Today, we're going to do horoscopes for all 12 signs looking at Mercury's opposition to Jupiter.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we're going to do horoscopes for all 12 signs, looking at Mercury's opposition to Jupiter. This is the third time that Mercury has opposed Jupiter during its retrograde cycle.
So, we had Mercury in Sagittarius opposing Jupiter in Gemini in direct motion, then in retrograde motion, and then again in direct motion. Now, for the final time, we see this aspect again. This is an interesting combination because both planets are in the signs of their detriments. They are in each other's signs, which means they are also in mutual reception.
So, it's a form of mutual reception by detriment and opposition. We’ve discussed this at length over the past month, as this aspect has come through several times already. Today, we’re going to do horoscopes for all 12 signs, giving you a sense of what these two planets might be discussing based on your birth chart and the whole sign house topics they’re activating.
This is a good thing to do because horoscopes are quite popular, and as you know, we are trying to rally last-minute support for our Kickstarter campaign. So, before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe, and share your comments and reflections.
Transcripts of any of these daily talks can be found on the website, which is Now, we are about five days away from the end of our Kickstarter campaign, which runs until December 31. We still need the support of about 1,000 backers as of the time I’m making this introduction video.
Thank you to everyone, the over 900 people who have already pitched in. We couldn’t have gotten this far without you. But we still need a huge push of support in these final days to try and reach our goal. At the end of today’s video, I will tell you about the rewards that are available when you support the channel.
You can make your way over to the Kickstarter and donate if you haven’t already, by clicking on the link at the top of the comment section, pinned at the top, or in the description of this video. Or, you can visit the website and click on the 2025 Kickstarter link.
Every single contribution helps. It’s a one-time contribution, taken out on January 1, after the Kickstarter has been successfully completed. You can also choose a reward if you'd like. We have lots of exclusive content and astrology on all the major events in the astrology of 2025, a talk that I give, my book in audio and text form before it comes out in print, year-ahead horoscope readings for all signs (about eight hours of content on the year ahead), and tons of classes.
All of our classes are on sale, and I’ll tell you about all of those things again at the end of today’s video. So yeah, we’re really trying to rally last-minute support. I will be doing a live stream tomorrow morning, on Friday, doing a Q&A and some live birth chart readings to try and drum up last-minute support.
I think we can get there, but we need a huge push at the end, and every single contribution helps. What I like to ask people at this point is: Is this channel a meaningful, solid, good part of your life? Does it contribute something positive to your life?
If so, consider giving $5, $10, $15, or picking a reward and getting a gift for a larger contribution. You can even come and study with us and get a class pass or a bundle of class passes. Every single contribution helps us. It's part of how I support myself, my family, and a staff of 11 people, including a full-time social media manager who is absolutely integral to the production of this channel year-round.
All of our programs and reading services are rooted in affordability and accessibility for people from all backgrounds. A lot of people benefit from this Kickstarter in terms of being able to take advantage of our need-based tuition. We use this Kickstarter as a sale for our programs, and that helps us avoid a bottom line, allowing us to have price points that are accessible for a wide range of people. This is a big part of our mission here at Nightlight.
So, if you value this channel and it gives something good to your life, consider supporting us in the year ahead and donating. Thank you so much. I’ll be pounding the drum and ringing the bell between now and New Year’s Eve as much as I can, to see if we can’t cross the finish line. I think we can get there, but we need a lot of help at the end.
Alright, I hope you enjoy these horoscopes today, as we take a look at what Mercury and Jupiter have to say to each other across this very interesting opposition with mutual reception.
All right, let's go ahead and get into it. We're looking at Mercury opposite Jupiter. So first, I'm going to lay out the timeline, show you a little bit about the dignity exchange again, just kind of refresh on it. Then we're going to talk about what Mercury and Jupiter might be exchanging right now across the house axis that they are traveling through.
We're going to do that for all 12 whole signs. You can listen to this for your sun or rising sign horoscope. Hopefully, in doing this, we'll be able to locate some of the topics being activated and the specific types of exchanges that Mercury and Jupiter may be signifying for us right now.
