Here’s what to watch for:
* Support or success when and where it’s needed
* Finding allies or friends
* Opportunism
* Taking help from people who are below you in one way or another
* Calling in favors
* Wise delegations
* Using your name, rank, status, or position to influence a situation
* Approaching a person of higher rank, status or position in order to request help or support
* Someone or something that needs support or bracing before the pressure or weight of a situation causes a collapse
* Finding, needing, looking for deep resources, inner resources
* Exciting news, special announcements
* Backpedaling, trying to make amends
* Redoing or revising a message
* Charm, wit, and pleasing dialogue or conversation
* Exaggeration, over-promising
* A new pr or advertising technique
* Passionate, charismatic speech, argumentation, and persuasion
* Flirtation and optimism
* Returning to an old love or hearing from an old friend
* Revising the appearance, style, or image of something
* An exciting proposal
Remember that the Moon is currently in her fall or depression, almost fully dark now, but moving through a conjunction with Jupiter. This is the kind of Moon that finds help in the darkness, which is why we say that you may find support today, but that we should also be careful of the kind of support we receive or how we go about getting whatever support we’re looking for. Sometimes people who want to “help” really want to take, and sometimes people who need help are too eager or willing to compromise. Meanwhile, with Mercury moving into a conjunction with Venus over the next few days we should anticipate a wind of good, if not overly optimistic, spirits pushing things along in unexpected, and probably exciting, ways.
We are now at 161 backers with seventeen days of fundraising left to go. Our goal is 300. Every little contribution helps. If you can pitch in $10, $15, or even $25 to support my work in the year-ahead, it helps! If you contribute more you can receive a personally recorded Tarot, I Ching, or year-ahead reading for yourself or someone you love! Click here!
Prayer: Show us to the well. As the Moon darkens, bring us to the place of inner healing and inner wealth.
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