Today, we’re looking at Jupiter’s square to Saturn and doing horoscopes for all 12 signs.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we are going to take a look at Jupiter's upcoming square to Saturn, which is perfecting again this week. We had the square come around last August, and we will also have it coming back once more in June of 2025. It is a major square, which we have talked about at length in terms of the archetypal combination of Jupiter and Saturn.
Today, we're going to look at horoscopes for all 12 signs and give you a sense of where and how this Jupiter square Saturn dynamic might be landing in your chart, and how it may be expressing itself in your life. So that is our agenda for today.
Before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe, share your comments and reflections. We love hearing from all of you. You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, which is Nightlight
As of the time I am recording this, we have just about seven more days left to go. About just, just about a week left in our annual Kickstarter campaign. Our backer goal this year is 19,137 backers by January 1. That is one backer better than we did last year. We're trying to get to that same number, or just a little bit better every year, and grow support for the channel.
There's 12,000 new subscribers on our channel in the past year, and so our hope is that we can replicate the backer total of support for this channel and all the free content we produce in for 2025, and maybe even grow the support a little bit.
As of the time that I am recording this, we still have over 1,100 more backers needed to reach our goal with just a week left. That is an impressive amount of backers that we still need. We've been a little slower this year, a couple of days behind our pace, so we really need to try to pick it up now.
Thank you so much to the over 800 people who have already donated and supported our channel, me, myself, and my family, our staff, all of the programs that we offer that make sure that astrology can be flexible and open for people of different socioeconomic backgrounds, that astrology is accessible and affordable.
Our affordable reading service that you helped us set up, free events that we host, all of this is facilitated because of your generosity and your support of this free content that we produce year-round. So if you get something good out of this channel, if this is a channel that you turn to for daily astrological support, a spiritual sense of companionship as we go through life, and we're able to take this beautiful symbolic language and apply it to our experience in order to reflect and deepen our connection with life itself.
If this is something good that you get out of the channel, every donation helps us. Please consider supporting us in these final days as we make our big push to try and reach our goal. $5 helps, $10 helps. The total backer number matters because we know if we're close to that number, we're going to be in the financial range we need to keep everything going in the same general direction that we've been going in.
And so thank you again to everybody who's already donated. At the end of today's video, I will tell you about the rewards that are available when you support the channel, because the good news is that when you donate, you can also pick up a lot of cool gifts.
We have exclusive content: your year-ahead horoscope for all of 2025, that's like almost an eight-hour long video looking at all of the horoscopes for the year ahead through all 12 signs. We have an exclusive 2025 astrology video, a calendar for the year ahead that maps out everything I'm going to be talking about on the channel for you.
You can also get the best deals of the year on our classes if you want to come study with us now or anytime in the future. Those are passes, class passes that don't expire. You can bundle them together. I'll tell you all about those rewards that are available at the end of today's talk.
You know it's serious when I'm doing horoscopes in the middle of the week, and we'll try and gain some support and cross the finish line strong. Again, this work is made possible, and it's made free and distributed to so many people—almost 73,000 subscribers on this channel—and all it takes is a very small percentage of our audience to pitch in every year to support the channel and our staff and everything we do to make the school and everything we do very generous and accessible for everybody.
So on that note, let's take a look at these horoscopes, and I hope that you are also enjoying a very nice Christmas Eve today, if you're celebrating. All right, bye.
All right, let's go ahead and get into it. We're looking at Jupiter square to Saturn today, and we're going to do horoscopes for all 12 signs. Now, you could listen to any of these for your sun or rising signs, so as I name the sign and then give the horoscope, just know you can listen to that for your sun or rising sign. I always recommend rising because that'll correspond with the whole sign house version of your birth chart, which means the transits are going to be aligned with where they are actually moving through your birth chart right now. But you do you.
I want to first mention the timeline of this transit. Of course, it is Christmas Eve today if you're celebrating. So I hope you are enjoying the holiday. Jupiter square to Saturn is coming almost four years to the day after we had a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction around the solstice of 2020. So it's fascinating that we're back around the same time of year with this dynamic.
Let's take a look at it really quick. Here you can see the two planets are square today, December 24. And remember that this square has been building for the month of November into December as Jupiter's retrograde is taking it closer to Saturn. We also are going to be repeating this square in June of 2025. We took a look at that yesterday in the weekly overview, and we had a contact between these two planets in August of 2024.
