Today, we are going to take a look at Venus's upcoming conjunction with Neptune and the North Node of the Moon, which has just moved into the sign of Pisces. This conjunction is coming up over the weekend, and we're getting ahead of it today because, over the next two days, we’ll be focusing on the February overview and horoscopes in upcoming episodes.
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Hey everyone. This is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology [].
Today we are going to take a look at Venus's upcoming conjunction with Neptune and the north node of the moon, who has now just moved into the sign of Pisces. So this is coming up over the weekend. We're getting ahead of it today, because in the next two days and episodes, we will be doing the overview for the month of February, followed by horoscopes for February, neither of which focus exclusively on or in a real, in-depth way, on the transit of this weekend, right?
So because of that, I want to make sure we take some time for it today, but I will note that this is a transit that for many of us, we won't really notice until maybe tomorrow night into Friday, Saturday. I'll give you the timeline in a second, and then we'll map out five things to watch for. This, admittedly, is one of my favorite astrological transits when Venus and Neptune get together. At least in my own experience, I often find that peak imaginative and romantic states are common and enjoyable. So there are some exceptions. I'll tell you about some of the shadows as well, but hopefully, we'll cover what, for many people, maybe a little bit of an uplifting transit. And it's always nice to talk about those, in addition to all of the spiritual crisis-laden language of astrology.
So anyway, before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe. We are trying to see if we can get to 80,000 subscribers on this channel by the spring equinox here in the northern hemisphere. If you're new to the channel, if you watch regularly and are not yet subscribed, it's free to do so and really helps us grow our channel and community. So thank you for doing that. Transcripts of any of my daily talks can be found on the website, Nightlight
I'm going to take you over there, because this weekend, our speaker series is underway. I want to tell you how you can participate in that. It's free. Go to Speaker Series. Our winter Speaker Series is underway, and you can check out Stormy Grace and Timothy Desmond giving talks on lunar phases and love and near-death experiences in astrology. These are free talks. When you register, you also get the link. If you can't attend live, you get the recording later.
And then, if you go to events and click on live talks, you will see that my monthly webinars for February, March, and April are now posted. We are going to be looking at Venus Retrogrades. I have a talk called Venus through the Fire, Unlocking the Mysteries and Magic of Venus Retrogrades in February. So on the 20th of February, that is the next webinar that I have for you guys. In March, we're looking at the third house, and in April, we are looking at essential dignities, what they are and why people should stop hating on them. A subject that drives me nuts is that some people frequently misunderstand what they are and then have a lot of bad ideas about what they are because they're just not well informed about it. So hopefully, this will be an informational talk that helps with that.
But anyway, on to the talk of the day, which is Venus and Neptune. So here we are on Wednesday, and I'm going to back this up so we can see where we stand, just coming off from our new moon with the Mercury Pluto conjunction. If you go back to yesterday's talk, you can learn more about that astrology that's also manifesting today. And then what we're seeing is today here, the north node of the moon has moved into Pisces. Last week, I talked about the movement of the nodes into Pisces in Virgo. If you go back and look for that talk from last Friday, you'll see in the recent videos, there's a talk on the nodes of the moon, shifting signs and what that means. Not going to cover that today, since we recently went over it. But Venus and Neptune are coming together over the weekend, so let's take a look at how this transit plays out.
Two degrees apart today, on Wednesday, they're a degree apart or so tomorrow, Thursday, and then Friday, they come into the conjunction. And by Saturday, they're just separating. And then, of course, right away, by Sunday, Monday, Venus is going through the conjunction with the North Node. So if you want to stretch this out until Venus enters Aries on February 4, you could do that February 3 into the fourth. So it's like between now and the early part of next week. We have Venus going through a conjunction in Neptune and the North Node. As of course, Neptune and the North Node are also about to come together.
So what are we looking at here, apart from the timeline, let's talk about five themes to watch for now. Today's video is going to be a little bit brief, because I also had to redo my video with Ari Moshe Wolf today, so my recording schedule got jammed because, if you remember, last week I already had to cancel last minute. So today's video is admittedly a little bit abbreviated because I had to jam in another hour and a half session of recording today. So it was a little, I was stretched a little thin. But I do have five solid themes for you to watch for that are very reliable in terms of the way they show up around this transit. So hopefully, it'll be useful for you.