Okay, let's put this up on the real-time clock. First of all, we're going to start by pointing out the timeline. This transit has been in the works for a while. Let's go back through its history just briefly. If we go all the way back to the very first exchange, which happened in direct motion, that exchange took place between November 17 and 18. Around that time, Mercury and Jupiter were opposing one another across Gemini and Sagittarius.
Now, remember, Mercury is in its detriment, Jupiter is in its detriment. They're in each other's signs. They are in mutual reception by detriment and opposition. That is a very interesting configuration that we’ve looked at for the last month on this channel numerous times.
Let’s pull this forward now, and we’ll look at Mercury stationing and turning retrograde around November 26 into the 27th. Mercury’s retrogradation takes it back through the square to Jupiter between December 3 and 4. So that was the second opposition that we had. You could track these along a timeline if you’ve got a good memory, or if you’ve been observing the movements of this transit over the past month on my channel.
Finally, we see them coming together today, Thursday, December 26. This transit, you may have been feeling from about Monday, December 23, all the way through Christmas and now perfecting today, Thursday, December 26. Give it a three-degree range of separation, and you'll be feeling it through about Sunday.
This exchange is important because Jupiter is also in a square with Saturn. We've talked about that at length—the paradigmatic shift denoted by the Jupiter-Saturn square—and Mercury participating through the mutable T-square, kind of activating and stimulating this exchange between Jupiter and Saturn.
It’s been a really interesting dynamic that Mercury has played a really important role in, in the midst of an era-shifting transit like Jupiter-Saturn.
Excuse me, what I like to look at when you have a dog occasionally, you're just like, "I have a dog hair in my mouth." That’s great. So anyway, let’s go back just a little bit here. We’ll back it up to Thursday.
What I’m going to do is take this through all 12 whole sign house horoscopes. You can listen to this for your sun, rising, or moon, if you want to. We’re going to ask the question: what might Jupiter and Mercury be exchanging?
I ask the question, "What might they be exchanging?" because when they are in mutual reception by detriment and opposition, it is as though they have something to give each other, to provide each other with. Yet, they may be doing so through some inherent tensions or oppositions.
It is as though two people who have very different ideas about something are being forced to cooperate and do something for one another despite their differences. It is like a dialectic taking place, or a conversation about differing values or ideas.
So, how do they exchange? What do they exchange? That is the question that we’re going to look at across all 12 whole sign horoscopes today.
Now, you're going to notice that some of these are basically repeating. When we get to the opposite sign, such as Libra, you’ll notice that it’s similar to Aries because we’re just flipping the houses. The exchanges are in some ways identical, so keep that in mind. Let me just set myself up here.
All right, let’s start. We’re going to start with Aries, and we’ll work our way through.
With Aries, we’re looking at the exchange between the ninth house and the third house. These two houses together, when we have Mercury and Jupiter exchanging across them in this kind of dialectical tension, can represent different kinds of ideas that are conflicting and also seeking some kind of resolution.
A conversation about differing ideas, different styles of education, different pedagogies or ways of knowing or learning, different ideological stances, religious or spiritual stances, ethical or moral stances. When these houses get together, and they have an exchange like this, there is usually a debate or a dialogue happening about different ideas.
There could be tension within the process of learning or studying something, or there might be some emphasis placed on travel or overcoming some challenging circumstances around travel. We could also see this about the kinds of teachers and teachings that are ideal—those that challenge us to grow, or those that we might have to separate ourselves from because they aren’t quite the right ones.
These are the kinds of things that would take place across this house axis. I want you to think about learning, the environment of the mind, spirituality, philosophy, differing values, and a kind of dialogue with respect to education and learning, as well as travel.
Let’s go ahead and move to Taurus now. We’re placing Mercury and Jupiter across the second and eighth house axis, which means the exchange happening between them has to do with values and resources—money, assets.
When we talk about these two houses, we’re talking about the give-and-take, the karmic exchange inherent in all relationships. Every relationship is built on love, intimacy, and also an exchange: I give you this, I help you learn this, you give me this, you help me learn something as well.
So, we act as mirrors for each other, catalysts for each other's growth, and we also have different karmic contracts that exist between us, with a give and take. This might be about the exchange of money, values, bills, debts, inheritance—things that we get from other people, things that we give to other people.