I've talked at length about the meaning of Jupiter-Saturn square, so I'm not going to say too much today about it, other than when these two planets get in touch with each other, there is a natural way in which our wisdom and understanding will be evolving or shifting. Now, the wisdom or understanding of life in general could be what we're looking at here. We could also be looking at wisdom and understanding with respect to particular dimensions of our life, as parents, as friends, as lovers, or as students of a particular trade or craft.
Think about paradigms shifting. Think about understanding evolving. Think about the structures and systems of your life that provide you with some degree of clarity or coherence or direction, and how they take shape and how they change. These are the things that tend to happen under dynamic aspects between Jupiter and Saturn, which is why they are also reflected in major structural changes, often within governments and institutions, places of education, religion, etc.
We have done so much content on this square in the past year that I don't want to overdo it by saying all the same things over again. I would look at yesterday's weekly overview and go back into my archives. If you search Jupiter-Saturn, you're going to find that over the past couple of months, we've done a number of episodes really detailing the archetypal combination of Jupiter and Saturn.
So without repeating all of that, we're just going to look today at their square through the lens of the whole sign horoscopes. I'm going to take a unique approach to life too. We're going to take a unique approach to our horoscopes today by looking at the horoscopes through the four motivations of human life that are described in Vedic Astrology, Indian philosophy, and we're going to apply it to these horoscopes and get a little creative with the way we delineate horoscopes today.
So, in ancient Hellenistic astrology, as in ancient Vedic Astrology, houses are grouped according to connections of three houses. So let me just show you how this looks in the chart. And these connections of houses by trines are also connected to, in Indian astrology, three philosophical human motivations for life.
So when we look, for example, houses 12, 4, and 8 are all connected by trines. Houses 5, 9, and 1 are all connected by trines. 6, 2, and 10, all connected by trines, and 11, 3, and 7, all connected by trines. So each of those triadic sets of houses were connected in Indian astrology to four basic human motivations for life, or what we—another way of putting it—might be that there are different things that we regularly seek as human beings, embodied souls in this lifetime, that are unique to us human beings.
And so those areas were associated with the triadic houses. One way of looking at a Jupiter-Saturn square is going to be between some of the tensions or potential conflicts of values or motivations across two different philosophical areas of life. I think this is when I started doing this. Recently, I found that it is really useful when forming horoscopes or delineations for clients.
And in fact, this is at the heart of my 2025 Master Class series, which, by the way, you can pick up through the Kickstarter. In those Master Class series, we're going to be looking at 12 classes on the year, and three classes are dedicated to the triadic houses each. So we have four Master Class series covering all of the different triadic connections, and we're looking at those as ways of delineating broader pursuits of human life within the birth chart. And I've found that this is just a really unique, fascinating way to do things, much more common in Indian astrology, but also present in ancient Hellenistic astrology.
So anyway, on that note, let's talk about what these four motivations of human life are, and then get into our horoscopes. Number one is dharma. And let me put it this way—Hilda, she's not in here right now because my mom is visiting, and so she's out where the action is with everyone right now while I'm recording. But dharma for Hilda is she is a guardian dog breed, and so her dharma, her job is to guard. It is innate to her instinctual body to be protective of our home.
We had a huge Thanksgiving gathering, and the house was just, you know, pretty much a disaster after having like 30 people from my wife's side of the family. So we had professional cleaners come to help us afterward. Hilda was at the door when they got there, and I, like, you could have sworn that Satan himself was at the front door. I was, "Oh my God, what is going on?" Well, there were, like, you know, four women who were getting out of a van with their cleaning equipment coming up to the front door, and Hilda was going absolutely bananas, because that's her job. That's her dharma, her essence, her dharma, her duty.
What she's born, in some ways, to do is to protect. That's in the breed. Guardian breeds are like that. By the way, I'm really excited to tell you guys this on a side note. We lost the dog a year ago, and it was tragic. She was 10 years old, and so when we got Hilda originally, it was because we wanted... we've had two dogs for most of our lives. So anyway, we thought, okay, well, we're going to wait a while, but eventually we want to get another dog so that Hilda has a playmate. We've been a two-dog family for a long time.
So anyway, we've been looking at puppies, and it looks like we're probably getting a puppy sometime in the new year. So I'm really excited about that, and maybe you guys will get to introduce... I'll get to introduce you to the puppy at some point, because it looks like that's what we're doing right now. It's Mercury retrograde, so we're going to think on it anyway.
Wow. I'm off track telling you about dogs, but the dharma of a dog is to protect, if you're a guardian breed, or some breeds are like shepherds, they're herding dogs, or some dogs are hunting dogs, or some dogs are what, like work dogs, you know. So dogs have that sense of dharma. It's really easy to identify in a dog because it's kind of a simple example.
