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In this episode, we continue our analysis of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, set to occur in April 2024 – a transit we've identified as a major event of the year. Having explored historical instances and personal stories from my client practice to illustrate the Jupiter-Uranus dynamic, we also discussed how individual natal charts might interact with this transit. Today, we shift our focus to horoscopes, walking through all 12 Rising signs to give you a detailed outlook on how this significant conjunction may manifest for each.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Ellenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we conclude our three-part series on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction taking place in the sign of Taurus in April of 2024. We've been looking at this as one of the most talked about and exciting transits of the year ahead, if not the biggest transit of the year ahead. In the first two parts of this series; we really looked at the archetypal nature of Jupiter Uranus.
Today, we're going to do horoscopes. So, we will give you a sense of what to expect given your sun or rising sign. These are whole sign house horoscopes, and you can listen for sun or rising, whatever you prefer. This will be a horoscope that explores the whole sign house placement and the topics likely to be activated as long as well as the archetypal expression that you're likely to see through the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. So that is our goal for today; we're going to conclude the series by doing some horoscopes.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like, subscribe and share your comments and reflections in the comment section. Especially if you already have a sense of what might be happening or where things might be going. It's always interesting to write those things down, even if you just write them down for yourself and you don't write them in the comment section.
Then, you can look back and see what you thought might be happening, as opposed to what actually happened, which I think is an interesting exercise. I do that all the time with a lot of the big transits that are coming, even really basic things like Venus entering Scorpio, and the kinds of things I anticipate may come up, you know, during that transit in the big aspects to like Jupiter, Uranus or whatever, I love doing that. So highly recommended.
Anyway, you can find a transcript of today's talk on the website nightlightastrology.com. As you guys know, we are making our push towards 1777 ackers by New Year's Eve. We are on our way to that goal. A big thank you to everyone who has already donated; you can find the link to the Kickstarter pinned to the top of the comment section of this post or in the description of the video.
So far, I want to give a big thank you to the 348 backers who have already pitched in to support this channel and our team in the year ahead. We still need 1429 backers by New Year's Eve. We still have a long way to go, and we need a lot of help to get there.
Everyday, what I've been doing is taking a moment to talk about what I value as an astrologer so that you know what you're supporting and you know what goes into the content that you're supporting when you pitch into the Kickstarter. Today, I want to talk about three elements of my work as a teacher and reader that contribute to the content that I create because there are three parts of my career.
Of course, there's content creation, five days a week, year-round. That's what you get from this channel, obviously, and then there is my daily client practice where I meet with people, and I read charts, read horary charts, and over the years, I have done all different kinds of readings and then there are also classes that I lead I have, at any given time, we have six different programs going. So there's a lot of work as an astrology teacher; there are many ways in which my work as a teacher and reader contributes to the kinds of content that I create and kind of like the spiritual intention that goes into the work each week. So, I want to mention those real quick.
Number one, I've heard a lot of stories. As a reader, I am fortunate in that I get to talk to people about their lived experience of astrological placements and natal charts and astrological transits to placements in Natal charts, and I have been doing that 24/7, you know, five days a week for going on 14 years.
So with the different types of readings that I've done, I have done all different kinds of readings over the years, really long ones, really short ones, and horary readings. You name it. I've probably done that type of reading before. But so I think last I counted, we were somewhere between 12 and 13,000 readings that I have done in the course of going on 14 years.
That is a piece of my resume that I am proud of, not because, oh, it's a big number, but because I believe that one of the most fundamental parts of becoming better as an astrologer is seeing astrology alive and at work in people's lives. The best part about that number is the amount of stories I've gotten to hear, the amount of astrology I've gotten to learn, and the amount of soulful connections, heart-centered connections I've gotten to make with really interesting human beings.
I love stories. I love astrology stories in particular, and if you guys watch my channel, you know, occasionally, I'd like to do storytelling episodes where we literally feature your stories and share with everyone what's going on, and you learn a lot from those. Like every day of the week when I sit with people. I hear stories about Jupiter-Uranus. I hear Uranus transits to Jupiter, I hear Pluto transits to Venus, and I hear Saturn transits to the midheaven.