By the way, the talk with Ari will come out Saturday. It's the third part of our talk on the nodes of the moon, evolutionary versus Hellenistic perspectives, and we take turns breaking down the chart of Ram Dass, the famous spiritual teacher. So you can watch that as a bonus on Saturday. All right. Well, five things to watch for given Venus conjoining with Neptune and the North Node, north node is going to, without the evolutionary take, we're just looking at it from the Hellenistic perspective. It's going to greatly augment or amplify both the beneficence of Venus as well as just sort of the brightness and loudness of Venus and Neptune together.
Right now, the North Node is thought of as a point of augmentation, or making things greater or bigger and often more benefic. When a benefic is conjoined with the North Node in ancient astrology, that was considered to be good because the north node will typically amplify the power of a benefic planet. So we have an exalted Venus on the north node with Neptune all getting sort of blown up with the North Node's effect.
So one thing to watch for, I'm going to hit the shadow first, because why don't we get the hard stuff out of the way? Venus is all about what feels good, and what feels good is closely linked to what we desire. I mean, it would be great if I was so enlightened that I was perfectly content within myself and fully, you know, fully bathing in the ocean of bliss that is my natural being, wouldn't we all? But I'm not there yet. I need things, I want things, I desire things. And Venus is a great planet to look at. Mars can be too, some other planets, all planets can kind of represent desires in different ways. Venus is the quintessential planet of what feels good, what tastes good, what looks good, what is beautiful to me, what is satiating to me, what is appealing to me, what is attractive to me.
When Venus and Neptune get together with the North Node and all of that is greatly augmented, you can feel as though your desires become larger than life, the desires and the ability that Neptune has to magnify and make them even dreamier than an exalted Venus already is. And with the North Node amplifying both of them, now we get something like just tremendous fantasies of what we find attractive or appealing or beautiful or desirable, and that can lead to things that overpromise and underdeliver. For example, a mirage, something we think is where the water is, but it's just a mirage. It's not the actual oasis.
So we have to be careful that things, I highly doubt that there isn't a seed of something real and true and good and beautiful in the desires that come up. But we have to be careful of almost like the proportions, like there may be something exaggerated, or something that is just so otherworldly and perfect and heavenly that we have to be careful that we remember that in this human world, things rarely measure up to that otherworldly imaginative peak state that Neptune, north node, and Venus exalted may present. So be careful of sort of the exaggeration of our desires to where it's almost like an illusion or a mirage. To me, that's the big beware here.
But then I think there are things that happen that for many people are going to be experienced as really benefic and I doubt that everyone's just going to fall into some kind of illusion trap over the weekend. Some of us might, you know, might have a little bit of that, but watch for a new artistic direction to come up when Venus and Neptune get together with the North Node, and you even take a little bit of that evolutionary take on the north node that could represent a new direction that the soul is experimenting with or exploring.
Now we have something like a peak romantic, sensual, imaginative, mystical, or emotional feeling or vision or image or sentiment that is propelling us forward. Let's do something new. I've got a new artistic direction, a new vision, something new and appealing or attractive that prompts us to take action in a new way, or establish new relationships or try new things or learn new things, or try on new outfits, whatever the case may be, new, creative, artistic, emotional inspiration that opens doors and new possibilities with the North Node just entering Pisces, could be profound in the next couple of days, even if they're just planting a seed for things that take a long time to develop. Give a whole year and a half of North Node in Pisces, with several eclipses in Pisces as well.
So then the third thing that comes up to me is this is a tremendous combination of planets for the topics of compassion, love, and forgiveness, where there is hurt, there may be healing, where there is misunderstanding, there may come resolution and insight, where there has been chaos now peace and order. Venus can represent a well-ordered, well-arranged room, like someone who takes a room that's in chaos and makes it look beautiful with the colors and the arrangement of furniture, the feng shui. So you think about something that goes from disordered to harmonized, something that goes from hurt to forgiven, something that goes from feeling left out or sad to loved.
Think about Venus, Saturn having come together recently. If we go back in time here, not far before this, Venus was conjoined with Saturn, for all of you on the 18th and 19th of January. So we're not talking about a whole heck of a lot of time later, by the 31st that Venus is going from maybe a place of grief, hurt, woundedness, into a place of tremendous love and peace and acceptance. This is the healing salve that maybe followed the prick of the thorn for some people earlier in the month, compassion, love, and forgiveness may also come through as a huge, overwhelming or outpouring sense of empathy, care, concern for other beings or for things happening in the collective, a contribution to charity or a cause or a suffering of others or a group, or something like that that it really captures your heart. It speaks to you.