But like in India, they would say one of the dharmas of a cow is to give milk. You know, that's one of the dharmas of a cow. Obviously, their dung was used to fuel fires. Still is. It was amazing. When I was in India, and I saw, we were out in the country, and there would be, like, dung patties baking in the sun, being used as fuel for fire.
So the dharma of a cow is to produce things that are sacred. And anyway, that's a whole subject because there are so many uses for cows. One of the reasons why they're sacred is because their dharma provides so many things for people. They protect cows and so forth.
Anyhow, each of us has an area of life in which we are meant to explore. What is my job right now? That's a broad question, right? It's a deep question, and it doesn't have to be just one thing so simple like guard or, you know, bark at the cleaners, or whatever. It could be something that, you know, maybe it's a little bit like a mandala, where there's a number of different interconnected images that reflect who you are and what your role is, what your essence is, what you're here to give in sacred service to the whole, to the people in the little world that you're in or the big world that you're in.
All of us are in different worlds, and we have something to offer, something to give, something that is of our essence, a role to play in the Leela of creation, the play of creation. We're assigned a role on the stage of life. So what is our role? This is the question of dharma, and it's connected to three houses in astrology: the first house, the ninth house, and the fifth house. There are reasons for that I won't go so deeply into because today we're going to keep it pretty simple.
The second area of life is artha. Artha would be connected to houses 10, 2, and 6, and those, the triad of houses, are all connected to things like work, occupation or vocation, but also things like power, prestige, wealth within a greater society. And so those houses are going to be connected to the development of your vocation, reputation, wealth, power, prestige.
So it can be very materialistic, those houses, with respect to thinking that all of our worth is derived from how good we are at something, or how wealthy we are, or how powerful, or what our status is, our reputation, but also has a very common sense of like work and occupation and things like that. So that pursuit of life, artha, ancient philosophers in India said was a common pursuit of life. All beings born into bodies have some relationship with this area of life, just like we have a relationship with dharma.
Kama is, as in the Kama Sutra, the pursuit of bliss or happiness, socially and relationally. These houses would be 11, 7, and 3. The houses connected in these trines are all related to a certain social dimension of life and the pursuit of happiness, bliss, enjoyment, with respect to social connections and relationships.
There are different levels at which this works. The 11th is a little different than the seventh is a little different than the third. But all these houses have in common the desire to have fruitful, enjoyable contact with other human beings, to enjoy life and to seek pleasure through social intercourse. So there's a very social dimension of life, and a dimension in which we are social animals that also seek pleasure, seek connection, seek happiness with each other.
Now, there is also the philosophical area of life, where humans are motivated to find moksha, which is release or liberation.
Now, release or liberation in a very basic way, the houses here are four, eight, and twelve. The liberation we seek may be from unhealthy attachments, co-dependencies, attachment to fears and anxieties, to be free, to be liberated as a soul, as a being, as in enlightenment, or as in liberation from worldly struggles or worldly bondage, entrapment in karmic dynamics that are enslaving in some way.
The natural way we seek release from the world, for example, may be through home rest or your bedroom. Very fourth house kinds of things. In the eighth house, we seek release from worldly suffering through advantageous relationships with other people, or we seek to be free from binding karmic contracts with other people that entangle and so on. In the twelfth house, there is also the pursuit of mystical otherworldliness and release from body and world, but also the kinds of sicknesses that may come in spiritually, mentally, or physically that take us out of a feeling of being in control. These may also remind us that we are mortal and may be the kinds of crises that are also enlightening somehow.
So those are little examples. The Moksha houses are about the pursuit of liberation and the need to burn off unhealthy attachments. They need to seek a sense of spiritual freedom. These are all common areas of human life.
What’s interesting is if we look at the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic as a square, not just between two planets that represent paradigmatic change, but as a paradigmatic change happening in our charts between two conflicting areas of philosophical interest or human pursuit. That’s where we're going today. I think this is just a fun, interesting way of looking at it, and I'm going to keep this really simple.
Let’s start with Aries. What I'm going to do is point out the two areas of human life that are being activated, and I'll type them in so you can think about it. So in the twelfth house, we have Moksha for Aries versus Kama in the third house. Now, I’m just going to use this first example for Aries to explain how we're going to do each of these signs.
