In this video, I’ll be looking at the series of oppositions taking place over the next week, between the Sun in Cancer and Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. This is arguably the transit of the month, and it also tones the next lunar cycle.
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Dear Acyuta-bhava,
Your discussion here of the solar oppositions really speaks to me. I think my chart (and my psyche) are being strongly impacted by current transits. My natal sun is at 29 degrees of Cancer, so I’ve been experiencing the Saturn opposition, and the upcoming new moon is going to be within a degree of my solar return. I’m thinking the new moon dynamic could have repercussions for the next year or beyond. I’ve never had a solar return chart done, but I’ve heard it can be a kind of map for the upcoming year.
In addition to my natal sun’s involvement in the Cancer/Capricorn opposition, I also have Uranus and Mars in the sign of Cancer, so there are oppositions to Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto there as well. I’m wondering how long these oppositions to these big collective or transpersonal planets are going to be affecting me, as I have natal Mercury and the South Node in Leo, within just four and three degrees of my natal sun. The last eclipse on July 4th took place on my mid heaven (also in Cancer), at which point I realized for the first time that I have that astrological connection with the US natal sun. That was an intense eclipse, I think for the whole country and for me as well. You had mentioned (in a short gift video last winter) that there would be an ongoing opposition this year between my natal Mars and Pluto – I need to revisit that video – but there’s also multiple planets involved on both ends of the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Looks like I’m also experiencing a Venus return, which might be a major transit to consider. It seems like there’s a lot going on, even though life has in some ways come to a standstill.
I don’t know if you have the time, but I wondered if a solar/Venus return chart might be possible, or if I should just sign up for a first reading with you when you are free down the road. I believe I could benefit from a deeper understanding of my chart at this time, given that the sun and moon are getting together close to my solar return, and the nodes are moving… I’ve been finding current events perception-altering and worrisome, and need to get back to a regular spiritual discipline to better deal with those challenges, as well as personal transitions. It would be helpful to know what spiritual lessons are presenting themselves in the collective and personal charts.