Today, we’ll explore Venus's upcoming conjunction with Pluto, its opposition to Mars Retrograde, and Mars's retrograde opposition to Pluto, which will revisit in the spring.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today we're going to take a look at Venus's upcoming conjunction to Pluto and the subsequent opposition to Mars Retrograde, as well as Mars's upcoming opposition to Pluto through its retrograde, which will then come back in the spring. So, a long series of oppositions that we're going to study today in relation to the Leo-Aquarius axis and Mars's upcoming retrograde. I'm going to lay those out for you through all 12 whole sign horoscopes today, because I think that this upcoming sequence of events, as well as the fact that it has a long period of recurrence over the next few months, is probably worth looking at and preparing for according to the whole sign houses of our birth chart. So, horoscopes for today.
Before we get into it, as always, remember to like and subscribe. It really helps the channel grow. When you click the thumbs-up button and subscribe, if you're not already, it’s free to do so, and it really helps us grow the business and the work. Transcripts of any of these daily talks can be found on the website,
We are also, as you all know, in the midst of our annual Kickstarter campaign, where we try to rally the support of backers who pledge and donate to support the channel in the year ahead. Our backer goal for this year is 19,137 backers by January 1st. We're several hundred backers in already, so thank you to everyone who's pitched in. But we have a long way to go between now and January 1st, and so the way to contribute is to go to the Kickstarter, which you can find the link to in the description of this video, in the comment section of this video, or on the website, Once you go over there, you’ll see "Back this project," and then, when you scroll down, this is what I'm trying to get to, you'll see all the different available rewards that we have when you contribute.
One of the rewards you might be really interested in is the Astrology of 2025 talk that I give. It’s not going to be given on my YouTube channel, so this is an exclusive look at all of the major astrology for the year ahead. Then, if you scroll down to the Year Ahead horoscope readings, this is a video containing all 12 whole sign horoscopes for the year ahead, covering all the major events for the year ahead for each Sun or rising sign. That’s 30 to 45 minutes per sign, and you get all 12 with that donation. So, that’s a great one. It’s like, you know, eight-plus hours of content looking at all of the horoscopes for the year ahead. Obviously, this is the only place I release that. Then, if you scroll up a little bit, you’ll also find my book, which is being released in audiobook and in text form, chapter by chapter as it’s being written.
So, if you want to check out my book, which is all about divination and the stories of connecting with oracles, that I think probably will be somewhat familiar to most of us who have developed a relationship with an oracle, the book is called The Oracle Speaks. Anyway, after I log off today, I'll also spend some time going through the other rewards that are available, including all of our class passes and major discounts on our programs. We try to make sure that we give back, and in this Kickstarter, when it’s successful, that is a big part of how we provide things like need-based astrology readings, which are now available on our website, as well as need-based tuition for all of our programs, and making sure that astrology is affordable. That generosity works because of the generosity from all of you supporting the free content that I develop here year-round.
So, anyhow, every day I like to say a little something about what I think makes this channel unique. Something I’d like to share today is that every video I make places an emphasis on education. What I mean by that is that I’m not just giving you delineations, but I’m trying to make sure that people can watch this channel who are students of astrology, as well as people who are not. So I try to walk a very fine and intentional line in the way that I create content, between making sure that I explain things for students of astrology and educate people who are newer to astrology, while also getting to the heart of delineations and not making the content overly educational.
That’s a difficult tension to hold, but it is an ongoing part of how I create content, so you can come here and learn astrology, and you can also come and get nice forecasts where, if you’re not a big student of astrology, it doesn’t feel too dense. Every year, I think I get a little bit better at holding that tension, but that is something that you value and appreciate about the content. If that’s the case, then I hope you’ll consider donating to support the channel in the year ahead.
Okay, on that note, let us now shift into our horoscopes for the day. We are going to be looking at a series of transits, and I want to talk about those transits first, and then we’ll get into the horoscopes themselves.
So, this Saturday, December 7th, I talked about this in our weekly overview. We have a Venus-Pluto conjunction. That Venus-Pluto conjunction is coming right before Venus will then go into an opposition with Mars. So, on the 7th, Saturday, we have Venus conjoining Pluto, and then, if we take this one day at a time, we’ll see that the opposition between Venus and Mars then occurs around December 11th into the 12th.