Basically, a square is of the nature of Mars, and so the potential in any square is for conflict or tension, and for the need to act and do something, or to face something that is challenging, an adverse and adversity of some kind to overcome it. These are all the kinds of things usually implied by any kind of square.
If we have paradigmatic change happening through a square between two different philosophical areas of life, this is where things become really fascinating. So now, given all that, let’s break it down. For Aries, Moksha versus Kama, we're talking about a philosophical conflict at the heart of this paradigmatic change between Jupiter and Saturn for Aries. It has to do with the tension between the pursuit of spiritual liberation and the pursuit of liberation from things that are unhealthy or entangling in relationships in life.
Perhaps these relationships are more familial or ancestral in the third house, perhaps more common, rooted in your culture, neighborhood, village, family. But we're talking about the paradigmatic change happening through an examination of the need for spiritual liberation as it exists in a kind of intense relationship with immediate, local relationships and the need for harmony or pleasure within them. See, that's a fun, interesting, broad, sort of philosophical way of filtering the Jupiter-Saturn square. So that's it. It's that simple.
We’re just going to think about it through this lens, and then broadly, how can you notice that taking place? If you're in Aries, explore things like siblings, family relationships, relatives, neighborhood, village, environment, and this need for greater spiritual liberation or freedom, or disentanglement from things that are unhealthy, etc. So Moksha versus Kama.
All right, let’s move along. So we go to Taurus next. And with Taurus, we're looking at 11 and 2. The tension of this paradigmatic change across 11 and 2 can broadly be put in terms of, let's see here, sorry, Kama versus Artha.
Here we’re looking at a relationship that boils down philosophically across the 11th and second between social harmonization and things like wealth, the development of business or career or finances or assets and resources. There’s a kind of philosophical development happening around things like friends, community, a social dimension of life that is about connecting with other people. It’s also about the development of things like money, resources, assets, and business.
So, Kama, pleasure in human connections and groups and people and community is in a kind of conflict with the needs or desires of the second house around things like money, business, wealth, and assets. That tension is at the heart of a paradigmatic change that's taking place for Tauruses right now.
So you see how that works? It’s really a fun way of looking at it. I’ve been getting a lot of good use out of looking at things this way, not only with this kind of transit, but all kinds of transits in general. It gives a nice philosophical container to work with.
All right, so now we are looking at Geminis, and we see Jupiter and Saturn across the first and 10th houses. Now we’re into the realm for Geminis, we’re looking at, oops, let me draw this in first.
So here we’re looking for Gemini rising. We’re looking at the philosophical paradigmatic changes happening within the chart through the 10th and first houses—the concerns of occupation, vocation, status, wealth, power, and the development of your reputation in the world versus questions about your essence. What is my job? What is my role? What is my role in creation? Who am I really?
You can see how the paradigmatic change has to do with the conversation taking place between Dharma and Artha, vocation and essence of character. Fascinating to look at it that way.
All right, let’s advance this a little bit more. So for Cancer rising, we’re now looking at, oops, let me draw this in first. So here we’re looking at the 12th and 9th houses for cancers, and here we have Dharma versus Moksha. Fascinating.
In these two houses, in the ninth house, we have the philosophical pursuit of wisdom. How do we understand Dharma personally? But in the ninth, it’s also about how we understand it universally. In other words, what is the purpose for which creation itself is made and remade every day? What is the inherent essence and role of divinity and of life itself?
So the exploration of Dharma in a more universal sense is contained in the ninth house, which, of course, always accompanies our exploration of Dharma personally.
And then Moksha in the 12th house, how to be free from unhealthy attachments, problematic things within ourselves or within relationships. So that quest for spiritual liberation and the pursuit of Dharma, of truth, and understanding—those two things coming into conversation across the ninth and 12th houses for cancers—you could see how deep and profound that kind of paradigmatic change could be for you.
All right, let’s continue on for Leos. We see the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic across the eighth and 11th. So these houses bring together Moksha versus Kama. Very fascinating, because we have two different ways that this can go across the eighth and the 11th.
On the one hand, we’re thinking about the most pleasing, beneficial, harmonious kinds of social contacts and connections. But on the other hand, we’re thinking about what may enslave or entrap us karmically and what we need to be free of karmically.
So you can see how the exploration of socially beneficial, advantageous, pleasing relationships and connections socially, organizationally, within groups of people, allies that are beneficial and enjoyable, are also being pitted against that which may enslave and entrap with Saturn in the eighth, and the need to be free from unhealthy entanglements.