It could also be about shifts or changes around what we have or are in possession of, as well as what kinds of karmic contracts we are obligated to, and how those contracts are shifting, or how we’re fulfilling them, or how we are shifting the nature or details of various contracts in our lives.
I would look for this to be about the exchange of values, money, resources, and things like that. Now, it could be that there’s a real chapter change happening with respect to money or finances as well, and it has to do with some kind of redistribution of how money is managed, how wealth is developed or earned, or something like that.
Now, for Geminis, we’re placing this across your first and seventh house, which makes this all about relational exchange. This is about exchanges between two souls, interpersonal dynamics in your relationships.
What do people give to you of a soul value? What do you give to others of a soul value? How are you being asked to change and accommodate or grow in relation to who someone is and what they bring to the table, and vice versa?
We could also look at this as conflicts of mind, value, or approach to life philosophy that are taking place. Difficult conversations, tensions within relationships that are being mediated and resolved, an openness and a willingness to compromise and work through someone else’s point of view—walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.
This is also about inherent questions about who you are, what you stand for, and what you value, and how that compares or contrasts to other people in your life. These are the kinds of tensions I would watch for—remaining open-minded but also standing your ground, being flexible, diplomatic, and clear about your values.
These are the kinds of tensions you're holding right now as a Gemini.
If we move along into the sign of Cancer, these planets go across the sixth and 12th houses. It could be that there are... I mean, one of the things that happens across these houses when Jupiter enters them is we reconcile ourselves to the nature of difficult things. The reality of hard work, sickness, obstacles, and difficulties in life.
There’s a way in which we find the ability to move fluidly or to adapt and move with difficult or trying times or circumstances. This could be something that’s really existential, almost about your faith—how do you deal with the difficulties in your life? How do you meet or move through obstacles and challenges? Do you keep the faith, or does it cause you to doubt?
Do you have to rethink things in your life because of the challenges coming up? This is also about understanding unconscious dynamics and your beliefs, ideals, and values with respect to things you’re suddenly starting to understand that maybe you didn’t before.
The 12th house Jupiter can be about growth in wisdom and understanding that comes because we’re starting to see things and connect patterns we weren’t previously able to see or connect.
The other thing I like about these two houses is learning and studying things that are otherworldly—earned through hard work, determination, dedication, and rolling with the hardships of life. The “school of hard knocks” spiritually comes to mind, where certain things in life you can’t learn any other way.
I also look at this as a time to reflect on teachers and teachings that are meaningful to you, helping you find the courage and resolve to make it through difficult times. What are the most inspiring people or teachers in your life right now?
What are the kinds of teachings and lessons that are most applicable to helping you get through something or to stick with something hard that you want to do but it's hard to stick with anything good? Usually, it requires a kind of staying power. How are you developing or cultivating that right now?
Also, look at this as an opportunity to reflect on unconscious dynamics within your belief systems. Sometimes, there are things that we believe or think, and we get opportunities to reflect on them and ask, "Do I really think that? Do I really believe that? Is that still where I am, or have I grown or changed in some way?"
These are things that come to my mind right now for Cancers.
Going forward to the Leo rising or Leo Sun, if you're listening for the Sun sign, we have the exchange happening across the 11th and the 5th. I like this as an exchange of people and creative ideas. The right creative ideas that come from us will inevitably need to find the right kind of people who are conducive to feeling like we're being ourselves and feeling like we are in our own authentic creative essence.
The wrong people will often make us feel as though we have to hide or can't quite show exactly who we are creatively. As unique creative beings, we may feel that we have to hide our light and conform in various ways in order to get ahead or to make sure that we progress in our career, or whatever the case may be. There are ways in which we have to conform and hide our light.
This exchange, to me, is in part for Leos about how much of yourself you should show and how much you keep hidden. It's like a dimmer switch. Do you need to develop a capacity for adjusting that "dim" so you can build and connect with the right kinds of people and develop positive community and relationships around you? This may, in the end, be the best thing you could do for the development of your creativity and your own gifts.
On the other hand, has there been too much compromise? Too much hiding of yourself? Does more of your creative spark need to be released? You may need to reveal more of who you are.
