopes. As always, I recommend listening for your rising sign because that'll correspond with the whole sign house version of your birth chart, which is where the transit is actually taking place. I use whole sign houses, so for me, that's very convenient. But if you use a different house system, listen to whatever you prefer—sun or rising. Anyway, that is our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, please remember to like and subscribe. We are trying to get to 80,000 subscribers on the channel. It's a little goal we've set for ourselves. We're going to see if we can do it in the next couple of months. We're almost halfway there—we're at 74 and change. So let's see if we can make a nice subscriber push. It really does help our channel, our community, and everything that we do to grow. We appreciate it, and it's free to subscribe as well. You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, which is
Only one promotion today, and that is my monthly webinar, which is taking place on February 20. If you go over to the events page and click on live talks, you'll see that "Venus Through the Fire: Unlocking the Mysteries and Magic of Venus Retrogrades" is taking place on Thursday, February 20, from 7 to 9 PM Eastern. When you register, you'll get the link to attend live, and as always, if you cannot attend, you get the recording afterward to watch whenever you please. It's an audio or video recording—you'll get both. So it'll be fun to unpack Venus retrograde or dive deep if we want to know more about the mechanics, the cyclical dynamics, and phasal dynamics of Venus Retrogrades, what they all mean, and what each different phase and part of the cycle means, as well as how to work with Venus Retrogrades in your life, how to interpret their place in your chart, stuff like that.
We're going to be taking some time to dive into the Venus retrograde cycle, and that'll be good to preview for March's upcoming Venus retrograde in the sign of Aries. So on that note, let's now turn our attention to the real-time clock. I'll show you what this transit looks like. We have our full moon in Leo today, February 12. So as we are looking at it, here's the full moon in Leo. You can see it right there in the fifth house of this chart. There's the full moon in Leo, always opposite the sun at the time of the full moon.
Full moons are really harvesting moments where a cycle that has its roots in the past is reaching a point of visible manifestations, like the fruit appearing on the tree, heavy and ready to be plucked. It's there. It's the karmic harvesting of a cycle between the full moon and the last quarter starts taking place. So they can be moments in which there is a kind of power. And there's always a feeling around the full moons of things becoming a little bit more dynamic and stressful, but creative and intense. I've been talking about full moons for thousands of years on our planet, so it's always interesting to look at where it's landing in your birth chart, which we're going to do in a minute.
But before we do that, I want to talk about some of the major themes. Now, this Full Moon in particular is coming right off from Mercury and the sun squaring Uranus, which started our week off. So we've had a really Uranian week, and this theme continues with the full moon squaring Uranus in Taurus within a degree or so—less than a degree, I think it's just under a degree off from a full moon square to Uranus. So this means that this Full Moon will carry with it some of the Uranian signatures that we discussed yesterday.
If you haven't watched yesterday's video on the Sun square to Uranus, that is still applicable for today, and many of the themes I talk about with respect to Uranus are applicable for this full moon. So, surprising, revolutionary, shocking, sudden, disruptive, creative, breaking the mold—a little bit of that revolutionary moment. Well, this is a full moon. We talked about the word "revolve" yesterday, as the image of the Wheel of Fortune turning. And sometimes those turns are sort of hard and dramatic.
So a square from a full moon to Uranus implies that the full moon can bring with it a kind of hard shift, right, like a hard turn. I say hard because of the hard aspect between the sun and, excuse me, the sun, moon, and Uranus. But what that translates into in our lives is going to be different for all of us, depending on where these things land in our charts and if any planets are getting activated in our natal charts. The best way to talk about a full moon square Uranus is to say this is a full moon that carries that manifest power that brings something from the past into a fruit of karmic space.
Okay, now the karma is ripe on the tree. Something is blossoming karmically, but it also constitutes a significant revolution, a turning point in a sequence of events, a significant turn of circumstance or plot that is a little dramatic. It breaks the mold. It's sudden. It's disruptive. It has emancipatory power. It can liberate or free up stuck energy. But it also might be a little disruptive. So we know this Full Moon carries this very powerful Uranus signature with it. So keep that in mind.