So Moksha versus Kama also places questions about freedom and liberation spiritually against the need for beneficial or advantageous relationships, social connections, and pleasure in those realms. See how fascinating that is? I just love it, looking at it this way.
All right, let’s go to Virgo. So for Virgo, we see Jupiter and Saturn across the 10th and the 7th houses. And let’s go ahead and look at it from this standpoint.
So now we have Kama versus Artha. Here we have an interaction between Saturn in the seventh and Jupiter in the 10th houses of Kama and Artha—the question about what is pleasing, beneficial, and enjoyable in relationships versus what is powerful and beneficial for us in terms of reputation, vocation, power in the world, status, notoriety, mastery.
So when these two come into contact, especially with Saturn in the seventh, we might be asking ourselves, you know, what relationships bring the advantage and which do not? We might also be looking at the fact that some relationships that bring us deep pleasure do not necessarily bring us expansion of power or notoriety.
There could be conflicts between the amount of importance we place on happiness in relationships versus success or prestige or development of vocation. Those two philosophical areas of life are part of a paradigmatic change that’s happening right now for Virgos.
All right, for Libras, we see the Jupiter-Saturn dynamic across the ninth and the sixth. So let’s place that into these philosophical containers. Here we have Artha versus Moksha.
This is fascinating. The sixth house is of the arts of houses. The sixth house really pertains to the kind of chop wood, carry water dimension of building and developing things like resources, assets, wealth, power, career. It is the work-a-day world in the sixth house, as well as the sacrifices that are necessary for the development of status, reputation, wealth, ability, skill, and so forth—the things that we work hard for.
And then we have the ninth house here in relation to Moksha, the pursuit of, or, excuse me, I said Moksha, that’s a mistake. Sorry, my bad. It’s Dharma. Let me redo that. So we have Artha versus Dharma.
Here we go. Okay, so in the second art, we’re looking at the ninth house through the lens of Dharma, which is the pursuit of truth and wisdom and understanding about reality and the universe, the cultivation of philosophical understanding of illumination and enlightenment. The ninth house is called the joy of the sun.
So it's interesting, because there could be a conflict right now between all of the work, sacrifice, and effort we’re putting in to achieve certain things, an evolving understanding of truth, wisdom, or philosophy, religious or spiritual development in our lives.
And sometimes the two are going to come together to say, "Do you really believe in what you're doing?" Do you really feel like what you're building and developing and sacrificing and working hard for is aiming you toward something that feels true and clear philosophically?
Oftentimes, when people have a lot of spiritual growth in their life, they start realizing that what they work so hard for has nothing to do with who they are or with what is real or true.
In reality, I’ve met many people, for example, when I went to Peru, who were there—a lot of people from Wall Street, for example—people who could afford a trip to Peru to drink Ayahuasca, and they were coming away saying, "Man, I don’t know why I work on Wall Street. I just had a philosophical breakthrough, a spiritual breakthrough. It’s having me question what and how and why I’m working the way that I am."
See how that Artha versus Dharma can come into an intense dialog across these houses? It can also be about what kinds of philosophical, spiritual, even religious motivations are worth serving or working for in the world, or what is the conflict between the worldly work you do and the spiritual values or intellectual development that you also need in life to feel as though you're evolving as a person with understanding of who you are and why you're here.
So Libras have a fascinating square there.
All right, let’s go on with Scorpios. We have the square across the fifth and the eighth.
So we look at this in terms of Dharma versus Moksha. On the one hand, we have the fifth house representing the human need to feel that when we are in alignment with our own Dharma, with our own essence, there is happiness and an overflow of creativity. You feel satisfied, like you’re doing something that is creatively reflective of your essence. For example, I would say that one of the dharmas of an artist is to be artistic. A dog is going to guard, and an artist is going to make art. The fifth house represents your artistic creations, the joy that you derive from them, and the good fortune that comes from being in alignment with your Dharma. There is good karma that comes from doing things that flow forth from your essence.
So, the fifth house is about the need for creative satisfaction. Are you getting that satisfaction? Are you in touch with that creative part of yourself that is your Dharma? On the other hand, Moksha in the eighth house is often about those people who either help us to feel free or feel liberated, like someone who gives you a grant to do art, or someone who might entangle you, preventing you from doing things that align with your essence. There are questions about what kinds of attachments or connections are healthy and facilitate the liberation of your soul, and what kinds of attachments are keeping you in debt or entrapment, which could conflict with the expression of your Dharma creatively.
That’s a really interesting way of looking at it, especially for Scorpios right now.
