Today, we're going to take a look at the Full Moon in the sign of Taurus, which will occur tomorrow in conjunction with Uranus. We’ll unpack that event, and I have five themes for you to watch for. Our goal is to prepare you for this Full Moon today. Then, tomorrow, we’ll look at the Sun opposite Uranus, which follows right on the heels of the Full Moon over the weekend.
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Transcript for Full Moon in Taurus and Uranus Conjunction
Presented by Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology
Adam Elenbaas:
Hey, everyone! This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we're going to take a look at the full moon in Taurus, which is coming through tomorrow, in a conjunction with Uranus. I’ll break down this transit and share five themes to watch for. Our goal is to help you prepare for the full moon, and then tomorrow we’ll be discussing the Sun opposite Uranus which follows right on the heels of the full moon over the weekend. That’s our agenda for today.
Before we get started, please like and subscribe to the channel. We’re aiming for 80,000 subscribers by the spring equinox, and every subscription helps us grow our community. It’s free, and it’s really appreciated! You can also find transcripts of all my daily talks on the website,
Course and Promotion Information
Now, I’d like to promote a couple of things:
- Our First Year Course in Hellenistic Astrology begins this Saturday. It’s not too late to register, but you’ll need to act fast, as registration closes soon. Visit the Courses page and click on First Year Course for details. You’ll also find an informational video about the program at the end of today’s content if you’d like to learn more.
- Be sure to check out our need-based tuition option if you’re on a fixed or limited income and need help with tuition. We want to make sure our classes are accessible to people from all backgrounds.
- We also have a live talk coming up on November 21, about Pluto's entrance into Aquarius. It’s called Pluto and Aquarius: AI, Aliens, and New World Orders. This talk will be a great way to prepare for Pluto’s long stay in Aquarius. If you can’t attend live, don’t worry—when you register, you'll receive the recording link afterward.
- Additionally, our Need-Based Astrology Readings are now available! This service has different payment tiers depending on the astrologer you work with, and we want to make sure that no one is priced out of a reading. This is made possible by your support through our Kickstarter campaign, and we can’t thank you enough for that.
- Finally, we will be fundraising starting on November 18, with our annual Kickstarter campaign. This will be our 11th annual campaign, where we rally support from our subscribers to help fund the channel. We’ll have plenty of rewards and sales available for those who contribute. More details will follow on Monday.
Transition to Full Moon Discussion
Alright, now that we’ve covered the promotions, let’s shift gears and focus on the full moon.
We have the full moon in Taurus coming up on Friday evening, November 15, which is just one day away. As I’m recording this, it’s Thursday, November 14, so the full moon is just around the corner. This full moon is particularly powerful because it’s in conjunction with Uranus, adding an extra layer of intensity to an already potent transit.
Full moons are already known for being powerful, and this one is exalted in Taurus, which has some auspicious qualities that I’ll talk about in a moment. But what makes this full moon extra interesting is that Uranus is also involved. Uranus is known for its energy of sudden change, innovation, and disruption, which will create an even more significant impact.
The exalted moon in Taurus signals a time of heightened energy, particularly in areas relating to comfort, stability, and pleasure, but the involvement of Uranus means these areas could experience sudden shifts or breakthroughs.
I also want to mention that tomorrow we will be discussing the Sun opposite Uranus, which follows right after the full moon. This opposition is also very significant and shares some similar themes with the full moon, though there are some important distinctions that we’ll explore tomorrow.
Five Themes to Watch For
Now, let’s dive into five themes to watch for during this full moon in Taurus. These are in no particular order, and they might manifest in different ways—personally, in your relationships, or in the world around you. To help understand where this full moon will have the most impact, take a look at the Taurus house in your natal chart. This is a good starting point to gain insight into where the full moon may be most vivid for you.
Note that some themes may stand out more than others for you, and that’s perfectly fine. It’s important to stay open to how these themes might show up in your life. And remember, no list is exhaustive—so keep your eyes peeled for additional themes that may emerge. The goal is to help you consciously work with the energies of the full moon as it unfolds.
Theme 1: Venusian Earthy Breakthroughs
Let’s start with the idea of Venusian earthy breakthroughs. Uranus is a planet of breakthroughs, which raises the question: What exactly does a breakthrough mean?