After that happens, Venus will kind of move on her way, and then we’re going to see Mars coming into the opposition with Pluto. This is between January 2nd and the 3rd.
Now, if we go forward a little bit further, we’re going to see that this Mars retrograde is followed by Mars’s direct motion, taking it back into one last opposition with Pluto. And that opposition will take place between April 26th and 27th.
So, between the 26th and 27th, once again, Mars will oppose Pluto. And so we have an oppositional tension between Mars and Pluto that’s happening both in January and in April. That process of the two planets opposing one another and creating transformation in their contacts with one another in our lives starts now and does not end until April. Now, it’s spread out, so it’s not as though you’re experiencing the acute nature of these transits that entire time, but it is definitely going to be a part of our ongoing experience.
So, let’s bring things up to speed again here. Here is the conjunction, while Mars is stationing to turn retrograde, between Venus and Pluto, followed by Venus’s opposition to Mars around December 12th. And then we drag this forward, and we’re going to see Mars then oppose Pluto in its retrograde, January 2nd into the 3rd. So, between now and January 3rd, we have a number of very powerful oppositions, followed by one last direct opposition in April, from Mars to Pluto.
What I want to do today is look at the pair of houses getting activated by these oppositions. I’m going to bring this back. Let’s bring it back to the 7th here this weekend. And remember, the 7th through the 12th is the timeline that is most imminent with this one. Then think again, early January, and then again in April, that timeline will be a part of this horoscopes delineation overall. So, you have to keep that timeline in mind, something that you may experience rather acutely between now and the 12th, but then again in early January, and then again in April.
That being said, let us now break these down one sign at a time, and we are going to start with Aries this time.
So, what I’m going to do is just talk about the pairings of these houses with respect to the opposition. Now, actually, I should say this: I think that the broadest way of thinking about the Mars-Pluto opposition is really about... there’s always transformation with Pluto, right? Pluto is like the transformation the sun undergoes when it sets and then rises again in the morning. It goes through the underworld, a process of the nocturnal space, and an emergence back again at dawn. It’s as though Pluto entails that kind of transformation for everything it touches.
So, when it touches Mars, it touches on will. It touches on strength, power, assertiveness, or aggression. It’s about power struggles and conflicts, or it is about a reframing of Mars in our relation to that kind of masculine, Yang archetype, energetically or psychologically. It can also be about how we are, what we are ambitious about, and how our ambitions or sense of direction or purpose is changing with Mars being retrograde in the sign of the Sun. So, that sense of purpose and will and ambition and desire and drive is going through a critical transformation as it contacts Pluto by opposition.
Venus opposite Mars, Venus conjoined Pluto and opposite Mars, brings a kind of social tension into our lives. It could be romantic and intimate, as in our partnerships or marriage, but it could also be that there are brewing conflicts or the need for mediation or the resolution of tensions or disagreements, or maybe even just a description of power struggles that are happening in various groups that we belong to, or in social networks, friends, or in our career. But that tension is key for understanding the next
, you know, 7th through the 12th of December, as these planets come through. And then again, because it’s sort of like a precursor to Mars’s opposition to Pluto, it’s as though our purpose, will, or sense of direction is going through refinement or a period of reflection and maybe revision because it is meeting with some kind of intense social feedback or intense feedback within certain key relationships or groups or communities. That seems to be the process that’s at hand.
Now, we can also just generically think of these oppositions as creating oppositional tension within or between the topics of two polar opposite houses in the birth chart. So, that’s where we’ll turn our attention now, and just remember that any of the delineations I just offered will go along with the topics being activated through opposition.
Alright, that being said, now let’s look at Aries. For Aries, we’re talking about the opposition between houses 11 and 5, Leo and Aquarius. And here, I think one of the things that we are looking at has to do with social involvement in the 11th—sort of quintessential Aquarius in the 11th stuff: social groups, social belonging, organizations, communities, allies, friends, the social networking of our lives requiring some kind of transformational moment right now. On the other hand, Mars in the fifth is sort of beating the drum of independence, individuality, one’s own unique creative sense of fulfillment and purpose that stands alone or in contrast to the requirements of a group, or the expectations that there be some level of conformity with the Aquarius 11th house—that there be some level of social and collective identification.
