We’ve finally made it to the peak of our eclipse cycle. A full moon that features near exact alignment with the Pluto/Uranus square. This cycle has not been messing around, and most of us have felt it in one way or another. With a constellation of Arian planets around the south node, and with our eclipse season opening with a strong equinox solar eclipse, there are very strong (much stronger than usual) new beginnings happening right now. The Arian energy brings the qualities of birth, rebirth, strong new openings, new phases or seasons of life, new jobs, new relationships, new lessons and learning, all with secondary adjectives like: speed, adrenaline, courage, confrontation, impulsiveness, willfulness, recklessness, and independence.
With all the Arian planets being ruled by Mars, and with Mars in Taurus right now, we are looking at what resources we have to work with, what we desire to gain or earn, and how we meet the hardships associated with survival (bills, food, clothing, income brackets, taxes, social class concerns, welfare, wealth, etc). This new beginning might have something to do with these themes, or it might be specifically qualified by these concerns somehow.
With the south node of the Moon in the mix with the Arian stellium, there is also the distinct feeling of “having been here before,” though we might be feeling a little wiser this time around. Is there something about everything happening right now that feels like a blessing or challenge from the past…ancestral, karmic, unconscious, historical or cultural? Meditating on this deeper layer of the story might help us reach an important level of clarity regarding next steps or how to proceed wisely.
In the meantime, our Libra Moon and the north node in Libra are symbolizing an oppositional tension that is pointing us toward relationships, negotiation, and complex levels of discernment or judgment that are needed in the mix of an otherwise very fiery and exciting time (a time where impulses are running high). Relationships and the subject of independence or freedom are critical right now. It’s important that we have these conversations and that we do the difficult work of sorting through the past, honoring the free spirit in each of us, while also carefully discerning the most compromising and harmonious picture of the future.
With the north node and the Moon both in Libra, we have to take a look at the planet Venus to understand what’s happening a little more precisely. Venus, like Mars, is in Taurus (her rulership!). She has a kind of secret rulership over Mars right now, as well, since Mars is in her sign (and therefore in his detriment).
In the third decan of Taurus, Venus is in the face of Taurus traditionally given to Saturn. This face of Taurus is a bit like the phrase “the lord giveth and the lord taketh away,” or like the IChing talking about times of plenty leading to times of scarcity, and vice versa. The wisdom of scarcity should be with us during times of abundance, as well as the knowledge of abundance not forgotten during times of scarcity. How do these teachings permeate the atmosphere right now?
Additionally the last decan of Taurus suggests that preservation and careful maintenance of “the goodness of the work” (whatever that might be for each person), requires careful planning, stocking, organizing, and downsizing. This advice is most important when we’ve reached a stage of abundance, or it comes as a reminder right now because we’re looking back seeing where we didn’t do this when we should have.
There is also a secret warning in the mix of our doubly Taurus themed rulers of this eclipse weekend…BEWARE or rushing to completion. Though there is a new beginning or powerful new directives coming through, and though we might see clearly what we want or where we’re going, implementation is calling for lots of TLC right now.
Imagine: before making the decision, clean every room in the house from top to bottom, organize and downsize, trim the fat, and get your life in order. Then, wait until the next new moon. Then wait some more and as the next moon cycle waxes, you will have put your house in order to receive the correct instructions.
We so quickly rush past the ceremonial and aesthetic aspects of change. Just because the gods are here banging down the door, doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate us saying, “I see you’re here. Let me put my house in order and make it beautiful so to receive you properly.” In fact, it’s in the way we structure our receiving of these times that we create ceremony, and from ceremony its so much easier to know how these big changes should implement themselves, step by step, and not just the steps but “how” they are being done..what kind of atmosphere we create around them….(that’s also Venus’ request from her rulership in Taurus right now!).
Prayer: the prayer is so often found in the way we prepare the temple for the god to come and speak…not in what we ask for, or what words we say, but the simple preparations we make…
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Image by courtesy of Paolo, at creative commons image licensing
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