The Moon is in Scorpio today, applying to a sextile with the Sun. Meanwhile, Jupiter is in the last degree of Virgo and will enter Libra by early Friday morning, where it will stay until October of 2017.
Here’s what to expect from Jupiter in the sign of the scales:
* First of all, Jupiter is moving from the sign of Mercury into the sign of Venus. This shift represents a major change in the tone and symbolism of Jupiter in the year to come, from Mercury ruled things to Venus ruled things. Jupiter’s natural planetary contrary is Mercury so this shift will also take Jupiter out of the sign of his detriment (all planets are somewhat challenged by the environment of their opposite signs). If one of Jupiter’s most basic significations is to say yes to things, or to grow or confirm things, then we will see Venus ruled things growing and being given the green light or thumbs up in the next year. This might include relationships, love, allegiances or allies, art and style, appearance and beauty, decor and ceremony, friendship and sophistication, and so forth. This should feel like a welcome change after a year of Jupiter in Mercury’s sign. While in Virgo, Jupiter has been trying to say yes to (or trying to confirm and grow) Mercury ruled things like analysis and debate, contest and destabilization, deconstruction and reorganization. While we can always find the silver lining or the archetypal upside of any transit, some are simply more challenging than others, and Jupiter’s shift to a Venus ruled sign should be a welcome relief as Mercury ruled things start to subside and Venus things start to grow.
* Jupiter is moving from a mutable sign to a cardinal sign. This reflects another important facet of the upcoming sign change. Jupiter in a mutable mercury-ruled sign has been emphasizing a long transitional period based on the deconstruction of previously held ideas, beliefs, practices or methods. As Jupiter moves into a cardinal sign, we’re now looking at a year that is defined by strong, pivotal and cathartic events. As the sign of the fall equinox these events will generally serve to bring resolution or closure to various aspects of our lives, but like all cardinal signs they will also initiate new beginnings simultaneously. Think for example of the catharsis of the funeral of a grandparent. Through the final natural releasing of their life force many new things come about in the life of an entire family unit. Libra usually involves periods of closure and just resolution, final judgments and the turning point of the harvest. For a full year we will thus see events marked by these kinds of energetic dynamics, and this will be noticeably different from the transitional and deconstructive period of Virgo we’re just finishing.
* Finally, Jupiter will be moving from a cold/dry earth sign to a warm/moist air sign. For the past year the elemental nature and quality of Jupiter has been somewhat more dry, conservative, practical, efficient, formal, hard or structured, and rather inflexible and inert. When Jupiter moves into Libra we should see more fluidity and flexibility, outward movement and exchange, circulation and animation. Jupiter in Libra will emphasize the intellect and ideas, social exchange and social justice, culture and beauty, and a more stimulating social atmosphere in general.
Prayer: Jupiter, planet of yes, planet of faith, planet of growth, thank you for your teachings in the earthy sign of the Virgin. We welcome you now into the airy sign of the Scales!
Here’s what to expect from Jupiter in the sign of the scales:
* First of all, Jupiter is moving from the sign of Mercury into the sign of Venus. This shift represents a major change in the tone and symbolism of Jupiter in the year to come, from Mercury ruled things to Venus ruled things. Jupiter’s natural planetary contrary is Mercury so this shift will also take Jupiter out of the sign of his detriment (all planets are somewhat challenged by the environment of their opposite signs). If one of Jupiter’s most basic significations is to say yes to things, or to grow or confirm things, then we will see Venus ruled things growing and being given the green light or thumbs up in the next year. This might include relationships, love, allegiances or allies, art and style, appearance and beauty, decor and ceremony, friendship and sophistication, and so forth. This should feel like a welcome change after a year of Jupiter in Mercury’s sign. While in Virgo, Jupiter has been trying to say yes to (or trying to confirm and grow) Mercury ruled things like analysis and debate, contest and destabilization, deconstruction and reorganization. While we can always find the silver lining or the archetypal upside of any transit, some are simply more challenging than others, and Jupiter’s shift to a Venus ruled sign should be a welcome relief as Mercury ruled things start to subside and Venus things start to grow.
* Jupiter is moving from a mutable sign to a cardinal sign. This reflects another important facet of the upcoming sign change. Jupiter in a mutable mercury-ruled sign has been emphasizing a long transitional period based on the deconstruction of previously held ideas, beliefs, practices or methods. As Jupiter moves into a cardinal sign, we’re now looking at a year that is defined by strong, pivotal and cathartic events. As the sign of the fall equinox these events will generally serve to bring resolution or closure to various aspects of our lives, but like all cardinal signs they will also initiate new beginnings simultaneously. Think for example of the catharsis of the funeral of a grandparent. Through the final natural releasing of their life force many new things come about in the life of an entire family unit. Libra usually involves periods of closure and just resolution, final judgments and the turning point of the harvest. For a full year we will thus see events marked by these kinds of energetic dynamics, and this will be noticeably different from the transitional and deconstructive period of Virgo we’re just finishing.
* Finally, Jupiter will be moving from a cold/dry earth sign to a warm/moist air sign. For the past year the elemental nature and quality of Jupiter has been somewhat more dry, conservative, practical, efficient, formal, hard or structured, and rather inflexible and inert. When Jupiter moves into Libra we should see more fluidity and flexibility, outward movement and exchange, circulation and animation. Jupiter in Libra will emphasize the intellect and ideas, social exchange and social justice, culture and beauty, and a more stimulating social atmosphere in general.
Prayer: Jupiter, planet of yes, planet of faith, planet of growth, thank you for your teachings in the earthy sign of the Virgin. We welcome you now into the airy sign of the Scales!
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