So, this is the quintessential struggle, in other words, between collective and individual tendencies that we’re seeing in the Aries rising birth chart. I think that where there is, there’s got to be some requirement that you hold on to the creative essence that is you, that you can’t give that up or set that aside. On the other hand, there’s a need to identify collectively, be part of a group, and understand the compromises required to be a creative individual within groups. That’s part of life. We have to deal with it. We can’t just reject it, or we can’t look down our noses at that and say, “Well, I’m an individual.” It’s easier for Aries to do so than a Libra, for example, which is naturally going to be a little bit more, you know, considerate of others. But Aries is like, “I’m me, and I don’t really care what you want or think.” Not all the time, but you get what I mean. There’s that strong sense of individualism. So, there’s a compromise here that has to be worked, a tension that has to be held between these two spaces. And this is a tension that’s active, not only imminently in the next week or two but also again in January and then in April. It’s an ongoing process.
All right, when we look at the tension between Venus, Mars, and Pluto in the 10th and fourth houses for Taurus rising, you listen to this for your sun sign as well, obviously. But we now see the tension between the private sphere of life—the internal, domestic, familial, our home, our family, our base, our roots, the inner life that we need in order to rest, recover, and be apart from the collective, the social, the public, the vocational, the professional. We see that inner life pitted against major moments of change or transformation that are occurring publicly, professionally.
Here we see Venus and Pluto conjoining in your 10th house, suggesting a major process of transformation is underway for Tauruses in the career house. So, we have the idea of death and rebirth, of transformation, of crisis and regeneration, of healing, and of a powerful shift or movement that is both social, collective, and professional, happening at the same time that Mars in the fourth house is perhaps wondering, how much of myself should I show or should remain hidden? Is there some part of my inner life, my family life, my home life, that is undergoing transformation, crisis, the need for healing, while there are also major requirements that I am trying to meet—obligations, responsibilities in the workplace?
So, even just being busy at both home and work, or feeling conflict or tension between the needs and requirements of inner versus outer, family versus career, these tensions are pretty bright right now for Tauruses. And those tensions will be reiterated again, not only in the next week or so, but then again in the beginning of January and then again in April.
Okay, moving on to Geminis. For Geminis, we see the Mars, Pluto, Venus dynamic in the next week. We see this taking place across your third and ninth house axis. Now, these two houses together create tensions that are mental, intellectual, and philosophical, that might be taking place within classrooms. If you're a teacher, they may have to do with how you teach or communicate. If you're a learner or a student, who you're studying with, what you're learning, and how it's transforming you. There are questions or conflicts that may arise ideologically, philosophically, ethically, morally, religiously, politically—right, all of the ideas, thought structures, and how they connect us to other people and what we are being asked to look at within relationships with respect to the mind, beliefs, ideas, our paradigms, and our values.
Maybe there is some positive transformation happening. Maybe our minds are opening, we're learning, we're broadening our horizons. Maybe there's even some meaningful travel taking place across these two houses that are both associated with travel. At the same time, the Venus-Mars dynamic suggests the potential for conflict, tension, and struggle within relationships, maybe due to contrasting or opposing ideas or views, approaches, or beliefs. Can we sort these out? Are we being asked to soften a stance or to commit a little bit more and be more selective with who we share our lives with according to whether or not our values align? These are the kinds of things I would watch for Geminis.
All right, let's go to Cancer with Cancer rising. We see these oppositional tensions from Mars and Pluto, Venus and Mars, Venus and Pluto happening across the second and eighth houses. It is as though there is a transformation relative to money, wealth, status, stature, and power happening through your relationships. I say that because Venus-Pluto in the eighth house will transform your life through the kinds of benefits, blessings, shared assets, resources, and karmic contracts that are coming in and/or transforming—soul contracts being transformed. Soul contracts with other people bearing fruit, this comes to mind.
There is also some requirement that we look at what we are contributing versus what someone else is contributing—what we have or are in possession of that can lend itself to success or the contribution. Think of, for example, in relationships, is there a kind of mutual, reciprocal dynamic of providing provision? I provide this, you provide that, we share the load. Sometimes it's not equal. It's not always equal. Sometimes one person in a relationship will carry a little bit more than the other. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Could there be flip-flopping roles or duties? Or is it time to give more where you've received more previously, or vice versa?
