Getting clean, getting sober, getting right with God, setting things in order, doing things the right way, setting off to make important changes or modifications to our lifestyle or diet, or coming to the authentic, simple facts of the situation are all described in the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Venus, and Mars in the sign of Virgo..a sign related to wholesomeness in the most basic, biological, material sense. And yet, with both Venus and Jupiter in detriment and Mars in the mix…this passage of purification or cleansing has the look of a struggle with our own demons. Or perhaps it involves getting real with other people about their demons. What keeps us from addressing each other honestly or adequately on these things? Mercury in Libra opposed to Uranus in Aries might have just sent a few shock waves through our relationships, or our nervous system, in order to wake us up. Uranus in Aries doesn’t necessarily care if our feelings are hurt, or if it doesn’t look good, or if it’s not pleasant. From the perspective of the eternity of the soul, there is no offense. The simple message is more like a cold bucket of water, a finger in the electrical socket, or a slap across the face. A simple natural message, saying: “Wake up!”
Zoom out…Hillary Clinton is being directly accused of irresponsibility around the embassy attacks at Benghazi…she is claiming that blame is essentially a shallow way of dealing with what happened. Is this truth or avoidance? Some blend of both? Libra/Aries, Libra/Aries.
When a hard truth comes our way…in a relationship, at work, within ourselves…when we get cold cocked by life, do we take responsibility for our role in the situation, or do we automatically blame, shame or avoid?
Let me share a story. I come from a family where the men are prone to diabetes. During the past several months I fell out of my good habits during our move into a new home. Moves are hard on me, and I let myself get away from the lifestyle that keeps me balanced. This past weekend I finally had a physical meltdown related to my blood sugar. I felt the immediate temptation to blame my genetics, to complain that I can’t just eat a little more loosely at times, etc. The shock to my system felt unfair, harsh, and scary. This week getting back to my supportive habits has been a tremendous challenge, like getting off a drug (essentially just too much simple sugars in my diet for too long catching up with me like it always does if I go off my good rhythms!).
The thing is that it’s been a fight to get back on track. There’s been support (Jupiter/Venus), but it’s also been hard sledding (Mars). And in the mix of it I’ve been thankful but also resentful toward the wake up calls, my wife pointing out what was going on and trying to help, my body acting up, my inner know it all/guru/guidance saying “I told you so; you just didn’t listen and now it’s the hard way,” etc.
We never want people to help us right up to the point where we demand that someone help us because nobody is helping us. The purification symbolized in the sky right now is about returning to simplicity and honesty with ourselves and with others. It’s about how much we are responsible not only for ourselves but for others, and where is the line and how much intervention is needed? Also, what is grace and what is cheap grace or false positivism?
Sometimes we “respect” each other so much that we enable, and other times we violate and hover and attempt to control one another through coercion. With three planets in Virgo the image of youth and purity, of a return to innocence, and the need for guidance and careful intervention with one another, is pictured. But it’s a testy situation with Mars and Uranus in Aries in the mix. A good learning moment, but not necessarily comfortable or without its share of shocking discoveries or revelations.
Prayer: Help us to remember that real, abiding peace isn’t an image but a way of life that occurs in each moment, by the choices we make consistently in the relationships that define us more precisely than we define ourselves
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