Jupiter and Uranus are moving into an opposition.
This transit has to do with revolution. But what does personal revolution really look like?
The easiest way to eliminate personal responsibility is to reduce all of our flaws and faults to psychological dispositions…rather than saying, “I take responsibility for this or that,” we say, “this is just the way that I am.” We force the world to change around us, we preach a gospel of excuses, masked as self-acceptance and tolerance, and we create an environment of entitlement and hyper sensitivity. We become easily offended, and we become the proud beneficiaries of our own issues, eventually alienating ourselves from others, and ignoring abundant opportunities for growth and insight.
Additionally, we make the environment psychosomatic…everything around us becomes sensitive to the psychic touch because we have made a physical target of our own psychic thin-skin. We have put a karmic bullseye on ourselves, saying, “Hit me right where it hurts, because I am my hurt, and having to defend my hurt hurts me even more.”
Psychological reductionism is the shadow of a self-help culture gone berserk. Its main weapon is the elimination of truth.
The easiest way to fight psychological reductionism is to study our psyche, to study the patterns and habits of our psyche, and not from the starting place of defensive or egotistical self-adoration, but from the desire to explore who we are, who we might be, free from the shackles of our innate “character.” If we have any hope of discovering an authentic character, an authentic voice, then our starting place cannot be the idea that who we are is all that we are, a known quantity, incapable of change. Those who believe this invest psychic real-estate in psychological reductionism and get busy with the work of self-righteous empire building.
It’s almost impossible to say this today because this is heresy to the self-help culture, but the main thing we have to remember is that self-acceptance, real self-acceptance, begins and ends with the recognition that who we are is largely a mystery to us. When we fall in love with the mystery of our eternal soul, then there is no need for the hyper defensiveness of our character.
If we use astrology to simply amplify and strengthen our sense that we are our astrology, we are our Moon and Sun and Saturn and Venus and so forth, then the revolution will only be a matter of turning and polishing our reflection in the jewels of our favorite archetypes. We will commit the vanity of psychological narcissism, which is just as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than everyday garden variety narcissism. Psychological narcissism begins and ends with the denial of truth and the reduction of the self to an endless fascination with images…treated as both hollow and absolutely everything at once, to our pleasure, as we like, however it suits us, in order to adorn and bedazzle the impenetrable castle of our character.
But who is the one possessing a character or cast of characters? Who is the one reflecting and recognizing, “yes, that’s me?”
Asking that question, sticking with that question, as we stick with our investigation of all the various psychological characters and images living inside of us, creates turns or shifts, awakenings, glimmers, lightning bolts, and unexpected discoveries in consciousness. The more we allow these shifts and turns, the more we increasingly identify ourselves with consciousness itself, whose nature is freedom.
When we discover freedom, we discover the use of freedom, which is love. Love allows all, witnesses all, holds all, and is conquered by all as it conquers all.
Prayer: Make us great again. Make us real again. Burn our excuses and defenses and give us a spirit of courage. Tell us the truth and let us hear it.
This transit has to do with revolution. But what does personal revolution really look like?
The easiest way to eliminate personal responsibility is to reduce all of our flaws and faults to psychological dispositions…rather than saying, “I take responsibility for this or that,” we say, “this is just the way that I am.” We force the world to change around us, we preach a gospel of excuses, masked as self-acceptance and tolerance, and we create an environment of entitlement and hyper sensitivity. We become easily offended, and we become the proud beneficiaries of our own issues, eventually alienating ourselves from others, and ignoring abundant opportunities for growth and insight.
Additionally, we make the environment psychosomatic…everything around us becomes sensitive to the psychic touch because we have made a physical target of our own psychic thin-skin. We have put a karmic bullseye on ourselves, saying, “Hit me right where it hurts, because I am my hurt, and having to defend my hurt hurts me even more.”
Psychological reductionism is the shadow of a self-help culture gone berserk. Its main weapon is the elimination of truth.
The easiest way to fight psychological reductionism is to study our psyche, to study the patterns and habits of our psyche, and not from the starting place of defensive or egotistical self-adoration, but from the desire to explore who we are, who we might be, free from the shackles of our innate “character.” If we have any hope of discovering an authentic character, an authentic voice, then our starting place cannot be the idea that who we are is all that we are, a known quantity, incapable of change. Those who believe this invest psychic real-estate in psychological reductionism and get busy with the work of self-righteous empire building.
It’s almost impossible to say this today because this is heresy to the self-help culture, but the main thing we have to remember is that self-acceptance, real self-acceptance, begins and ends with the recognition that who we are is largely a mystery to us. When we fall in love with the mystery of our eternal soul, then there is no need for the hyper defensiveness of our character.
If we use astrology to simply amplify and strengthen our sense that we are our astrology, we are our Moon and Sun and Saturn and Venus and so forth, then the revolution will only be a matter of turning and polishing our reflection in the jewels of our favorite archetypes. We will commit the vanity of psychological narcissism, which is just as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than everyday garden variety narcissism. Psychological narcissism begins and ends with the denial of truth and the reduction of the self to an endless fascination with images…treated as both hollow and absolutely everything at once, to our pleasure, as we like, however it suits us, in order to adorn and bedazzle the impenetrable castle of our character.
But who is the one possessing a character or cast of characters? Who is the one reflecting and recognizing, “yes, that’s me?”
Asking that question, sticking with that question, as we stick with our investigation of all the various psychological characters and images living inside of us, creates turns or shifts, awakenings, glimmers, lightning bolts, and unexpected discoveries in consciousness. The more we allow these shifts and turns, the more we increasingly identify ourselves with consciousness itself, whose nature is freedom.
When we discover freedom, we discover the use of freedom, which is love. Love allows all, witnesses all, holds all, and is conquered by all as it conquers all.
Prayer: Make us great again. Make us real again. Burn our excuses and defenses and give us a spirit of courage. Tell us the truth and let us hear it.
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