Reminder: I am in the process of raising funds to support these daily horoscopes in 2017. Please, please, if you read these horoscopes, or share them, or check in with them semi-regularly, I can’t do this work without your faith and support in me.
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Here’s what to watch for:
* As this Moon cycle is winding down, we are moving closer toward the Jupiter/Saturn sextile, which may point toward certain kinds of alliances, deals, negotiations, or exciting opportunities starting to take shape.
* Mercury has recently sextiled Jupiter and is now conjoining Saturn. Watch for messages and messengers coordinating or helping to bring the two sides of something together in agreement.
* Mercury is also just recently emerging as the evening star. What new information or ideas, messages and messengers are appearing right now may symbolize the emergence of an opportunity, idea, or proposal that we’ve been sitting on or thinking about for a long time. Now it’s coming to fruition, and there is a certain kind of anxiety that may accompany the process. This is totally normal!!!
* The Jupiter/Saturn dynamic often points to the old and the new, or the old and the young. In this case they may be coming together to mutually support or benefit one another.
* Today’s Moon/Sun sextile is a supportive aspect that helps to disseminate, announce, and generally bring things together as the energy of the month is winding down and things are coming to some sense of resolution and transition.
* The Moon cycle ahead is going to be very, very dynamic. Not only will Jupiter and Saturn be coming together to form their sextile, but Jupiter will also be opposing Uranus, which brings a series of breakthroughs, revolution, liberation, and expansion simultaneously. The end of the year is going to be very exciting!
It may seem like things are coming along somewhat slowly right now in some areas of your life, especially in those places where you see an approaching opportunity for some growth or expansion, but the next month will likely accelerate everything quite a bit, so stay patient, stay humble, and stay the course!
Prayer: Prepare our hearts for the acceleration, the liberation, and the opportunities for expansion that are now on the horizon.
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