And now let's unpack some of the themes around the full moon in Leo. These are all unique to the full moon blossoming in the sign of the sun. So what are the themes you could watch for? Archetypally, psychologically, one of the ways that I was taught to think about the sun versus the moon in terms of the basic distinctions that ancient astrologers made between the sects of the daytime and the nighttime planets—the sun and the moon sects—is that when the sun is out, it's the only object in the sky that you can see. I mean, sometimes you can see the moon or whatever. At nighttime, maybe you start to see some stars as the sun is setting, but you get the idea—when it's daytime, the only big object in the sky is the sun.
And so the sun has this feature of being individual, select, stand out alone, unique. And when the moon comes out in the evening, right, the nocturnal space is filled, populated with lights. There are so many different lights from the stars and the sun—or, excuse me, the stars to the moon and all of its phases. So the nocturnal space is really defined by manyness and a diverse, idiosyncratic collection of lights, whereas the sun is about one thing that stands out. So you have a basic distinction that was made philosophically and metaphysically between the Sun and the Moon, which is the one and the many different facets of reality or divinity.
The reality or Divinity has a way in which we can understand it as one, just one thing, and then there's another way in which we can understand it as a collection of many things. That collection of many individual things is the little interaction of the yin and the yang, right? So the ancient language of astrology is absolutely teeming with these combinations of yin and yang, or masculine and feminine, or day and night, or sun and moon, and it repeats at every level of the theory. It's truly beautiful the way it's all woven together.
So when we think about the sun, one of the things we're thinking about is the one, the select, that thing that is chosen from the group as stand out, an individual. It is the individual uniqueness of a snowflake compared to the snowfall. I've used that example lately in a few other videos. And so one of the things that happens under a full moon in Leo is you will notice the ways in which you are being asked to stand out, to be, we might say, to be yourself, or to be authentic, or to be apart from others in the pursuit of something that is deeply personal.
That is a common theme in the sign of Leo. What is the unique, special snowflake crown that I wear that makes me select, unique, standout, not one in a collection of many, but one apart from the many? And so the themes of personal significance, select standout, considerations of individuality become very important with a full moon in Leo. And you may notice these themes resonating within, like, how am I unique or special or different? This leads to several themes that sort of dovetail off from those, and that is the importance of legacy, fame, and importance.
What am I living for? That is my unique destiny or contribution or mission or purpose, or calling—all of those kinds of words are very solar: purpose, mission, calling, even my unique individual vision for my life, or my unique path of individuation, my sense of personal calling. All solar words, see, because they all have to do with that thing that sets it apart from everything else. It's my special thing. That comes with this is the concern of what I'm living for that goes on beyond myself. So what is my legacy? Some concerns with fame, the ego's investment in how important or famous or select or special it is in the eyes of others can be a shadow.
So those kinds of themes come up as well. Number three would be transcendent, purposeful, and ambitious. Sometimes, if you're a spiritual person, you hear at some point along the way that one of the things that we are here to do is overcome selfishness. Selfishness is one of the most corrosive elements of our nature that we have to sort of battle. And this is just archetypal, right? It's in all religions, all spiritual traditions say you have to overcome your own shadows. You have to overcome the tendency within yourself to think that you're better than everybody else, that you're more unique, more special.
And so, in order to live with a sense of being special but not let it overwhelm or overcome you to the extent that you become egomaniacal, you have to live with a sense of that which is transcendent, that you're connected to, that's purposeful, or that your ambitions can be directed towards, like a north star or a moral or spiritual compass that says, yes, you are special. Everybody's special, but your unique specialness is what connects you to divinity, to the whole. And if you express that humbly with dedication, like a loyal servant to a divine cause or purpose, that's what fills your life with a glowing sense of specialness, of uniqueness.
So that quest for the Holy Grail, right? That's something Liz Greene compares the sign of Leo to the Grail quest story. Well, that is about having something bigger than ourselves that also empowers our sense of self tremendously because we're in service to a calling or a path or a purpose that is transcendent. So these become really important themes for the sign of Leo, and these are blossoming right now. What is it? Number four would be collective versus individual tensions, like we have an opposition to the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius.