A breakthrough is typically something that opens up after a period of being stuck or restricted. For example, when I’m learning something new on the guitar, at first it feels awkward, like nothing is coming easy. But then, suddenly, there’s a shift—I feel more comfortable, and the movements become smoother. That’s a small version of a breakthrough: when something that was difficult suddenly becomes easier and starts flowing.
The key here is that breakthroughs often involve pent-up energy that’s been blocked or constrained. With Taurus being a Venus-ruled sign, we’re talking about breakthroughs in areas related to comfort, stability, enjoyment, and pleasure. For instance, things in your life that have felt rigid or stuck might suddenly feel easier, and you may find that life becomes more enjoyable, stable, and comfortable.
But because Uranus is involved, this breakthrough energy might also feel disruptive. Uranus is about change and chaos, and while we may experience breakthroughs toward greater stability and peace, we could also see disruptions in what was once considered stable. The things that once gave us comfort or pleasure might feel out of sync or no longer fulfilling.
This tension between stability and disruption is where the Uranian energy can push us to reinvent how we experience pleasure, comfort, or security. For example, in a relationship, you might experience a shift in intimacy or connection. A couple could experience a reinvention of how they interact romantically, which is common during Uranus-Venus transits.
Summary of Key Points
- Full Moon in Taurus is on November 15, with Uranus conjunction
- Themes: breakthroughs related to stability, comfort, and pleasure
- Uranus brings potential disruptions to areas that once felt stable or comfortable
- Watch for shifts in personal relationships or new ways to experience sensuality and security
And I'll never forget feeling like, when Uranus was hitting my own Venus a couple of years ago, I thought, "Oh, my God, I feel like I'm dating my wife again." After being in like a foxhole with her in the early parenting years, all of a sudden, our kids were a lot more independent. We were like, "Oh, we feel like we have our lives back." It kind of felt like we were back to who we were before we had kids. Or it felt like we were, you know, just having a lot more fun again, as opposed to just being so overwhelmed by parenting.
That's very common, though, in general, for a combination like this moon exalted in Taurus, you know, Uranus in Taurus, where if you have felt stuck in a pattern or routine that's maybe safe and stable, but not so enjoyable—or maybe it's enjoyable but could things get even better? This transit can disturb or disrupt the peace, but maybe in order to push us toward more creative fulfillment, more sensual enjoyment, or more options for how we connect and feel happy.
So, watch for Venusian earthy breakthroughs. Another thing I would say about the earthiness of this is that so much of the style of the sign is sensual and seeking stability and security. The breakthrough that comes with a transit like this may have something to do with how we end up feeling stable, how we define or create a sense of security or stability.
This is not a security or stability born of fear or protection from threats like a little bit more, say, Scorpio—which is very good at that. But this is more about how we create a form of stability and security that makes our lives feel rhythmic, easy, enjoyable, somewhat predictable, but not devoid of pleasure.
So think about the revolution around these kinds of themes. The potential for breakthroughs relative to these themes.
Alright, number two: Redefining normal, stable, peaceful. Now, this is what I was just alluding to, but the other thing that can happen here is that we may go through a period of time where what we have thought to be normal, stable, peaceful, we recognize is now chaotic, disruptive, and stressful. I know that sounds weird, but there are periods of time in our life where the norm, the routine, the pattern, the thing we do to create some feeling of rhythm and ease and peace and stability, eventually becomes a source of stress.
That's because we're evolving and adapting and changing all of the time. I think it's the same thing, like, when I was in the bhakti yoga community, my spiritual teacher—who is my initiating guru—used to say, it's like you're trying to get comfortable in a car ride. You’ll hit a point where it’s like, "Okay, it’s too cool now. Someone’s too hot. Roll down the window, roll it up. I don’t like the air on my face. I don’t like the music. She’s poking me." It’s like all this, you know?
Eventually, we hit a period where it’s like, "Oh, wow, we’ve figured it out. We’ve got the perfect equation. Everyone is comfortable. Everyone’s needs are being addressed." But what happens? Things keep changing. We need to constantly modify and adjust and adapt. And soon, you’ll need a new version of how to create that peace in the car.
So, redefining normal, normal, stable, and peaceful is an adaptive process we have to constantly work with. It's something I’ve learned a lot about as I've gotten into bodybuilding, working with coaches whose primary approach is coupled with a lot of attention to nutrition, sleep, etc. When you eat, what you eat, and how you go about eating—these things are constantly being modified and adjusted because every day is different.
