Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today! I hope you enjoy today’s special episode, where I dive into Venus’s upcoming square to Uranus. In this episode, I place this powerful transit within a philosophical framework of love.
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Hey, everyone. This is Adam Elenbass from Nightlight Astrology. Merry Christmas to everybody out there who is celebrating today. I hope that you will enjoy the content today. I've made a special episode on Venus's upcoming square to Uranus, placing this Venus-Uranus Square into the philosophical container of love.
I've talked about five radical acts of love that I think perfectly fit with the Venus-Uranus square that's coming up. This is admittedly a very uplifting way of looking at the transit. There are other ways of looking at the transit, which we will be covering a little bit later in the week as we get closer to the transit.
But I thought this would be appropriate for a day that, for many people, is about connecting to that light within ourselves and the light within others, as the light is also gradually returning if you're in the northern hemisphere, literally.
Anyhow, I hope you will enjoy today's content on Venus square to Uranus and some deeper philosophical reflections on love. Before we get into it, remember to like and subscribe. It really helps our channel to grow. We thank everyone who's helped us build the channel so much in this year of 2024.
You can find transcripts of any of these daily talks on the website, which is You guys know, the only thing I have to say is that we have approximately one week left in our annual Kickstarter campaign. Just one week left.
We have rallied the support of, as of the time I'm recording this, between 800 and 900 backers right now. That means we still need over 1,000 more backers before the end of the campaign in a week. I really do believe we can get there, but we need a big, strong push every day. People chipping in $5 or $10—it's a one-time donation. It's not a recurring donation. Your card is charged on January 1 after you make your pledge.
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We also have some really good exclusive content, like the astrology of 2025 talk that I'm giving, or my book that is being released in audio and text form, chapter by chapter, prior to its print run. You will also see that I have year-ahead horoscopes—that's about eight hours' worth of content for your sun and rising sign horoscopes for 2025. That's a whole year ahead for your horoscope, only released through the Kickstarter. So, some really nice things you can pick up.
Of course, any and every donation helps us. A big, huge thanks to everybody who has already given their support and helped us reach the backer total that we have so far. We just need a big push to finish here in the last days.
Something that I like to say every day is that if you get something positive out of this channel, just know that this channel and the free content that we create year-round is also a part of a model that allows for people of all different socioeconomic backgrounds to take our programs and have readings at different affordable price tiers. The generosity of the Kickstarter is a big part of how we keep creating programs and services that also have that model of generosity. It's really at the heart of everything that we do.
So, if you haven't yet donated, please consider supporting the channel in the year ahead. We really need the help here as we come down to the finish line in the last week.
I hope that you are having a really Merry Christmas today, if you're celebrating, and also that you will enjoy this unique take on Venus's square to Uranus. On that note, we will see you again tomorrow. Bye, everyone.
All right, let's get into it. We're going to take a look at Venus's square to Uranus today. First, I want to pop the real-time clock up and show you the timeline. So here we have Venus in the sign of Aquarius, moving into a three-degree range of the square to Uranus.
Now, this square—let me just move a few things around here—will come through on December 28th. So, if I fast forward this to Saturday, it's going to be early Saturday morning that the two planets square. Let me back this up just a touch and show you. We're looking at the square coming in at around 1:00 AM, so it's late Friday night, early Saturday morning. Technically, December 28th, depending on time zones, Friday night into Saturday, let's call it. You should feel that applying now.
I figure, because it's Christmas, many people are celebrating Christmas today. If you are, of course, Merry Christmas. But the holidays, in general, are a time when we often reflect on things like our relationships. We draw a little closer to people we love. We have people in our life that we need to forgive. Sometimes that makes more sense around the New Year for whatever reason. Every year, it's like a fresh start.
I wanted to talk today about some of the most radical spiritual breakthroughs that Venus and Uranus can present to us in any of their dynamics—opposition, square, conjunction, or transiting Uranus maybe aspecting your natal Venus. So, I thought this would be fun, and then we're going to take a look at these from the standpoint of some more mundane things—maybe some horoscopes. We'll see five radical acts of love.
Remember that when Venus and Uranus get together, the combination of Venus and Uranus can provide breakthroughs in love and relationships, breakthroughs with respect to Venusian topics. It can mean radical acts of love, radical acts of creativity, radical acts of relationality and intimacy. I love this combination for how sparkly and creative it is.
Venus square to Uranus is eccentric and likes to disrupt norms when it comes to things like art, music, sexuality. Venus and Uranus are provocative when they get together and will often create within us a feeling of tremendous creative originality—the need to deviate from previous norms or traditions and to break free creatively, aesthetically, in terms of our style, our appearance, who we love, how we make love. These kinds of things can go through a renaissance.