I have a, something like an almanac, like an astral Omen, diviners almanac in my head of stuff that has happened, like from the most rare weird stuff that's happened under certain transits to like the most common, and so the stories are really what I draw on most in the ways that I shaped a lot of my content.
So what you know, when you're watching the channel, is that a lot of the way in which I shaped the content, the way I teach the archetypes and the planetary combinations come from going on 14 years of daily client experience, it is like the engine of everything I do, I couldn't be a teacher, I couldn't be a content creator if I didn't spend time in a reflective, heart-centered kind of astrological counseling space with beautiful people like yourselves out there.
I've done readings for some of you, and it's a real privilege and I'm still learning a lot and still growing a lot as an astrologer, and it's my favorite part of the work, and it plays a huge role in the way I create the content.
Number two, I feel that a lot of questions. I've been teaching astrology also for 14 years; what started as facilitating a group study and just being sort of a facilitator, lead in time to being a teacher and over, you know, going on 14 years, there's been 1000s of questions that I fielded as an instructor. It is really important; it's really important to get used to saying I don't know, right, because there's, it's not like I know everything about astrology.
I'm always learning more and more over the years; I've learned from teaching how to teach, I've learned from teaching how to listen, I've learned from teaching how to learn. I've learned from teaching, you know, what kinds of things people tend to get stuck on, and what kinds of things tend to excite people, and so the process of fielding so many different questions about astrology, it's been one of the main ways in which I've learned and grown because there's a lot of things that you can't run into you. Oh, geez, that's a great question, and then you have to dig and find out and see if you can find out at any rate.
So one of the things that goes into the content I create five days a week is the fact that I'm a teacher of astrology who has been working with listening to and working through my own questions, let alone, you know, students' questions for going on 14 years.
Number three, I've seen what it looks like in both of these settings and how it feels when people learn, heal, and grow with astrology. They're not every reading is; either I'm not on my game, or the alignment might not be quite there; you know, some readings are just off a little bit, but you know exactly what it feels like.
If you're an astrologer, you know exactly what it looks like and feels like when something's connecting, and so you learn how to, you learn how to make symbolic connections with a kind of instinct, it just develops over time, and sometimes it's there, and sometimes it's not just like you sit down to write, and sometimes it's just a flow and other times, it's a little clunky, that's part of being a reader. But I've seen what it looks like and how it feels when I'm reading the symbols in a way that is, like, aligned somehow it just, it's in a zone, and I've seen and felt what it's like when people clients are connecting with astrology or the symbols of a chart or the way we're creating a conversation around the symbols in a chart, and it's doing something special.
So I know what that feeling is like, I know, you know, I know what it looks like, and I know how it feels for astrological symbolism to help healing and growth, not that that means I'm going to hit it every time again. But I know what it looks like and feels like, and that is a really important part of what goes into creating the content that I do.
Then I also know what it looks like when students are learning and excited about what they're learning, and I know what it looks like. Because I also know what it's like to be excited and growing in my understanding of astrology. Because I've been doing it for a long time, and I've also been, you know, helping other people learn astrology for a long time. Those are subtle little things that, you know, they go into everything that I create on this channel.
So, I wanted to take the time to explain who I am and why I do what I do. Because it's a better way to promote the Kickstarter program that I do every year than just say, hey, help us get to our goal. Here's what goes into the creation of everything that we do at nightlight. If you are able to, we'd love your help;
We need to get to 1777 backers by New Year's; when you go over there to the Kickstarter and again, you can find the link in the comment section pinned to the top or in the description of the video, and you go over there.
Pick up 50% off any of our classes or 75% off if you get the two-, three-, or four-class bundle, pick up a reading, or pick up a special lecture series that we offer exclusively through the Kickstarter or my book. There are lots of good rewards that we give to say thank you for your contribution and thank you so much again to everyone who's already donated. Let's see if we can't get there by New Year's Eve. All right. On that note, I hope you will enjoy the Jupiter-Uranus horoscopes today.