These kinds of tensions between personal, creative essence and collective social belonging are in a kind of dialogue and exchange with each other. This is also about the things that fill you with joy and the people that are the right fit. It's about asking, where do I feel happy, and who are the right people to feel happy with?
Also, values and exchanges of values—differing or clashing values within groups or communities or the social dimension of your life. Do you feel free to express your own ideas and values? Or do you feel that the various groups, social or professional circles you belong to, expect you to toe a certain line, and you can't really reveal what you think?
These are the kinds of tensions, again, that I would watch for.
Let's move along now to Virgo rising, where we see the tension between Mercury and Jupiter across the 4th and the 10th. Excuse me, so these two are exchanging across the houses of home and family as well as vocation or occupation. I imagine here that the exchange might be between the inner sphere of your life and the more public or visible part of your life.
The 10th house can represent career, and the 4th house can represent home and family. There could be tensions between home, family, and career. That's a very basic way of putting it. But if you think about the 10th as a social sphere of life and the 4th as the private, internal, or family sphere, we're talking about the various pressures and tensions that you may feel from both without and within.
You could also be looking at how you face the world and the public face you present versus the private face you present. The tensions between the two could make you question, "Am I being authentic? Am I really saying what I think and feel? Am I adapting socially to fit in and hiding my true thoughts?"
There may also be tensions between your ideas and those of other family members, or between the direction you're taking in life, professionally or creatively, and the values of your family. Different ideological or philosophical tensions between yourself and people at work or people at home could also come up.
You might also see that there's a great exchange taking place—an openness to different people, walks of life, and cultures, and a meaningful dialogue between them. Tensions between the two are also possible.
Alright, let's move along to Libra. For Libra, we're back in the 3rd and the 9th, right? So, same thing we started off with for Aries. We're talking about exchanges of ideas, thoughts, learning, education, teachers, and teaching. There’s potential for conflicts, as well as resolution or mediation of conflicts through open-mindedness and a willingness to listen and hear what someone else has to say.
There may be flip-flopping of ideas or points of view. Maybe you're considering something you used to be opposed to, or you're in a space where there are really important conversations going on. The tensions in these conversations may not be easy to hold, but it's critical that you have these conversations rather than hide or run from them.
There's something about this that says, "Look, even if you have very different ideas, a willingness and openness to listen, to consider, and to step into a position that's opposite to your own could be really beneficial right now."
Also, there's an emphasis on travel and education—solving problems related to travel challenges or changes surrounding an educational environment, teachers, or exchanges with teachers and students. These things come to mind for Libras.
Alright, let's move ahead to Scorpio. For Scorpios, we're looking at the exchange across the 2nd and 8th houses. Like the Taurus horoscope, we're now looking at an exchange around money, goods, values, and the karmic exchanges or soul contracts we're in.
In what ways am I obligated to you, and you to me, emotionally, financially, spiritually, energetically? What ways do I bless your life, and what ways do you bless mine? These soul contracts, the exchanges, and values present in them, are key. Some tensions may arise in the give and take of relationships, especially when it comes to dependency.
There’s a need to extricate ourselves from unhealthy karmic exchanges and to find things that are beneficial, while also accepting that things are not always ideal. Most valuable karmic exchanges will come with some things that we don't fully love. All relationships are like that.
What level or degree of compromise is necessary within value exchanges happening in relationships? Or perhaps a shift around things like money, possessions, and resources?
Now, with Sagittarius, we're back in the same sphere we were with Gemini, having a conversation within interpersonal relationships. Who am I, and how am I changing based on what you bring to the table? How are you changing based on what I bring to the table?
How much should I compromise something of myself for the sake of this relationship? How much should the other person compromise? How much can I forgive and tolerate, even if it reflects something very different than my own point of view?
Am I being asked to look at how some tension can be lived with? Sometimes, we think that if there's tension, it’s all or nothing—if this person isn't my friend, they're my enemy. But is there a middle ground that we can carve out in relationships, so differences can exist but still be beneficial?
These are the kinds of questions coming up right now. There's no one answer to them, but certainly, the tension between Mercury and Jupiter across the 1st and the 7th house brings it up in relation to who am I and who am I in relationship to you.