The word "Renaissance," of course, means something like awakening. And so this capacity that Uranus has to awaken Venus is really profound. I thought, you know, a lot of people would be celebrating Christmas—not everyone. But let's talk about five radical acts of love on a day that's often filled with sentimentality, a lot of love, a lot of connection—or sometimes a lot of hurt, a lot of pain.
You know, sometimes days like this can bring up hard things for people. So I want to talk about five ways that we could look at Venus-Uranus today that might help us to utilize this transit over the next few days to create a positive breakthrough for ourselves or relationships.
One of the most radical things that I think we can do, and that often happens when Venus and Uranus get together… Now, I say this as someone who has been counseling people for almost 15 years, with many thousands of people and seeing so many different transits. Some of the most profound spiritual breakthroughs come when someone experiences a Uranus-Venus transit in their life.
So, I've gathered five things today that I see as some of the most radical breakthroughs on the level of our humanity and spirituality—our consciousness—especially forgiveness. One of the ways that we become enslaved and trapped, entangled and oppressed is through the trauma that we carry, that we hold, that maybe was inflicted upon us by someone. And there's not always opportunities to forgive someone in the sense that they may not ask for forgiveness; they may not think they did anything wrong.
They may be so self-involved or so far in their own ignorance or unconsciousness that they have no idea that they have had such a profoundly harmful impact on someone else. Sometimes the forgiveness doesn't come because someone says, “Hey, will you please forgive me?”—which is great if it happens. And then there's this opportunity that we have to release.
But it comes because we realize we don't have to carry this anymore—the hurt and resentment, the bitterness that we carry because someone else legitimately did something wrong. I can choose this radical act of forgiveness. I can say, “I don't have to like what you did. I don't have to be friends with you, even. I don't have to be in a relationship with you. You’re an asshole who may go on being an asshole,” as my wife recently said when we were talking about this.
But we have the choice to say, “I'm not going to carry the resentment. The bitterness, the poison is not going to stay in me. I'm going to release it. I'm going to forgive you. I’m going to forgive the situation. I'm going to forgive myself.”
I mean, that's the hardest one, right? When you've done something that you've done to yourself—you’ve harmed yourself in some way—and then becomes this quest to correct it. And sometimes the quest to correct it goes on and on, and it never ends. Then, we reach this radical moment of breakthrough—a revolutionary moment—where we just say, “I can’t make it right. I can’t control the situation. But I’m not going to carry this anymore, so I lay it down. I just let it go,” even if the other person can’t be involved in that process of letting go (which is obviously ideal).
It is a huge part of spiritual life to reach points where we can recognize when we are carrying or holding something that someone else did or something that happened—something that we did to ourselves—and we look at it and we are honest about it. But then we say, “I let this go.” What a radical act of love. What a radical act on behalf of serenity and peace.
I think that forgiveness is radical because there's often no justification for it. You just come to this point where you go, “That’s it. It’s enough.” I remember I was in an Ayahuasca ceremony once, and during the ceremony, I was recognizing how afraid I was, how afraid I'd let myself become, how much I had bought into anxieties, fears, and worries, and then control.
You know, it’s like, “Oh my gosh, this is a total mess. And how am I going to solve this?” And then I’ll never forget, there was just like an image that came. It was like a little golden spiral—a little braided rope. It appeared, kind of circling, like a little tracer or something. But it was very vivid and bright, not like an actual tracer, more like an image.
Then it just exploded into little particles of light, and all of a sudden, I realized, “Oh, you just let it go.” It was like the image conveyed this sense that there doesn’t need to be a solution. You don’t have to have it figured out. Somehow, it’s not like that. The letting go of your fear and anxiety is just a letting go. It’s just… let it go. There doesn’t have to be a reason to let it go. You can just let it go.
I think there's something like that with forgiveness too, where we hold it, we carry it, we chew on it—like chewing your own cud. It’s just chewing and re-chewing something that's been chewed already. And then all of a sudden, we get to this point, and I think it’s mercy, grace. There’s just a break in the cosmic clouds, and the sun comes through, and you just go, “I’m gonna let this go.”
And that’s a radical moment. So, as my wife reminded me when we were sitting up talking, and she was talking about just our Al-Anon program that we do together, she was talking about forgiveness and how it’s so important along our journey. We need relationships where people are willing to say, “I’m sorry,” and seek forgiveness. It’s very important.
But one of the realizations we had, and she brought this up, so I said, “I’m gonna use this in my talk and credit you, because you’re brilliant,” is that the hard thing is that when we're in relationships with each other, it's hard to even recognize that we're carrying things that we need to forgive and set down and let go of. Sometimes, you don’t even realize it, because that's just how trauma works. It could be stuff that we’ve done to ourselves or something that we’ve done to someone that we need to forgive ourselves for.