All right, let's go ahead and get into it. We are continuing to look at the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the sign of Taurus, which will be happening in April of 2024. We've been saying that this is arguably the biggest transit of 2024, and in our first two parts of this series, we looked at the archetypal combination of Jupiter and Uranus. We picked some historical examples that were really interesting, and then we looked at some personal stories from my client practice that nicely illustrate the combinations of Jupiter and Uranus. We talked about some of the signs to look for in your natal chart because not everyone will experience the transit as powerfully as everyone else, and a lot of it depends on how things are positioned in your natal chart. But what we're going to do today is take a look at the horoscopes.
So, we're going to walk through the 12 Rising signs; of course, you could listen to this for your sun sign as well, whichever you prefer, and we're going to, we're going to look at where the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction lands by house and maybe some, some other contextual details in the horoscopes of all the 12 signs that can help you start to think about where this conjunction is taking place. Jupiter's about to turn direct by the end of the month of December and then pushes forward all the way until April when it meets Uranus in the conjunction.
So we're getting close to a turning point that then is like shooting Jupiter toward the conjunction with Uranus. So the end of this month really starts us on the track toward that conjunction, which is why it's such a good thing to take a look at, in addition to the fact that it's fun at the end of the year to look forward and see what the biggest transits of the next year are.
By the way, if you want to look at all of the major transits of 2024. It's one of the Kickstarter rewards that you can pick up; Alex and I break down all of the major transits of the year in one of the reward videos that we offer. Okay, anyway, let's go ahead and get into it. I'm going to put the time clock up on the screen. We're going to start with Aries, and we're just going to go one sign at a time.
All right, so here we go. So we start off with if you're listening to this as an Aries sun or Aries rising horoscope, it's the same thing, and I recommend your rising always because it will correspond with the whole sign house version of your birth chart, which means the transits are in the actual places that they are traveling through in the natal chart and that's I think that makes for the most accurate horoscope.
Jupiter Uranus can join in your second house if you are in Aries. I look at that, and I think, well, you know what else is going on in the chart? Well, there are eclipses in the first and seventh. Pluto's just entered the 11th. You know, Saturn's doing its work in the 12th house. I think that one of the things that can happen is we just think, okay, well, there's going to be a breakthrough with money. You know, there's going to be breakthroughs around finances or business, the development or cultivation of resources, a windfall financially, a big investment or purchase, you know, some shift that's sort of seismic around money that looks very good. I mean, this is one of the horoscopes people probably get the most excited about because Jupiter-Uranus is a pretty optimistic transit and put it in your financial house, and people get starry-eyed, you know, you know, so understandably.
But look at the context of everything else that's going on, what is the breakthrough in, in around finances, resources, what you have or are in possession of, or what you are trying to cultivate, that can help you in life to become more self-sufficient, or to provide for yourself, that is also tapped into significant changes in your identity and relationships. Right.
So, there's a theme of individuation in the first house for Aries. There's a theme of crystallizing wisdom around relationships. So, the south node in the seventh house, you've also got Pluto, who's entered your 11th house and tends to create a larger social transformation; in the 11th house, the change in groups or friends or colleagues or allies, changes in your long term visions, hopes or aspirations and who that connects you to.
So there's a theme of individuation and social or relational change that's happening in the charts for Aries, and then we put the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the second house, and the shift around resources has to be put into that context. So how is this changed around resources, this opening of possibilities or opportunities with respect to money, business, assets, or skill development? How is that related to significant changes in relationships, the process of individuation, and larger social and maybe even ideological social changes that are happening in your life? That's what I'm looking at for my Aries folk out there right now.
Let's move along to Taurus rising when we place the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction into the first house. The theme is one that the theme of individuation is now the theme that offers the most expansive kind of opportunities for breakthrough and personal change and growth.
So you think of rapid personal change, rapid personal evolution, a rapid development of your body or your health; I could see this being a time of real personal awakening for Taureans. When it comes to taking care of yourself or, you know, kind of like a new chapter when it comes to health and wellness. Jupiter-Uranus is about expansiveness and breakthroughs. When you place that in the house of vitality and health, you think, okay, you could really be starting healthier habits or taking care of yourself in ways that are a little bit more, you know, they're going to lead to better results, you place the context. Now, context is everything; you've got the nodes in your 12th and sixth, you have Saturn in your 11th, and you have Pluto just entering your 10th.