I also look at the potential for conflicts in relationships surrounding things like money, assets, and resources. There could also be something happening with respect to debts being paid off or new contracts being entered into, new future debts being accrued. Conflict or tension or power struggles in relationships relative to things like money, value, finances, assets, and resources come to mind, though with this one, there is a possibility for some very positive transformations with respect to money and finances as well. I don't want to paint it like it's just a negative thing, but there is transformational tension in two houses that really have a lot to do with what we give and receive, what we have, what others have, and the dynamics between them.
Moving on to Leo rising, we place these dynamics across the first and seventh houses, where in the next week or two here, as well as again in January and again in April, there is major oppositional tension between self and other. The quintessential houses of self, the first house, and other, the seventh house, lead to something like transformations of identity and relationships. Relationships and identity, as relationships require major growth, healing, tending, and caring, and relationships change. New relationships come in; some relationships might need to expire as that happens.
Here's Mars retrograde in the first house, suggesting personal transformation. What we have control over, what we don't have control over, who has a lot of unhealthy control over us—maybe even people that we have an unhealthy degree of control or influence over. Looking at those things, kind of balancing the scales karmically with respect to love and relationships, power within relationships, letting people refine and reform us, being open to the positive influence that other people may have on us, and also not being afraid to say something or do something to suggest or contribute to the healthy change of others.
I would look at this, though, primarily as a picture of the importance of confronting things in relationships for the sake of growth and transformation. That's what I would watch for, specifically for all the Leos out there. Now, we go to Virgo and we place these tensions across the 12th and sixth houses.
Looks like my camera just died. More Mercury Retrograde fun.
Okay, let me just turn off the camera here.
Okay, switch to my other camera.
All right. So, with the... let me just make sure my audio is still going. Yeah, okay, there we go. So, with respect to the Virgo horoscope, we're looking at a sixth house, 12th house axis. Oftentimes this means that the things that we're carrying, the difficult tasks that we're fulfilling, the sacrifices that we're making, the things that we're feeling frustrated by, and the conflicts that we have with people, rather surprisingly that we weren't necessarily expecting, all of those kinds of things will become an important part of how we are able to grow and understand or process unconscious material.
Now, I say this because one of the major meanings of Mars retrograde in the 12th house will be about exploring those things that are undermining us, those people or places or our own habits or choices or behaviors that are acting as a kind of hidden malignant influence in our lives. The Venus-Pluto dynamic in the sixth can also bring our attention to key relationships that are causing us conflict or that are presenting us with feedback that is allowing us to look at and explore those unhealthy, undermining influences.
For example, Venus-Pluto in the sixth opposite this Mars in the 12th could be the person who brings to your attention the fact that you have some serious issues with your health, with self-care, with addiction, with anger, whatever the case may be. Don't be surprised if people in your life, maybe through a little bit of tension or conflict, draw your attention to things that you have to now look at.
On the other hand, this could also be a place where you have to look at your own self-defeating attitudes and behaviors if you want to maintain or keep healthy relationships. There's a sacrifice and work in service required in relationships in order for the Venus-Pluto dynamic to not just bring a bunch of drama. Venus-Pluto in the sixth sort of says, what kind of transformational healing, work, service, surrender, sacrifice, or compromise, even though it's frustrating, do I need to lean into right now so that I don’t create problems for myself in the future? This is a great transit for Virgos to be looking at and addressing difficult things and getting really good results, if you have the courage to do so.
I could also see this as a place of looking at what relationships are creating drama and which ones are creating health, which patterns of self-care are creating wellness and which are creating dis-ease. These kinds of evaluations are critical to the sixth and 12th house axis.
All right, let’s go to Libras. In the week ahead, and the next two weeks really, we’ll have the Venus-Pluto dynamics showing up in the fifth, opposite Mars in the 11th. So, this is now flip-flopping from where we started earlier with Aries. We’re once again talking about the pressure to be conforming socially and the opposite tension, which is to step out and be an individual, somehow in your self-expression, in your mode of purpose.
So the tensions are once again across the 11th and the fifth, coming up with respect to group social activity and how strong, loud, dominant, or bright you should be as an individual, in contrast to a more socially concerned, equitable, collective sense of creative identity that you have through Venus and Pluto in the fifth. Venus and Pluto in the fifth can help you feel like you're finding a good group of people, or the right relationships or the right connection socially, for the sake of self-expression and creative fulfillment.
But Mars retrograde in the 11th could present you with some form of hostility or pushback from strong personalities or egos within groups, and it could also push back in the way of saying that you need to make sure that you also stand out somehow and are not doing everything just for the sake of harmonizing with others. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a little bit of that harmonization in order to express yourself in a way that is authentic to who you are.
