Today as Venus separates from Saturn and the Moon and Mercury separate from the Sun in Scorpio, a new cycle begins in the midst of Autumn.
Here’s what to watch for:
* As the Moon and Mercury both separate from the Sun we are going to see the beginning of a process of recovery and change as new ideas, intentions, and innovation begins to take root.
* The Moon in her fall to begin the new cycle may imply that we’ve reached the bottom of something. The bottom is an image of truth and clarity, exhaustion and acceptance, finality or resolution. The bottom is an image of a beginning as well as the hurt and loss associated with an ending.
* As Mercury begins to emerge as the evening star it is likely that clarifying information will begin to emerge, or something that has been under wraps will be uncovered…something that has been working quietly or invisibly behind the scenes, waiting for the ideal moment, will appear and be recognized.
* As Venus is separating from Saturn we might notice that our relationships are standing on a new foundation. A foundation of greater maturity and respect, taking each other more seriously, more profoundly. Life is short, and love is one of the main attractions. Sometimes this simple insight hits us so squarely in the chest that we say, “Yes. Sign me up. Put my name down. Pour the concrete. Build it from this moment. I’m ready.”
* Venus and Saturn show us that what is valuable is lasting and what is lasting is beautiful. Invest your heart here.
* Venus and Saturn…the flowers of grace, colors of heaven, blossoming gently through the cracks and crags of an old stone wall. How saying yes to saying no creates secret green gardens, small kept spaces that yield much, no’s that are secret yes. Yield to fate and watch a thousand colors grow out of the wall before you…trust in the beauty of every failure, of every disappointment.
Prayer: Cold walls, burning grace, give us hearts of gentle green light.
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