Especially with Pluto entering the 10th for Tauruses, I think about a massive change in personal identity that's also leading to or connected with a very deep level of transformation that's underway in your career, or your work in the world, or the work that you do to earn money or make a name for yourself or follow up calling or develop mastery with some set of skills, Pluto is starting to work into that 10th house creating tremendous change in that area. Well, there's also a signification of personal growth and development that is sudden, exciting, and expansive, and this is all happening in the spring.
So, you know, around April, I wonder if this isn't one of the first flash points that we see connecting a significant personal change with the kind of transformation that Pluto wants to do in the 10th house. Pair that along with the north node Aries in the 12th.
You might want to be careful of inflation, or of going too big, or of letting your ambitions drive you in ways that are unconscious, and it looks like the theme of hubris comes to mind a little bit. But also, there are insights that are crystallizing with the south node and Libra in your sixth house, what's worth sacrificing or for on behalf of what is worth working hard on behalf of, and this kind of personal theme of liberation, freedom, growth breakthroughs. Maybe there's something there that says you know what I've carried some kind of cross. I have been suffering under the weight of various social obligations or expectations that I've put on myself and I'm ready to change. I'm ready for a greater degree of creative freedom, autonomy, or originality. Those are the kinds of things that I'm thinking about for Tauruses.
That's my rising sign. So I'm like, Well, I don't know what that is yet, but sure be interesting. We'll see. Yes, I'm gonna show up with purple hair. You're gonna go okay, we know. We know what happened. Alright, I'm done.
Okay, so let's go to Gemini Rising. Gemini rising, we placed the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in the 12th house, which is very interesting because here you have a transit that's all about personal breakthroughs and expansion of opportunities, and yet you have Saturn moving through your 10th house for a couple of years.
I wonder if, because where is this heading right? Jupiter's heading into your first house by June. Uranus, by late June of 2025, will also be heading into your first house as Saturn finishes up in your 10th. I feel like the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction for Geminis is planting a seed of revolution that's going to take a little while to play out. It's you're starting to go into the contractions of like a year and a half long labor. That sounds awful. Sorry.
You got to think of it like that because, you know, Jupiter goes into the first in June, and you start getting the theme of personal growth and expansion. It's kind of fertile energy for your self-development with Jupiter heading into your first coming off the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, but it's squaring Saturn throughout 2024 and the 10th, which is maybe putting the brakes on or holding you back or making you feel a little heavy or bored or exhausted with respect to work and worldly endeavors. Jupiter, in the meantime, wants to expand personally.
So, if you asked me, I think for Geminis, this is about the seeds of an unconscious desire for liberation and, massive personal change and greater personal freedom that isn't accessible yet. So you want to be careful not to let this become the expression of a kind of reckless defiance.
I'm going to start drinking, or I'm going to start doing things out of frustration that are actually going to be harmful for me, or whereas if we think of this more as a ceding point of revolution than in time, the weight of Saturn in the 10th lifts at the same time that Jupiter is finishing up in the first and Uranus is entering the first, and then I think the result, which is personal freedom, greater personal realization. I'm really being myself; I'm not holding anything back. I think that's what's on the way in the long term. But it's because the seeds being planted in a rather unconscious space, and Saturn is doing its work in the 10th is going to take a minute.
You also look at Pluto in the ninth, sort of fueling the changes of philosophy, a change of mind, while providing some kind of higher perspective that's going to be a part of what is fueling the need for personal change, taking you all the way into the summer of 2025.
All right, let's go ahead and move this along to Cancer. With Cancer, we see the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your 11th house, a place of friends, allies groups, a place of wishes, hopes, and aspirations. When you see Jupiter Uranus in this house, you start thinking about a long-term dream or goal or plan, collaboration, and creativity with other people.
Maybe one thing that's especially interesting is you see that Mercury is retrograding over the north node, and this is just after an eclipse on April 8 in your 10th house. This, to me, for Cancers, looks like there's some need to revise or implement changes in your career. But it's for the sake of some new dream or vision or goal or plan or collaboration or community development that you're really excited about. But in order to realize those goals and aspirations in order to make those connections meaningful and substantive. There's like a process of revision taking place in the career.