But once you recognize what a radical, simple act it is to forgive, it’s simple and yet very radical. You have to take this weird leap of faith where you go, “I can just let this go. I can forgive. I can pardon. I can release.” And so, you do it, and you go, “Wow, I just did it. There was no reason.”
There was no rhyme. I literally just let it go. And once we realize, like, what a how difficult it is in our spiritual growth and evolution as human beings to reach a point where we can learn how to do that, maybe you don't do it all the time, but you know what it's like to do that.
And once you realize that it's difficult to do that, the natural response in us should be that we are much quicker to realize when we have hurt someone else and when an apology and an asking for forgiveness is necessary. We're meant to serve and help each other evolve spiritually, and for someone to grow in their capacity to forgive, it helps tremendously to have people who have wronged us ask for forgiveness, right?
So, you know, it's like, I mean, in addition to obviously just being the right thing to do, it's like, if we want to facilitate each other's growth, there's no quicker way than, like, even my daughter. Like, if I take a tone with her or something, because I'm short, irritable, and I take a moment to say, "You know, please forgive me for that. I'm sorry."
She doesn't have to carry that part of my psyche in her, you know? She can release it. She doesn't have to be influenced by that. She doesn't have to hold on to that. She doesn't hold on to the hurt. Or, you know, like, "Oh, what did I do to deserve such a grouchy tone of voice?" or whatever.
I am facilitating her ability to release, forgive, accept, pardon, surrender when I offer her an opportunity to do so in relation to my actions. And so when any of us realize how radical and simple and open and available forgiveness is for us in any given moment, it also becomes the natural response to that. The simple, powerful, revolutionary act is to make sure that we give other people opportunities to receive that grace, that mercy, and that simple act of revolution by saying, "Hey, I'm sorry."
These are radical acts of love, to just say, "I'm sorry," to not have a pride and ego, to realize that even though I was wrong, I forgive myself, and so I can ask for forgiveness, because I'm not going to hold on to, you know, what I did. I'm going to forgive myself for doing it, and then I'm going to seek forgiveness if I feel like it's not a mistake.
That’s why so many of the spiritual traditions of our planet have said, "Forgive. Ask for forgiveness. Seek forgiveness. Be forgiving." And there's no reason ever in the moment of forgiveness. There's really no reason for it to be complicated. It's as simple as that little braid just disappearing and bursting into little, little balls of light.
So the radical nature of forgiveness and how important it is to facilitate other people's access to it by acknowledging and asking for forgiveness, forgiving ourselves, and acceptance—there’s another radical act. I'm going to keep this one simple and say this: there is an overwhelming amount of beauty, joy, and bliss all around us.
I remember that movie when I was a kid. It was one of my favorites. I was in high school. I was a real loner. I was going to college early, a community college, and getting dual credit. So I was like, not in high school anymore. I didn’t have a lot of friends. I was pretty introverted and, honestly, kind of banged up from things that were happening in my life, you know? Not compared to some people, but that’s just what I was going through.
And I remember the movie American Beauty. I went and saw it in the theater by myself. I used to love going to the theater by myself. Saw it in the movie theater two or three times, and what I loved about that movie was the simple appreciation that the neighbor kid had—the photographer. He just had a bag blowing in the wind. You remember that? The little bag just captured the leaves and the wind.
And I think that there is a way in which we can access that level of beauty, that level of being just like impressed by reality itself. It's a different kind of aesthetic pleasure that we take in the living of life, in the multi-dimensionality of life, in the play of light and dark. That is a kind of beauty arranged and adorned in reality itself that Venus and Aphrodite were associated with.
How do we get there? One of the ways we get there is through another radical act, which is to say, "Okay, this is the way that it is." When things happen that are devastating or difficult or hard or frustrating or whatever, we're totally allowed to have the human experience of frustration, adversity, suffering, and all of that.
There's also a capacity that each of us has in some moment of reflection, some moment in between the big events, to sit back and go, "Radical, I accept. I accept. I accept this weird, bizarre play of light and dark. I accept my life."
And as soon as we do that radical act of acceptance, which needs nothing, no reason to get there, no prerequisite for getting there, it’s just "I accept." Just simple, poof, and all of a sudden there’s so much beauty. There's an eye for beauty that exists on a consensus level that most of us agree with. Oh, that's a beautiful sunset, or, you know, that's a really ugly-looking mud pit or something like that, you know?
And then there’s this other level of beauty that poets, mystics, dreamers, and artists have access to. And I think those of you listening to this probably have this as well, because you're interested in something like astrology. That is some eye for the beauty of existence.
And in order to access that, there usually has to be this capacity to just, "Okay, you know, just, Oh, fucking K, oh my God, but all right." And once you do that, it's just absurd. It is absurd. I mean, that's why I’m laughing about it, right? Because life is sort of absurd. It's so full of meaning, and yet it feels like there are all these contradictions at play. And then, somehow, you just say, "I accept," and your capacity to see the beauty, the little bag blowing in the air, is there.