Things that are universal or collective are often commonly coming up in more personal ways when a planet like Venus contacts an outer planet like Neptune, whose movements are often associated with longer arcs of history. So what's filling you with love? Compassion, tenderness, empathy, connectivity to things, people or things happening in the collective where is your collective concern directing you right now?
Another thing that comes up is number four on my list is imagination, beauty, and aesthetic. So in life, and I've said this many times, when we were talking about, actually, when we were talking about Venus, Saturn, I said, Sometimes life requires that you take it seriously. You know, Venus Saturn, it with an exalted Venus is rather Shakespearean, and that you're sort of method acting, and you're in a play of great consequence and beauty, but great consequence, beauty, seriousness. These are a part of the Venus Saturn dynamic with Venus Neptune in the North Node.
What I like about this is that it is more blissful and otherworldly. It's a bit like moving off from the stage and moving into the spa. In the spa, there's beautiful music playing. You're drifting in and out of sleep while maybe getting like a foot rub, you know, or some of those salt baths you can scrub on. You just step in the warm water and let the salt exfoliate you, or whatever the case might be, you go to warm tubs. You can go into cold baths. You can go into saunas. I think of the spa in Minneapolis that's like this that we visited. It takes like, four months to get into, because it's like, you know, they only had so many people in at a time, so we've only gone a few times. But if you've ever, never done something like that, by the way, great transit to do something like that under like get a massage, treat yourself to something nice, or even have a spa night at home where you're like, Okay, we're going to trade back rubs and we're going to put the salts in the bath and take a hot bath, or whatever. It's a really romantic transit that can speak to the need for imaginative, blissful, beautiful, aesthetically pleasing experiences that you just let yourself be overwhelmed by.
That's what I love. That's why I always report rather positively about this, because I always find that my favorite whatever, Ashley and I always have some kind of really memorable date night. It could be a state, a state, what do they call them? Uh, stay-in date nights or whatever, a homecation, it'd be like, literally, we could hire a babysitter and go into our basement and like, just hang out watching us like, like Outlander. We love to watch Outlander and like, make tea and trade back rubs, and it will always be the most enjoyable date night, because it's Venus Neptune in the air, and I just feel so connected, and everything feels so easy. That's one of the best things about, oh, granted, I am definitely like rose-colored glasses about this transit. So I know that some people don't experience it that way, but for me, whenever there is an invitation to imagine, to amplify the importance of beauty and taste and aesthetic.
One of the things that Venus invites us to consider is that life has no purpose other than the full flowering display of cosmic beauty. It is so enigmatic, so beautiful, so blissful, so profound. There needs be, there need be no other explanation for its existence other than appreciation. Holy shit. This is a beautiful universe that I live in. Now I'm not saying that is the only reason for life. I'm saying Venus asks us to consider that from time to time, and to give ourselves over to the impulse that lives in our heart, to just celebrate and appreciate the beautiful, aesthetic, sensual dimensions of being itself. This is like in the Krishna Radha dynamic. This is like celebrating the gopis, or celebrating Radha and her beauty in the way that reality is just an adornment of the Goddess. Just celebrate, just enter into it somehow.
Number five, letting go and giving into what we love. This is also remember, one of the first major transits that we're having, while the nodes of the moon have shifted into Pisces and Virgo, and while the South Node in Virgo is maybe about letting go of certain things, right, the North Node is about saying yes to certain things. The north node from the evolutionary perspective, as you'll hear Ari talk about, or you may have already heard him talk about on the channel a few times, and I have a background in evolutionary astrology, is all about what we have yet to do, a new frontier that we need to explore. It's a desire that we can't just relinquish because we know we're not supposed to have desires. It doesn't work like that. You have to let yourself have it and go and experience the results and the insights and the learning that comes from honoring and acknowledging I have a desire that exists in me. I have not burnt off all my desires yet. I'm not a bodhisattva, so I have to go explore a certain terrain of human experience, archetypal and the North Node is often something that points us in that direction.