So I like this for Cancers as some kind of very exciting development around community, friends, groups, aspirations that connect you with other people and planning those things out and developing those things. But it's a process of change. That's going to take a little while as there's a seeding of the solar eclipse in your career house on the eighth and then the Mercury retrograde on the 10th.
Well, it's going to take a minute; some powerful breakthroughs are happening around this time for Cancers in their career and connecting with other people, probably in relation to your dreams and professional goals.
One more thing to say about this, with the eclipses also in the 10th and fourth for Cancers, you may be having to look at the long term plans around your career and, you know, these aspirations and dreams that you have. But it's simultaneously coming as there's this kind of crystallized wisdom happening, or old cycles are completing with respect to home and family. So the balance between home family and these, you know, these worldly excite exciting endeavors and opportunities opening up will also be a big part of the story.
All right, let's go to Leo Rising. With Leo's, we see the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction happening in your 10th house. Now, that's the place of your career. Broadly speaking, it's it's about how we develop a sense of participatory relevance in the world. What am I doing? How am I contributing? What do I know? What am I good at? What is my status? Or where do I fit in, in terms of the, you know, the kind of the marketplace of the world and for Leos, we're looking at a significant moment of innovation or breakthrough or change professionally new opportunities that come through that are very exciting breakthroughs, where there's been stagnation, excitement, where there has been boredom, you know, kind of a change of momentum in your career could also be the way we're looking at this. Now. It's coupled with a few other things.
One, Pluto has been moving into your seventh house of relationships. So, how is this shift in professional direction coupled with the massive transformation that starting in the house of relationships? The two may be connected; we also see the nodes of the moon creating the eclipses, and we've just come off an eclipse on April 8 In your ninth house with the North Node.
You know, there are exciting new ideas that are shaping the direction of your life philosophies, religious experience, higher-minded, ninth house material that's popping up with a lot of Aries excitement, which is action-oriented, or there's a Mercury Retrograde to revising rethinking re-strategizing your higher principles.
Your moral and spiritual compass is going through some kind of significant change as these kinds of breakthroughs and openings in the career are happening, and as we see Pluto making this significant ingress into the seventh house of relationships, so those areas are all connected for Leos coming into the month of April.
Let's go forward to Virgos. So for Virgos, the conjunction of Jupiter-Uranus is in the ninth house, the place of our higher beliefs, our paradigm, our morals, or our ethics, or spiritual, philosophical compass, and when Jupiter-Uranus is in that house, the idea is that subject matter may be lighting your heart and mind on fire that could be significant breakthroughs in your understanding of a subject that you love. Or you could just be getting a bit annoyed by some subjects like people; Jupiter Uranus is great for astrology, by the way.
So, people who get really excited about yoga, or they get really excited about astrology, or they decide to go back to school to study something, and there's the feeling of having found your calling or your teacher or a set of teachings that are revolutionizing your life very quickly and rapidly and unexpectedly. So you think about this as a kind of revolution of mind and spirit that's happening for Virgos in the ninth house.
Now you're pairing that also against the stuckness of Saturn in the seventh, there are heavier, deeper lessons, or there's a kind of gravitas around the area of love and relationships, and also of things that are, you know, karmic cycles that are ending or completing themselves. The seventh house is the place of the setting sun with Saturn, and it is associated with endings.
So what's ending, what's resolving, what's completing, what deeper lessons are there around relationships that may be contributing to this kind of revolution of mind and spirit? That's a great question for Virgos right now, of course, with the nodes of the moon across your second and eighth house. You also think about accompanying lessons or insights around money, personal finance, resources, and collaboration with other people, what other people can or can't offer you. So that is kind of a few different topics all connected at once for Virgos.
Let's go ahead to Libra. Libra rising places the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction into the eighth house. So with the eighth house, we have the possibility that you are blessed, or the way is opened thanks to what other people are providing.
This is the kind of transit that will often coincide with someone's spouse getting a raise and creating more ease or flow or freedom in your life thanks to good openings happening for spouses.