So the tensions between collective concerns, collective realities, the many versus the one, can also stand out. We may notice these tensions politically or collectively, historically right now. You can also notice them individually. Where do you feel drawn to bring something unique of yourself into a group, a setting that is more collective in nature? Or where do you feel the need to stand apart? Those tensions can become pronounced. And then finally, there are just basic issues of pride and self-worth.
Like, where do I find a healthy sense of pride, dignity, self-respect, self-love? A lot of the times for us, it's about finding that within, regardless of what you've done. Like, it's not a quality of self-love that comes from having accomplished something, and yet it's not totally separate or divorced from having accomplished something. It's somewhere right in the middle between, "I don't have to do anything to be loved and special and beautiful," and "I also need to be in service of a purpose and cause larger than myself." There's a tension we have to hold between "I don't have to do anything to be special," and "My life needs something bigger than myself to live for."
So issues around pride, self-worth, dignity will come up around transits like this. So those are the kinds of things manifesting around a full moon right now, with that little Uranian twist where some of these themes can come up in ways that are being influenced by that revolutionary impulse of Uranus—hard twists or turns of events and circumstances or plot lines, sort of twisting suddenly, liberation, the desire to shift something creatively and to break free, along with that, the need to be personally stand out.
So this has some of the tensions of pulling ourselves apart from various collective identifications. "I am not this, I am not that. I'm not a category. I'm a soul." Like, those kinds of impulses can be very strong right now, but also the feeling of "my personal calling is to break from some element socially in order to realign myself, if I need to find a better fit in different groups or cultures or communities or within the collective." Like, where is my role or purpose, and there might be some real significant turning points with respect to that conversation that we're having with ourselves within.
Anyway, the other thing is a bonus. Just watch for fathers or solar figures to become important around this full moon. It's in the sun sign—a full moon in the sun sign can bring up our fathers or solar figures, anyone who's like a CEO or a leader or president or a king or a dad or even a mom, like a queen, but has that sort of "they wear the crown" somehow. Watch for figures like that to become important around this full moon.
Okay, so on that note, let's run through the 12 whole sign houses. And what I'm going to do is take out everything but this moon, and we're just going to roll it through our houses.
So starting with Aries on the ascendant, I will move through all 12 whole signs and just remind you of the topical places that are being activated by this full moon. So you remember these themes that we've just discussed with the Uranian energy activating topics in this house specifically, although, if you wanted to, you could add in some considerations for the whole sign houses of Taurus and Aquarius.
I'm not going to do that because the analysis would take too long for all signs. But let's start with the sign of Leo and the importance of that house.
So for Aries, this is landing in the fifth house, which is a place of creativity. It's a place of emotional and sensual and romantic and creative fulfillment. We need to feel a certain degree of happiness in our lives, and for Aries right now, there's a question about how happy you are with the creative and romantic dimensions of your life.
Do you feel creatively fulfilled? Do you feel joyous, happy, non-goal-oriented levels of happiness in your life, just the playfulness of life itself? Are you accessing that? Also, topics like children and pregnancy can come up here in the fifth house. So I really look at the topics of pleasure and creative fulfillment, and also that level at which we connect with other beings from our heart and soul in pleasurable, enjoyable ways. The fifth house was called The Joy of Venus, after all.
For Taurus, we're looking at this Full Moon landing in the fourth house, which is the house of home, family, parents, living environment. In particular, the father comes to my mind with a full moon in Leo in this house for Tauruses. But anything with respect to your living environment, your home and family karma from the past, the ancestral past blossoming right now. Anything that is focused on the dwelling environment that you live in—it could be something as simple as you're getting a new water softener, something that we're doing this month.
But yeah, I mean, anything with respect to the private inner life that you live, which is also the moon in the fourth, can refer to the inner psychological dimensions of our life and who we are within, and how do we protect and care for and nurture that space within us, but also the home and private sphere of life in general are a focus right now for Tauruses.