Although you try to create a rhythm, every day’s fluctuations require you to adapt. This is very Taurian, and no surprise, I’m a Taurus rising who’s had Uranus going through my first house throughout this process. So how do we constantly modulate and adapt ourselves as physical beings—sensual beings, in an ecological system of other human beings around us—so that we’re constantly redefining and refining flow?
You know, that’s a full moon Uranus dynamic.
Another thing that comes up with Mercury—excuse me, Mercury—with the Full Moon in Taurus in a conjunction with Uranus is an emphasis on the desired body. See, one of the things that’s really important is not just that we have routine and security, but that we have pleasure and enjoyment along with a feeling of rhythm and security. Rhythm and security alone are not enough.
It’s like that scene in Dead Poets Society that I always remember. It was my favorite movie growing up—I'm sure a lot of you loved the movie as well. And he says, “Doctors, bankers, lawyers, welders—these are necessary professions, and they’re what we do to sustain life. But what do we live for?” And he says, “Poetry,” meaning love, romance, beauty—these things. This is Venus.
And isn’t it tempting to put the cart before the horse? To say, "Oh yeah, you know, once things are secure, then I’ll enjoy. Once things are all squared away, only then can I let myself relax and enjoy." So many people I’ve talked to over the years think, "My life looks like this or gets into this place, and only then can I really relax and enjoy because it’s considered indulgent to enjoy life compared to basic security." Maybe think of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs—you know what I’m talking about.
It's like, yeah, individuation, spiritual reflection—those are privileges that come after our basic needs are met. So there’s a way in which Taurus acknowledges that, but Taurus, of all the signs, dares to say it might actually be the opposite. Unless your life has art, music, pleasure, relationships, beauty, love, connection—unless your life is connected to something aesthetically pleasing—you actually won’t feel a deep sense of well-being. No amount of security, stability, rhythm, or money will create that feeling.
So Venus dares us, especially with Uranus in a full moon, to recognize that our pleasure and desires, the sensual dimension of life, are equally important to our concern with security and stability. This is one of the things that makes Taurus such a lovely sign: it offers both and suggests that both are cooperative principles. So think about the desire body and how you can respect and give more attention to what brings you happiness and pleasure.
Number four would be dramatic or unexpected changes in the environment. Look, the moon is the ruler of the realm of fortune. This broadly means that the moon represents the constant forming and transforming of circumstances that unfold according to fate and karma. "Karma," meaning the mysterious laws of cause and effect—sequences of actions and reactions.
When we run into the circumstantial world, it feels out of our control. It’s like, who you run into at the grocery store feels like fate. What happens as your day unfolds may be driven by your own desires, plans, and choices, but what happens around you—that’s fortune.
So Uranus and the moon at the full moon is a major turning point in the realm of fortune. Unexpected, dramatic, and maybe destabilizing. Maybe something that disturbs or disrupts the peace—especially with Algol, the fixed star at the 25th degree of Taurus, which is closely configured. Algol can be disruptive, even chaotic, but also creative in how it expresses itself. So, I wouldn’t be surprised to see dramatic or unexpected changes in the karmic environment around us.
Number five would be possession and exorcism. Figuratively, of course. Taurus has a deep connection to what we desire, what we want, and what we possess—things that give us a sense of security. "I possess money. I possess wealth. I possess a desirable career, body, etc." We try to possess things because we believe it grants us power, peace, security, or desirability.
But the dark side of Taurus is the Minotaur, that which we possess and then become possessed by. If you think that money will grant you happiness, success, and security, and you go too far, you’ll become possessed by money. That’s greed or materialism. If you think that pleasure—food, alcohol, sex, whatever—is the key to happiness and peace, but then you constantly reach for these indulgences, you’ll become possessed by them. And there’s a need to exorcise from yourself that which you’ve become possessed by.
Uranus and the moon can be about that possession, or about exorcising that which possesses you. A breakthrough in breaking free. This is a powerful theme for transformation.
Closing Remarks:
Those are the five themes to watch for with the Full Moon in Taurus and Uranus conjunction. Tomorrow, I’ll talk about the Sun opposite Uranus and offer a slightly different set of themes to reflect on over the weekend. Don't forget to check out all of our other services, including our upcoming live talk, and our Kickstarter campaign launching on Monday with major discounts and unique offerings!
The best I’ve read! So clear and detailed at the same time. Thank you