The eighth house is a house of our partner or other people's assets, wealth, and income resources so that the blessings that come through other people or come through fortunate connections with other people is one possible interpretation of Jupiter and Uranus conjoining in the eighth.
The other possibility would be that there is great freedom coming because you are getting out of relationships or soul contracts or codependent dynamics that are simply not as healthy for you and that there's a great freedom when it comes to the Jupiter Uranus conjunction the eighth house the ability to liberate you from bondage.
The south node is in the first house, the North notice in the seventh; there's a lot of focus on the development happening in relationships and the kinds of sacrifices or compromises that are happening in relationships that the give and take between self and other and the question of assets and resources and what kinds of compromises are good ones and not so good ones. What does reciprocity mean? What does an equal distribution of the weight look like in relationships? How can you free up yourself? Or how can you help free up someone else that you're close with? Through a kind of give and take of what you have and what they have. So, getting creative with other people to generate more freedom or opportunity comes to mind with this one as well.
All right, let's continue on, and we go to Scorpio Rising. With Scorpio rising, we take the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. We see it in the seventh house, the place of relationships. We also see that Pluto is just entered the angular fourth house, and thus, we have a set of themes that are connecting between the fourth house of home and family roots living environment. The kind of basic level of the foundation of the chart which suggests things like security and stability. Pluto entering the fourth house is shaking up the roots of our life. So you see people move, you see major, you know, sort of deaths, births, marriages in home, and family major changes in family karma, and that happens as Jupiter-Uranus is conjoining in the seventh house.
Creating breakthroughs and opportunities and expansion and possibility in the realm of love and relationships. You know, sometimes when love and relationships come into our life and open up a lot of possibility and excitement, it comes while we also have to, you know, choose to differentiate ourselves from our family or ancestral paths in order to say yes to something new, we have to, it'll immediately bring up the, you know, the kind of chords that keep us caught in old patterns that come from the past.
This is also about creating a new pattern with someone new, maybe creating a new home or base with someone new. So, I like this in terms of the exploration of family, karma, and relational karma simultaneously with the theme of openings and new possibilities, transformation at the roots; pretty deep stuff for Scorpios around this time, with Pluto being angular.
Let's go to Sagittarius. Sagittarius, we see the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the sixth house. Now, one of the ways that I've heard the sixth house described that I've always really resonated with because it was called The Joy of Mars, and Mars was the planet, not only of frustrations and misfortunes and adversity but also perseverance and courage, the perseverance, courage, drive, determination, hard work and stick to-itiveness that we need to, to withstand the sort of slings and arrows of life, and so Jupiter Uranus here, to me, suggests the thrilling way in which we are able to overcome obstacles, challenges, difficulties, the breakthroughs we have in the process of hard work and sacrifice that we're making toward our desired outcomes or goals, is kind of has the feeling of like the, the moment when you're running, and it goes from being really difficult and labored to hitting that stride and getting that runner's high.
To kind of think of, like, the Jupiter-Uranus in the sixth house is an indication of a breakthrough in things that you've been carrying that have been hard. This is where it starts to pay off. This is where the sacrifice, it's all been worth it. This is where you overcome something difficult. This is where there's a breakthrough and something that's been challenging. So I love that for Sagittarius. Because I think Sagittarius also thrives off of mentors. You know, Sagittarius was originally assigned that was associated with the running of the marathon. I don't remember exactly how that connection was made. But I do remember hearing that at one point. Anyway. Remember the context here?
Sagittarius includes Saturn in your fourth house, which is a heavy place given it's a place of home family ancestry; it makes me wonder if the breakthrough you're experiencing right now doesn't have to do with the weightiness that you've been working with. While Saturn has been in your fourth house, a weightiness around home, family roots, parents' living environment; a kind of the Saturn in the fourth is very deep but can be very heavy and so if you think about the kind of heaviness at the roots, Jupiter Uranus in the sixth feels like, you know, if you've been carrying something heavy, that there's a feeling of having gained wisdom or insight or start, you're starting to overcome some of the struggles that have been bearing you down. So, anyway, those are some of the contextual factors that really stand out to me for Sagittarius.