For Geminis, we're looking at the place of the third house, which has to do with things like how we express, assert, communicate ourselves with other people, with peers, with siblings. And one of the things that I love about Vedic Astrology is they talk about this house as coming out of the fourth by primary motion and orienting itself toward the first or toward the east. This is about how we take what is within and communicate it or bring it out with other people, which can be sort of competitive, communicative, but it's kind of a house of expression, and I love that take on it.
It's called The Joy of the Moon in ancient Hellenistic astrology and is associated with the environment around you, like the culture that you live in. So a lot of emphasis right now for Geminis on expressing what is in your heart and soul, what brings you a sense of pride and dignity. And how do I communicate that? Is it through a skill? Is it through an ability? Is it through some expression of your life force? Are there questions about competitiveness or loyalty, or things that are happening with peers or siblings that have to do with dignity and pride? Those are some of the things that come to my mind for Geminis right now, but also just things like technology and the local or immediate environment around you become important.
For Cancers, we're looking at Leo in the second house. And this brings up the question of money and finances. This brings up questions like what resources you have available to you, your assets, your income, your expenditures. There's a karma blossoming in this house that ties your self-worth together with what you have or what you are cultivating or developing, whether it's skills or assets. So a lot of focus on the place of your acquisitions and possessions and resources for Cancers right now.
For Leos, we're looking at the first house, which brings up questions of identity, whether that's physical health, the body, appearance, vitality, or if it's starting something new. The first house often initiates new things. This is also something that has to do deeply for Leo risings with pride and self-respect and self-worth and uniqueness and individuation—a very existential, psychological kind of moment for Leo. So it could also have something to do with health in the body or the initiation of some new cycle of activity that's important to you personally.
We move into Virgo rising, and this comes into the 12th house, which means we might be looking at shadows, things that are in the unconscious that we're coming into contact with, especially in the next moon cycle, as the axis moves into where we'll have a Full Moon in Virgo, and it's, I believe, a lunar eclipse if I'm not mistaken. So there are things that are in the process of going from unconscious to conscious for Virgos right now—that's the point. And this exploration of self-love, self-worth, it's a very deep question for Virgos with Leo in the 12th.
Archetypally speaking, Virgo sometimes will think, "If I do a good enough job, then I'm worthwhile. I have to do something that has practical results, tangible demonstration of skills and abilities." Conscientiousness, a kind of discriminating, careful, thoughtful, practical, useful application of one's abilities that demonstrate self-worth. But Leo in the 12th might be bringing up the fact that regardless of what you do or don't do, how pure or good at something you are or are not, you're always loved. You're always valuable. So questions about self-worth may be being explored at a very deep level right now for Virgos.
We move on, and we're going to go back this up a little bit. So for Libras, we have this falling in your 11th house, which is the place of groups and communities and peers and things like allies and benefactors. This is a place where our desires socially are being fulfilled by the way in which other people help us facilitate the achievement of our dreams, goals, wishes. This is a place where we have a lot of aspirations socially and in communities and groups and among colleagues and organizations and things like that.
And so for Libras right now, there is something blossoming with respect to the role of communities and groups and how important or special or beautiful or honored or acknowledged you feel within groups or issues of pride, power, authority, and yeah, like ego as well within groups and communities. It could be that there's some individual people within groups that you are having a hard time with, or that you're being called to step out and show yourself a little bit more. Libras are very diplomatic, so seeing a Libra stand out a little bit more right now within a group or a community could be a really fascinating way of looking at this as well.
But think about that 11th house as the place where this Full Moon is manifesting. Whoops, here we go. Oh no, I'm sorry. I was going by day. I was like, "Why isn't this changing?" Okay, here we go by hour. All right.
So if you're Scorpio, we've got this landing in your 10th house, which is the place of career. So the work environment, people in the work environment, bosses or power people in power or authority positions within the workplace could become important somehow. Relationships with such people, your own role and pride and sense of importance or dignity or leadership within group settings could come up.
This could also be about the sort of difficulties that are manifesting around power, pride, importance, ego in the workplace. And so just watch for some of those themes coming up for Scorpio rising this month. And also, this could be a time of a transition of power, or a transition of who's responsible for what, or who's leading, or how your unique individual role is showing up within the workplace.