Capricorns, you go just like Cancer across the 12th and the 6th. I like to think of this as a crisis of faith, with questions about the existence of difficult things and how you are being illuminated from within because of the reality of difficult things you're being asked to face.
This also involves compromises that you’re being asked to make because of circumstances that have shifted. Maybe the perfect thing you wanted or hoped for isn’t quite possible, but that doesn't mean everything is lost. How much can you resign yourself to the fact that reality is sometimes frustrating and not completely ideal?
But, if you can open yourself to something of value in the midst of difficulty, you may benefit and grow. This change could also speak to positive approaches to difficult things, whether they’re things within yourself, like finding a therapist or healing modality that works, or difficult relationships where valuable conversations can be had—even if they’re hard—that can actually help sort things out.
You may also be looking at the philosophies surrounding work and how you deal with the pressures and difficulties of daily life. Maybe some positive philosophies, teachings, instructions, or technologies can help alleviate the work and difficulty of daily life.
This placement can also give you a little distance from the world to reflect on where you're at. Sometimes, the 12th house Mercury is good for just taking a break, stepping outside, and gaining some perspective.
Alright, moving forward to Aquarius. Just like Leo, across the 11th and the 5th, we have an exchange of social and creative energies. The creative essence of who we are, if it is stifled, hidden, or suppressed, will make us sick.
On the other hand, if we don’t have the capacity to adapt socially—knowing when to hold them and when to fold them, to know when to show yourself and when to adapt—we can struggle. When you know the right time to step out on a limb and say something that doesn’t align with the group, and when to compromise and go along with the group, because we need groups.
We need collectives. We need allies, we need friends, we need community, but we also need to be an individual within one. How are those tensions being held and addressed right now for you Aquarians, the same as Leo's? I think that this is also probably, for Aquarians, something to do with interpersonal relationships, since Mars is also retrograde in your seventh house.
Exchanges of values, conflicts of values and ideas within groups, and within your own sort of creative inner world—those are the things coming into the picture right now. There's a tension between these things. Also, if you're a parent, sometimes, for both Leos and Aquarians, the conversation about social adaptation and your child's own creative essence, and how to foster both, is a real tough question for parents. That might be highlighted right now for both Aquarians and Leos.
Finally, we have Pisces, the same as Virgo across the 10th and the 4th. Now, these two places bring up again the inner and the outer. You have to wonder, with Saturn in the first house simultaneously, right? And the Jupiter-Saturn square showing itself through the first and the fourth, what comes to my mind is questions about being at a crossroads.
There’s a tension around defining who you are and trying to bridge the gap between the social world you inhabit, or the professional world you have, and the private life you live. This also concerns the home space you occupy, the realities of your home and family life, your upbringing, your ancestry, and where you come from—versus your identity and your social role in the world, your vocation, or the workplace.
There are tensions being worked out between these two places that are very existential, very personal, rooted in questions about identity. For Pisceans, the value exchange between Mercury and Jupiter could also involve different kinds of ideological or philosophical tensions that are present in the workplace or at home in the family. These are also calling into question identity. Who am I? Am I the way that I show up out in the world, or am I more rooted or connected to my private life, my home, or my family? How do I bridge those two worlds together?
Questions like this may be of very deep importance right now for Pisceans, especially given that Saturn’s in your first house, kind of finishing its work in this year ahead.
Okay, well, I think we've gotten through the major tensions between opposite houses today. This should give you some good ideas about how to locate that Mercury-Jupiter opposition and the kinds of exchanges represented by that mutual reception and detriment in opposition.
I hope you're having a fantastic day. I hope you had a nice Christmas if you were celebrating. But we have only just a few days—less than a week left in our Kickstarter. We still have a long way to go. We need a lot of support here. I'm really kind of pounding the drum—help us! We need to get there. We still need a lot of support to come.
Thank you to everybody who's already donated. If you haven’t yet, please consider supporting us. We have a ton of really cool things available, like exclusive content, and all of our classes are majorly on sale. So stick around after I sign off; I'm going to tell you about the rewards that are available when you support the channel and help us finish strong.
Alright, thanks everyone. Bye.
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