Today I have made a video introducing you to my new name, and its meaning, along with a little bit of an introduction to Bhakti Yoga, which you can check out below. I will be starting a private channel devoted to the marriage of Bhakti yoga and astrology, which will only be for my newsletter subscribers, and I will be launching that channel in January. Any revenue intentionally associated with the content of this particular channel or with Bhakti yoga content in the future will be donated to several non-profits that I have chosen. The new Bhakti content will only show up in your newsletters, alongside my regularly produced astrology content and will not reduce the volume of the astrology content I produce at all. This is obviously just completely optional bonus content I am creating in order to share at a deeper and more direct level the philosophy and practice of Bhakti Yoga, which I feel that many people might benefit from. One of the vows I took during my initiation ceremony last night was also to intentionally share Bhakti Yoga with others, or whoever may be suffering and who might find some help from the practices of Bhakti!
My new name given to me by my Guru is Acyuta-bhava Das. It means emotional love for Krishna, who is infallible. It is pronounced like Ah-chew-ta, and “baaa” like a sheep, “va.” And Dasa means servant. You could also say I am a servant of the emotional love for the infallible lord…infallible meaning that the lord makes no mistakes and never falls down! So from today forward I will be asking everyone to call me by my devotional name. You can call me Acyuta-bhava or Acyuta for short. A big thanks to all of your support as I make this transition, and truly hope you enjoy the video presentation I made giving you a deeper explanation of the name, and some of the basics of Bhakti yoga.
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