I have no problem with that perspective on the North Node. Actually, I like the Rahu perspective as well, which is, you have to be very careful, because that north node can be sort of hungry and problematic and lusty. You do have to be careful of that. But the south node will always incline us toward otherworldliness and also the resolution of old karmic patterns. If the resolution of old karmic patterns around Virgo has anything to do with being in control, being pure, being good, being right, being accurate, being efficient, all important things. But if we're letting go of any of those things right now, because the south node has moved into Virgo, and the invitation is to go into Pisces, then we're talking about things that we want to give ourselves, to surrender ourselves to, usually involving romance, love, beauty, imagination, sensuality, bliss, an emotional kind of indulgence in the things we actually want.
And that full, like emotional, like just leaning into it emotionally, is what's implied by Venus north node and Neptune. I suspect there could be, for some people, issues right between the two, where the Virgo part of the nodal axis right now, having an opposition to all these planets says is completely surrendering into a bottle of alcohol, the right thing? Or should we be a little bit more controlled, pure, careful, meticulous, thoughtful, and rational about our choices? You can't just surrender to an impulse that is destructive, illusory, delusional. And Virgo can be very helpful on that level, and may need to be. But I suspect, again, for many of us, with this being one of the first major North Node transits that we experience in the sign of Pisces, that there will be some level at which we're invited to give into the bliss, give into the imagination, give into the romance, let go.
So watch for these things coming up over the weekend. Again, this transit, you're going to feel it most acutely Friday, Saturday, but then give it all the way till Monday, until Venus moves across the north node and then switches into Aries, which will be a subject of great interest for us, because that's where Venus is going to turn retrograde. But did you know that Venus will also come back to these points? So what we're experiencing right now has an interesting way in which it will be appearing again. Let's just take a look at that really quick.
So we go forward, and Venus is going to turn retrograde around March 3, and then it retrogrades back into Pisces late March, and in late March, it will go back through the conjunction with Neptune and the north node. So there is a kind of revisitation of this that's happening around the end of March, and then it happens throughout the month of April, as Venus then conjoins with Saturn again, and then goes back through the North Node, back through Saturn, then back into Aries with Neptune. So this may seem like a small transit, but from the standpoint of some of the deeper movements of this year and the spiritual work that we're here to do this year, this isn't just your everyday transit. There are some really important lessons that begin this weekend and will recur through the Venus retrograde, and we will be coming back to those at the end of March and in April. So stay tuned for more then.
But for now, let's see. Let's see if we can't find something very uplifting and romantically satisfying. I don't, we don't have a date night plan, but this reminds me that I need to, like, talk to Ashley and be like, All right, we got to come up with a really good Venus Neptune date night. So anyway, also my, I have to tell you guys, thank you. This is the as I'm making this video today. It is the day in which you have all seen the Lovey episode, where I brought Lovey the lamb into my talk for the day. My daughters watched it. They were elated. But my younger daughter, Summer, she got a little upset, tiny bit jealous, maybe a little hurt, because she has a bunny, and she really wants bunny to be a part of the show. And so I said, Yes. I said, Yeah, okay, I'll bring bunny onto the show.
I'm gonna do another one of these, where I do five things to watch for. I'm gonna bring bunny on, and she's gonna help me break down five things to watch for, and then both of my girls get to feel like they really got to hang out with me and my work, and I can't thank you all enough for how sweet and supportive you were of me doing that, because in my world, that's a really big deal for my girls to feel like they have even a little involvement in this weird room that I go to and recording shit all the time, and you know what I mean? So thank you guys. And it's also really inspiring. It was really interesting today, as that episode came out, I'm recording this. I record everything a week in advance. And as that episode came out, I was a chaperone on my daughter's, my younger daughter's field trip, and they had a puppet show. And I was just thinking, Gosh, it is high time. And I don't know how Nightlight will participate in this, but I really sense that at some point we will, it's time that we start thinking about how to produce meaningful astrological like early astrological education, simple things like getting to know that the sun is more than just a physical object that it is, a meaningful symbol that Mars is. You know, the earlier that we even help kids, not necessarily learn charts, but just learn to have a symbolic imagination, to see life symbolically is a life skill and tool. Psychologically, spiritually, I can only imagine what it would have been like to have had that myself. And I had some of it with very symbolic, poetic type of parents, in many ways, but it's exciting for me to think about that possibility. So anyway, thank you all for just being so generous with my sharing of that part of my life here. And Bunny will be making an appearance too. So you guys asked for it all right, take it easy, everyone. Bye, bye.
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