So with Libras, I see the tension again between kind of a creative, social sense of fulfillment and a somewhat more divisive but personally empowered position with respect to social standing and participation in the world. Not an easy opposition to hold the tension of.
All right, let's go on to Scorpios. For Scorpios, we see the oppositions between houses 10 and 4. This is really interesting because on the one hand, we see ongoing transformation with respect to home and family—not just now, but for the next 20 years. You're going through a major period of upheaval, change, and transformation with respect to home, family, roots, parents, land, property—all of those good things.
Right now, Mars retrograde in your 10th house is potentially creating some conflict or changes in the workplace, with respect to things like authority, position, rank, and power. There could be a way in which, right now, you are struggling because of what's happening for you more personally or privately, to manage a sense of conflict or drama that is pulling you in the opposite direction. It’s kind of like if you're trying to deal with something that's happening at home—you're moving, you're remodeling your house, or a parent is sick, or whatever the case may be—there are things coming up that are drawing your attention to the home sphere of life, but then simultaneously, there's drama at work. That can be a really difficult situation.
You could feel like, if I give my attention to what needs me at work right now, I’m going to be neglecting the changes that are happening around home, family, or my private sphere of life. But if I don't address what's happening at work, I might get taken advantage of, or there may be difficult things that come about if I don't face or deal with what's happening in that area. It's almost like challenges around your priorities, changes in the workplace, and power dynamics in the workplace, with tensions between that public or social sphere and the private inner sphere of life.
It’s a difficult thing to hold the tension of, but again, what we usually do is hold the tension, rather than collapsing into one side or the other.
All right. Well, with Sagittarians, we have the Mars retrograde in Leo in the ninth, opposite the Pluto in the third. Venus-Pluto in the third, Venus opposite Mars across the third and the ninth. The same thing that I said for Geminis really holds true here, and that is that we are being asked to look at ideas, beliefs, philosophies, convictions, our ideological framework in life, our paradigms, how they guide our lives, how they shape us, how we express them.
You know, sometimes we have ideas and we express them very charismatically, and maybe we overpower people with them. At times, this could be a transit teaching Sagittarians how to hold their beliefs with greater equanimity and social poise, and care for differences between yourself and others. Learning to carry your convictions with greater sensitivity to social harmonization would be a great way of reading this for Sagittarians.
But another way to look at it is that some beliefs need to be stated or worked out, and some level of debate, contention, or discussion is a positive thing, because you don’t want to repress what you believe or allow others to suppress what you believe to be true or right or good. So explorations of power dynamics with respect to differing values, beliefs, ideas could also come up here. There could also be tension around things like travel, learning, the higher mind, teachers, teaching, education, and conflicts in those kinds of settings or exchanges of deep meaning that are not necessarily easy, but are very valuable.
These are the things that I would look for here, as well as maybe some conflict or transformation with respect to things like siblings in the third house, your local or immediate environment. How is the immediate environment of the local sphere of your life, or those relationships in that third house, being transformed through maybe some form of debate or contentiousness that we see through Mars in the ninth?
Now, we put Capricorn on the ascendant, and now we see the second and eighth activated once more in the opposite direction. And I would say something similar to what we said for Cancers, which is that there are explorations of value exchanges in relationships. What do I give? What do you give? What do I take? What do you take? What do we share? Is the load equal? Are we indebted to one another? Are we paying off debts to people? Are we entering into new bonds with people, dissolving old bonds with people?
It could be that there are old conflicts of value or exchange of value that are being renegotiated, reworked, or released. It could also be that we are looking at powerful new forms of asset or resource coming into our lives as those of you Caps out there, because Venus-Pluto in the second can really bear fruit and bring about positive transformation, benefic transformation, with respect to things like money and resources, assets.
On the other hand, when we come into possession of something, does it immediately create resentment, jealousy, bitterness, or power struggles with other people? Sometimes people get jealous. Venus-Pluto conjoining in this house, opposite Mars, could also just be about inevitable clashes of value, belief, thought with respect to what you have, what others have, and what you share. So those karmic exchanges, those soul contracts, are being evaluated, and maybe some kinds of conflicts have to be mediated around them throughout this timeline.