Let’s move on to Sagittarius. For Sagittarius, we place Jupiter and Saturn in square across the fourth and seventh houses. Now we’re looking at Moksha versus Kama.
When we look at this, we’re talking about the need for release, rest, security, and safety. The fourth house is about going home every night to your resting place, a sanctuary where you can release from worldly concerns, work, and bills. Ideally, the fourth house is a place of rest. It’s the need for a place of safety, security, and release from unhealthy attachments or entanglements that stem from your past, your family, or family karma.
This need for release is in intense dialogue with the need for beneficial, pleasing, harmonious connections in love, marriage, and relationships. There’s paradigmatic change happening between the need for pleasure, benefit, and upliftment in intimate relationships and the need for liberation from the world, from suffering, or from unhealthy ancestral karma that needs healing. So, this area of life is in an intense dialogue with the sphere of intimacy and the need for pleasure and benefit in relationships.
Next, for Capricorns, we see Jupiter and Saturn connecting across the sixth and third houses. Here we’re looking at Kama versus Artha. This is very fascinating because the third house, associated with Kama, relates to our everyday village life. It’s about things like your relatives, siblings, neighbors, your neighborhood, your community, and local travel. It’s an everyday “fish tank” world where we seek pleasure, enjoyment, and some degree of happiness.
The sixth house, on the other hand, is about Artha—where we work, sacrifice, and labor. Sometimes we feel enslaved or entrapped by the work we do, but at other times, we are in alignment with it. Jupiter in the sixth house is trying to bring peace, happiness, abundance, and support to the realm of Artha, where we try to develop and build things that matter to us.
So, Jupiter and Saturn are bringing into focus a conversation between our workaday world and our everyday world. Can our everyday life be both enjoyable and effective? Can we connect with the people around us in good ways? This may be a time to change something about the way we work or the local environment around us, so things can be happier and more productive.
For Aquarians, we see the connection between Jupiter and Saturn across the second and fifth houses. Here, we’re looking at Artha versus Dharma. In the second house, we’re concerned with resources, assets, and the development of skills that we use to make money. It’s about the things we have or possess, the things that support us materially.
In the fifth house, we’re looking at the joy we need to experience creatively by being in touch with our essence. Sometimes, the bills pile up and it feels like we’re forced to do things that stifle our creativity because the bottom line is survival. On the other hand, if the bottom line becomes too much of a focus, we may pass up opportunities that could alleviate financial stress.
There’s a conversation happening right now between the need for joy and creative fulfillment and the practical demands around resources, business, and career. These two things are in dialogue, creating paradigmatic change for you as an Aquarius.
For Pisces, we see Saturn and Jupiter in square across the first and fourth houses. This brings us to Dharma versus Moksha, which is a fascinating combination for Pisces. We’re looking at questions about your essence. When Saturn is in the first house, you may doubt your essence. It’s like a dog who doesn’t know what its job is, or a human who says, “I don’t know why I’m here. I don’t know what I’m good at. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” There may be a serious effort to define your role and commit to it with maturity.
This focus on character, essence, and calling is in dialogue with the fourth house, which represents the need for liberation from suffering, from the world, and from unhealthy family or ancestral karma. The fourth house is about finding rest and emotional comfort. The question of your essence and identity is in intense conversation with the need for liberation and security from the world.
The tension between Dharma and Moksha, especially with respect to family, home, and ancestral karma, is producing paradigmatic change for Pisces.
So, I hope you find these horoscopes, along these philosophical lines, helpful. The four motivations of human life—Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha—have been discussed for thousands of years in Indian philosophy and are a basic part of how the houses are organized in Indian astrology. This will also be at the heart of my 2025 masterclass series, so I highly recommend checking it out if you’re interested in exploring these ideas further.
If you like this perspective, I encourage you to join the masterclass series, available through Kickstarter. I’d love to have you with us! If you have some background in traditional house theory, you’ll be just fine in the class. We have tons of great learning content, including first-year, second-year, and third-year classes in Hellenistic astrology, a horary program, masterclass series every year, and archived masterclasses from past years. Plus, we offer a monthly webinar.
I’m passionate about using my platform to educate, delineate, and build up other astrologers. It’s important to support the next generation of astrologers and promote their careers so the field can thrive for generations to come. If you share this passion, please consider supporting the Kickstarter campaign. We still have a long way to go before January 1, so thank you to everyone who has already donated!
Stick around to learn more about the rewards you can get when you support the channel, including major discounts on all our online classes and some unique gifts that I’ll tell you about. Thanks again, and take it easy!
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