Here’s what to watch for:
* The Moon/Sun trine today indicates success, growth, and progress. Not everything that grows is “good,” of course, but it’s a day where efforts find allies, where doors may open, and where a general feeling of progress and development is in the air. This happens because the Moon is building in light and because it’s connecting harmoniously with the Sun AS the light is growing.
* Mercury will shortly be separating from its exact conjunction with the Sun and once again we may find Mercury related subjects suffering. It’s easy to forget the small things right now, to get lost in the fog, or to be deceived or fudge the facts. In the next few weeks, just after the Spring Equinox, Mercury will appear as the evening star again, and in the sign of Aries, which should herald a significant change for all things related to Mercury. Where there is currently confusion and a lack of clarity, there will once again be a sense of direction.
* Interestingly enough, just as Mercury is appearing as the evening star, Venus will be combust the Sun and her retrograde journey will reach a stage of acute tension and dynamism. We’ll keep our eye on this!
* In just a few days Mars will enter Tarus, Venus’ sign, with Venus in Aries, Mars’ sign. This mutual reception by detriment may serve to bring unlikely allies together for the purpose of a single cause, or it may even unite enemies for a period of time. We may also see interesting role reversals in relationships, where the dominant partner becomes more submissive or yielding and vice versa. We’ll also keep our eyes on this transit in the weeks to come.
* Jupiter/Uranus and Pluto are still very tightly engaged in a t-square right now. Turn on the news or read a facebook feed and see! š This dynamic will be intensified once again as Jupiter’s retrograde takes it into an exact square with Pluto by the end of the month.
* Venus’ retrograde through Aries continues right now, bringing an important period of change, introspection, and revisions or visitations from the past. It’s worth mentioning that Venus isn’t making any aspects to any other planets during her retrograde save a conjunction with Mercury around March 18th. It’s likely that around that time we will see more of Venus’ retrograde symbolism appearing thanks to the translating and message carrying of Mercury.
Prayer: Help our hearts to welcome these rising tides.
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