For Aquarians, we flip it from Leo's, and we have the first and seventh again. Here, we can see that Aquarians are going through a period of major personal transformation with respect to identity, body, character. The Pluto entrance into the first house begins a 20-year process of major existential, personal transformation. It's slow. It’s process-oriented. Some of you will feel it right away when it enters that first house, and then the Venus-Pluto conjunction, of course, will slowly entangle itself with the Mars retrograde in your seventh. Mars retrograde in the seventh house, in particular, is really good for learning better or more productive ways to have conflicts. Conflicts in relationships are inevitable, but how we do them is really up to us.
Is there a more constructive way of dealing with conflicts or differences? Is there a different way of dealing with power and power dynamics? Power is like a push-pull. I like to think of the first and seventh house, and Venus-Mars like the tango. There's this very erotic tension in the tango, right? A push and a pull. Venus-Mars here might be highlighting something that's very sexual, creative, intense, but also, you know, enjoyable or creatively fruitful or productive, if we manage the energy correctly. The push and pull could be a fist fight, right? Or it could be a dance.
But here, I would say, in general, the Venus-Pluto dynamic in the first suggests a period of fruitful personal transformation that immediately gets into dialogue with relationships, with other people in your life, with what they are going through, or with what kinds of changes need to happen in relationships because of the changes that you are embracing right now, or vice versa. If a person is changing that you're with, or if the relationship is changing, it may cause you to reflect on how you need to change or wish to change. But those conversations
are going to come into focus in the weeks ahead, and again in January and April as a long-term process.
Now finally, my dear Pisceans waiting so patiently. So we end with the dynamic between Mars-Pluto, Venus, across the 12th and the sixth, opposite Virgo, which was in the opposite houses, right? Sixth and 12th. So for this combination here, what I like to think about is a questioning of what is worth your time, energy, or effort. It is very important for Pisceans, with a Leo sixth house, to put their heart and soul only into sacrificial forms of service or work that you connect with emotionally, that are fulfilling, that fulfill a romantic, spiritual vision of life. You can give your heart to those things. You can be loyal to those things. You can be courageous with respect to those things, but if you're not doing those things, they will suck your soul. They’ll make you melancholic, they’ll drain you, they’ll make you sick, and they'll ultimately kind of pull you down and make you feel like you're not living from your heart. And that is the definition of heartbreak for a Pisces.
So, when I look at this, I think to myself that Mars retrograde in the sixth, opposite Venus and Pluto in the 12th, are we, as Pisceans, being given a chance right now to set down different forms of work, suffering, and service that aren't fulfilling? Because if we're going to suffer, if we're going to work, if we're going to serve, it better be for something that we really deeply care about—that fills our heart with joy.
So I see that as crucial. Right now, Venus-Pluto in the 12th might be providing you with some kind of feedback as to where your joy is, where your happiness is, where your people are, and where they aren't, and therefore, what kind of work, what kind of suffering, and sacrifice are you willing to do and which do you need to let go of? This could also be about just relationships that undermine you versus those that bring you happiness or fulfillment. Tensions and power struggles in relationships as a matter of unconscious karmic material that has to be dealt with—sure, that could fit here too, just like we said for Virgos.
This is what I'm seeing for all 12 signs. I hope that this was a useful exploration today. We'll be back again as the week goes on. Lots more content to come. After I sign off, I will tell you about the rewards that are available when you donate and support this channel and all the free content we produce year-round.
We really need your help. We're several hundred backers in, but we have a long way to go to get to 19,137. It really helps us to keep pace when you know 15-20 people a day pitch in. Out of 73,000 people, we need just under 2,000 to really meet our goal. So if you haven’t yet, every donation helps—$5, $25, $10.
And then, obviously, if you want to pick a reward, we have some really great gifts and opportunities there that I'll explain in a minute. You can find the link to the Kickstarter in the description of this video, in the comment section, or on the website,
THANK YOU, GUYS, and we will see you again tomorrow. Bye, bye.
How utterly spot on. Leo rising here with pluto conjunct my zero degree sun in the 7th. I’m leaving my partner after 21 years. I’m moving on the 7th Dec. Many years where we have needed to change. Power struggles, some control issues and resentments.
He’s a Cap rising. This opposition between his 2nd and 8th. We’ve been deciding on how to split our assets, things we’ve built over the years and how we are going to continue with our financial ties. Absolutely spot on