The Moon is void of course this morning, and moving through the via combusta. Meanwhile Mercury is overcoming Saturn through a sextile, and Mars is applying to conjoin Jupiter in Virgo while Venus is applying to eventually conjoin and pass both Mars and Jupiter.
The old astrologers would often look at the application of one planet to another in terms of the power dynamic. Which planet might exert more influence or carry greater weight in any given relationship was in part determined by the zodiacal order of the planets in the aspect. Right now since Mercury has just turned direct (one signification of a planet gaining strength or power) and since Mercury is prior to Saturn in zodiacal order (Libra is earlier than Sagittarius), he would have been thought to have the upper hand in the dynamic. What might this mean for us right now?
Here’s a few possibilities:
* The mind and its ability to reason, negotiate, strategize, and think up the most peaceful or harmonious solutions will overcome a potentially hardened dogma, doctrine, or rigid way of perceiving the truth
* A messenger or message or good piece of news overpowers a well established authority figure who might be in the way or limited somehow
* The mind suddenly puts something down…an idea, a word, a thought, a concept, and rather than facing rejection or rigidity, it finds solid ground…the start of a new project because of it’s power to convince Saturn its worth supporting
* The voice of reason and peace overcomes the presence of zealous or charismatic self righteousness
* The trickster overcomes the good principle, dupes someone out of their morality or ethics
* The smooth talker/negotiator bends the laws or rules to his/her advantage
* The loophole is recognized and used successfully to bi-pass an unfair rule
In fact, with three planets in Virgo, and three in Libra, there are quite a few planets whose prior zodiacal order might be helping to loosen Saturn up on certain issues he might normally be more unyielding about in the potentially zealous sign of Sagittarius.
This could easily apply to ourselves as well. Has an inner negotiator, communicator, strategist, or diplomat recently helped us to overcome some inner position or attitude that we’ve been way to set on lately?
Prayer: Set our minds at peace
The old astrologers would often look at the application of one planet to another in terms of the power dynamic. Which planet might exert more influence or carry greater weight in any given relationship was in part determined by the zodiacal order of the planets in the aspect. Right now since Mercury has just turned direct (one signification of a planet gaining strength or power) and since Mercury is prior to Saturn in zodiacal order (Libra is earlier than Sagittarius), he would have been thought to have the upper hand in the dynamic. What might this mean for us right now?
Here’s a few possibilities:
* The mind and its ability to reason, negotiate, strategize, and think up the most peaceful or harmonious solutions will overcome a potentially hardened dogma, doctrine, or rigid way of perceiving the truth
* A messenger or message or good piece of news overpowers a well established authority figure who might be in the way or limited somehow
* The mind suddenly puts something down…an idea, a word, a thought, a concept, and rather than facing rejection or rigidity, it finds solid ground…the start of a new project because of it’s power to convince Saturn its worth supporting
* The voice of reason and peace overcomes the presence of zealous or charismatic self righteousness
* The trickster overcomes the good principle, dupes someone out of their morality or ethics
* The smooth talker/negotiator bends the laws or rules to his/her advantage
* The loophole is recognized and used successfully to bi-pass an unfair rule
In fact, with three planets in Virgo, and three in Libra, there are quite a few planets whose prior zodiacal order might be helping to loosen Saturn up on certain issues he might normally be more unyielding about in the potentially zealous sign of Sagittarius.
This could easily apply to ourselves as well. Has an inner negotiator, communicator, strategist, or diplomat recently helped us to overcome some inner position or attitude that we’ve been way to set on lately?
Prayer: Set our minds at peace
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