If we go forward to Sagittarians, we're looking at the ninth house, which is the place of higher wisdom, teachers, the education you receive in life, the spiritual direction of life, pilgrimages, travel abroad, horizon-expanding experiences, knowledge, and even to a certain extent, piety, faith, and morality are thought of as related to the ninth house. It's a place of illumination, spiritually and metaphysically. There's a strong emphasis right now for Sagittarians on this place of higher wisdom and knowledge. What is being illuminated? How is what you're learning granting you a deeper sense of your importance in life, or your role or your calling in life? So kind of a sagely Full Moon for Sagittarians is appropriate.
All right, so with Capricorns, we're looking at this in the eighth house, which is an important, interesting place because we're talking now about the intersection between what is mine and what is yours, or what I owe you, or what you owe me. Within the karmic bonds of each unique relationship, is there a requirement being fulfilled, a bond being released, a contract that is expiring, or a bond that is reaching a place of fulfillment? Like, there's something blossoming that you're going to receive from someone else, or someone else is ready to receive something from you, or a debt is ready to be paid off or released, a contract is ready to expire.
I would look at emotional dynamics within relationships and the pride and sense of importance that we place on each other, or that we somehow grant or help each other access. Like, how do other people help me feel good about myself? And how do I help other people feel good about themselves? And those dynamics are being explored right now. So the give and take of the eighth house, soul contracts with other people, also some of the themes of visiting our anxieties, death, fear of the future sometimes dealt with in the eighth house as well.
Now, for Aquarians, this is landing in your seventh house of love and relationships. A full moon in this house has a great manifesting power when it comes to important things happening within interpersonal relationships. If you're not in one, you could be meeting someone. If you're in one, there could be an important turning point for a spouse or loved one that they're experiencing, or the relationship itself could be going through an important little moment of change. There could be some for all of us, right? The Uranian twists and turns could bring a little bit of disruption, like unexpected events taking place, in this case, for Aquarians in love and relationships.
So watch for that area of interpersonal dynamics to become pronounced, and remember sometimes this house will point to things happening for partners, not necessarily the relationship, but for the partner we're in relationship with—the other. Also, what's showing up in the mirror of someone else? That's good feedback for me.
Finally, for Pisces, we have this in the sixth house, which brings to mind sacrifices that come from the heart. Like, what is the hard work, the labor, the service that we are doing right now that is heart-centered? And if it's not heart-centered, then it could be sort of killing us on the level of the heart.
Like, if a full moon in Leo in the sixth is like, if your heart isn't in the things that you're working for, that you're pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into, there's a way in which you're probably burdening your heart. You're taking on things with a sort of nobility. But if your heart isn't in it, and it's like, "Well, I'm trying to be here and do this thing that's hard, and I'm trying to put my heart into it, but my heart really isn't in it," eventually, this is how we make ourselves heart-sick. So you've got to think about those things for Pisceans right now.
On the other hand, if you've found something you really love, don't be surprised if, right now, good things are manifesting because of the heart energy that you've poured into making something good, or working on something, or building something, or dedicating yourself to something. The sixth house is like the "chop wood, carry water" house. You've heard me say that before, and that means that if we're chopping wood and carrying water, often transits in the six will manifest in the good results or good karma that comes from hard work.
But often the tipping point for whether this becomes a difficult experience or one that sort of pays off in the end has to do with whether or not our heart and soul are in it, or we feel called to the work, or we feel like there's a sense of calling worked into it. So I would look at levels of heart calling and questions of whether the heart is or isn't in the things you're making the biggest sacrifices for. Those are the things that I'm looking at briefly for the 12 signs.
I hope this is useful for you, that you're able to take some of the themes we worked with today, as well as the topics of the houses, and find them applicable to your situation this week as the full Moon is coming through today. Notice this might have been coming through since Monday with the squares to Uranus, could be coming through the next couple of days as well. Take it to maybe Friday. So as the moon will be moving into Virgo, we'll be doing a planets and profile episode on the Moon in Virgo. I'm catching up with that series and a little bit more content to come as we have just a few more days in the week here. So stay tuned for more soon, and I hope you're having a good week. Bye, bye.
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