You could also look at the fact that the North Node is in Aries in the fifth house, which, you know, in my experience, any kind of North Node eclipses in the fifth tend to amplify the need to go in your own direction creatively, that creative individuality, it's not just individuation, it's creative individuals, what do you do? How do you express yourself creatively in ways that help you get unstuck? You know, there's sometimes the best way to change something when you're suffering is to do something creative. So, it feels like it could also contain some significant creative breakthroughs for Sagittarius. So I like that month of April for you guys. Alright.
Let us now look at Capricorn rising, which places Jupiter Uranus into the fifth house now; this is the house that was called The Joy of Venus, the place of pleasant fortunate things, romance, children, pregnancy, creativity, the arts, sensuality.
This is a kind of a career, a space of creative breakthrough for Capricorns, and I've said recently that Capricorns often are carrying a cross, and the cross is meaningful and, you know, it's it doesn't always feel that way, and certainly there's suffering involved. But the question is, can I carry the cross that I've been given without being crushed, which is not a given? Because we can be crushed by the crosses we carry, and can I not become bitter, resentful, cynical, spiteful, suspicious.
See, you know, like that Jupiter Uranus in the fifth house for Capricorns right now to me, suggests that there is an opportunity for creative, joyful expansion, a breakthrough in creativity, the fifth house in Indian astrology, sometimes called The Joy derived from one's Dharma. Okay, well, here's a great moment to start feeling like the Dharma. The duty you carry is not only a duty but also a joyful, creative act.
I think for Capricorns, there's nothing more uplifting than thinking I've got a duty to do. But there's something fun, exciting, and creative about it, at least at times, and this is a transit that could give that for Capricorns, which I think would probably be appreciated.
Now there's north node development in the fourth house, so you're thinking about the growth and development exploration of desires around home, the family roots living environment, and then the south node in the career house crystallizing insights and wisdom around your role in the world, your professional direction.
So you also think about these creative breakthroughs coming in relationship to what the nodes are speaking to around home, family and, career, or public reputation. There's some way in which the creative breakthrough depicted by Jupiter-Uranus is being coupled to those themes that the eclipses are speaking to, as well as Pluto entering your second house and starting to create some kind of transformation around what you have what you're in possession of your resources, stuff like that.
So, the cultivation of resources in Aquarius can be very intellectual or technological. You're coming into possession of new ideas that are helpful and then pair that with the creativity of the fifth house, Jupiter-Uranus. I think you have a lot of exciting new developments happening. All right.
Let's go forward to Aquarius rising. With Aquarius rising, we see Jupiter Uranus in the fourth house again, the place of home and family of roots, living environment, parents, and ancestral karma. The roots of the chart are also the place where we experience liberation from the world, like your bedroom or your living room after a hard day of work.
So Jupiter-Uranus here suggests to me that there is a new way, a kind of a breakthrough when it comes to how you take refuge where you find safety or, you know, how you find safety or security or where you find rest or release from worldly things. There could be a greater joy growing in the more private sphere of your life, that's, you know, the breakthrough in that area is just as important as a breakthrough in any other area. Think about moving to a location that really makes you feel like you can stretch out and relax; your soul really feels at home, it really feels safe, and your nervous system settles down. Well, that's a nice kind of breakthrough, isn't it?
Pluto moving into the first house for Aquarians is starting to create the need for tremendous personal physical change, often for Aquarians. That's going to mean, you know, at the very least, trying to balance the tension between the mental and the physical. At a deeper level, Jupiter and Uranus and an earth sign in the fourth house also suggest that kind of the development of a kind of earthy, solid base, a base of sensual embodied pleasure and contentment. You know, maybe that's part of the personal revolution or transformation that we're seeing for Pluto entering the first house. With that, maybe that's part of the change we're seeing with Pluto entering the first house for Aquarians.
Also, I have to wonder, with the eclipses forming in the third and ninth house, if there isn't a change of mind, a change of heart, a change of thought going on, the changes in mind and paradigm, the changes in learning and thought that can lead to personal growth and transformation. Those that were connecting now the eclipses across the third and the ninth with Pluto entering the first, but I think it probably still comes back to the question of do we have an earthy, sensual, embodied, safe, comfortable base to work from and I think there's going to be some breakthroughs around those topics for you.
Alright, for Pisceans, we have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the third house, and the third house is like the environment of a fish tank, you know, for like a goldfish or whatever for some tropical fish. Changes in the environment of the tank can dramatically harm the fish. But this is not a harmful, negative, challenging transit that's introducing, you know, toxins or difficult things into the environment. Not so much as it describes a breakthrough in the environment that could be creating a greater degree of happiness, ease, freedom, and flexibility; Jupiter-Uranus is about breakthroughs, Venusian breakthroughs is the mind becoming a safer, more luxurious place to inhabit why, probably because it's being opened, expanded, softened, it's becoming less rigid, it's becoming more harmonious and hospitable.
So, you think about mental and emotional breakthroughs that can create a safer, more stable environment for Pisceans. Changes in the environment may include people, places, or things that have to change in order for the environment to change as well. Think about breakthroughs in terms of what your environment looks like and how you're setting it up so that it is the most conducive to your happiness, stability, well-being, and a feeling of safe, embodied ease; it's not going to be like that all the time.
But we need to have a lot of features in our environment that are set up to support our life, finding some kind of flow. I think Pisceans are looking for that and experiencing some significant changes that could help you create that kind of flow during this time. The need for that might be coming from the fact that Saturn is in your first house, and that can feel heavy; it can feel you can feel weary or weighed down by Saturn, and so you know, we look to support in the environment, we try to change or create a better environment, once we realize what's exhausting us, or what kind of boundaries need to be set in place, what we have to say no to.
Our nos and our yeses are so closely connected. If Saturn is telling you no to one thing, Jupiter Uranus might be saying if it's no to that, it's definitely yes to this other thing. So, let's put more of that into the environment to support ourselves.
This may also have something to do with the cultivation of money and resources with North Node Eclipse having taken place on April 8 in your second house. Do you think about the development of your assets and resources, changes in environments that are more conducive to peace and flow, and looking at the heavier, weighty, or existential nature of Saturn in the first house, placing some pressure on you to change what you have changed what the environment looks like so that you feel better. I think that's probably some of what we're looking at with the context provided here, and Pluto into the 12th house for Pisceans. Also, Pluto in the 12th house is a long, slow process; it's going to be there for several decades.
What Pluto does in that house is it starts us walking down a path of self-discovery that's made very, very slowly through our connection to collective changes that are happening in the world, especially along the lines of ideas about the world ideas about humanity, ideas about what you know, social or collective experience. So you also are, you know, it can be easy right now with Saturn in your first house and Pluto entering the 12th to feel like you have to figure out the problems of the world, and you know, there might be some role you have to play, but you certainly don't carry all of it, and that might be what Jupiter and Uranus is suggesting in the third house to like take some of the weight off your own shoulders.
You might be processing some of the empathy as a Piscean; you might be processing some of the hurts you feel or see in the world, but you can't carry all of it; you have to free your mind from some of that burden.
So anyway, these are some of the things that I see for all 12 signs. Given the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, I think it's arguably the biggest transit of 2024. We're also going to spend some time looking at Pluto moving into Aquarius again, and just like we did last year, we're going to try to unpack some of the archetypal nature of Pluto and Aquarius, and so we can start turning that jewel again and preparing ourselves for that outer planetary ingress which is another one of the major transits of 2024.
Anyhow, that is our talk for the day. Don't forget we are moving toward our goal of 1777 backers by New Year's Eve. We still have a long way to go, but I want to say a big thank you to everyone who's already contributed; please help us get there. We really do need your help.
All of our programs are 50% off, so you can get 50% off any of our online programs the first-year program, second-year program, the horary program, the Masterclass series, the Roots and Spheres program, all of those different courses we offer which are wonderful per for personal or spiritual development or for the sake of developing a professional practice. Those are all not only 50% off, but if you bundle them together, you save even more, so we have a bunch of rewards offered as well Astrology of 2024 year ahead horoscope readings, my new book The Oracle Speaks. So check those readings out, check the rewards out, and pitch in to help us get to our goal. We really appreciate your support, and we will see you again tomorrow. Bye, everyone.
What are your thoughts for Taurus rising with this Uranus Jupiter conjunction right on my South Node?