Number three is playfulness. There is a way in which we can respond in any given moment very seriously. "This is serious." I think of Saturn, for example, the planet associated with gravitas. Saturn is often serious and likes to live life on the stage of life, to play a role, and to really enjoy life.
There’s a way in which you have to take it seriously. It’s like method acting. No, you’ve got to get in character. You’ve got to believe that you’re the character. You know, of course, method acting. There are many interesting and bizarre and tragic stories associated with method actors.
So, there is, in life, a way in which the seriousness of life is that there are high-stakes realities when we take it seriously. And taking it seriously is an archetypal option, but it is one among many. Another response is playfulness. Let me see the play of life. Let me engage with this playfully.
It is a choice, just like that—like forgiveness, like acceptance. I’m going to respond playfully. That choice is radically liberating and often leads to deeper qualities of love, intimacy, connection, and creativity.
Number four is experimentation, and it's like playfulness, but it’s a little bit more like where play, the goal might be fun and joy. The goal of experimentation might be, "I’ve got a problem. I need to find a solution. Let’s try something different."
And for whatever reason, it’s the same thing. It's boom, I’m just going to try something different this time. That response to life, whether it works or not, ends up being a solution. It ends up being an approach to life itself that’s liberating. Well, I tried something new, you know?
And that carries us. Sometimes we need to respond to things from time to time with playfulness, or with, "Hmm, maybe this is a little bit of a serious situation. Maybe responding with playfulness isn’t quite the response, but experimentation might be the right response." It liberates us. It's a radical act of love.
Number five is openness to the other. One of the most profound things we can do is open ourselves to the suggestions, the influence, the example, the modeling of other people. We are self-determined beings, but God forbid that we ever acknowledge or admit that we are highly influenced by each other. No, I am my own influencer. I’m an influencer; you’re the influenced.
So, I really think that I’m talking now about friendships, about your lover, even about your kids. Can I say when we receive some insight, some idea, some feedback, and go, "Huh, I’m going to open myself to that"?
Another moment where we just go, "I could guard myself, defend myself. I could take my own counsel. I could, you know, reject anyone’s guidance. I am my own, you know, king or queen of the castle." But to say, "I’m going to let you guide me. I’m going to let you influence me. I am going to let you be a meaningful part of how I evolve, grow, think, learn."
I’m going to be open to your suggestions. I’m going to be gracefully open to the way you think about things, the way you play, the things you like. I’m going to taste the things you like. It’s amazing how much joy and happiness there is.
Here’s an example. This pops into my head when I think about the first time that I
opened myself to trying sushi. I know this is stupid, but because lots of you probably love sushi, maybe some of you hate it, I was absolutely convinced that I was not going to like eating raw fish because I had an idea in my head.
And I was like, "Okay, I’ll try sushi." I was dating someone in my mid to late 20s. I’m from Minnesota, you know, we don’t eat sushi. We eat snowballs. So, anyway, I was like, "Okay, I’ll try sushi." Loved it. Absolutely, now I love sushi. It's been a part of my life for many years now. Okay?
So, I had an idea about something that I thought, and this person was like, "But just try it." And I was like, "Okay, I’ll try it." Amazing. Love to really evolve us and grow us.
There is a way in which we have to be willing to open ourselves to other people and to being like, "I’ll taste that. I’ll try that. Let’s do it your way. Your kink will be my kind of kink for now. Let’s do it. Okay, let’s see what happens."
So, openness. Allowing ourselves to be open to what other people like, to what they love, to what they think, to what they feel, to what they suggest. And saying, "I’m going to develop a taste and an aesthetic appreciation for your way of seeing and doing things."
That is also just like acceptance, forgiveness, playfulness, experimentation. Boom. It’s a Uranian moment. It happens like that. There’s no real reason for doing it. You just decide, "Okay, let’s create an opening here."
You do it. These are radical acts of love and some of the deeper spiritual and philosophical things that we can think about as Venus, as square and Uranus. You guys know, I like to talk about the spiritual and philosophical dimensions of a transit, in addition to talking about mundane things you might notice or watch for, which we will also do with this transit.
But for today, if you're celebrating Christmas, I thought this would be a fun thing to talk about. So, Merry Christmas. For those of you who are celebrating, if you're not celebrating, I hope you're having a great day.
And coming up, New Year's guys—we have still a long way to go. We have just about a week left. We really need a lot of support for the Kickstarter. If you haven’t, if you’ve already donated, thank you. If you haven’t yet donated, please consider contributing.
To donate to support the channel. All the good things we do, all this free content we provide, a whole staff of people is behind the scenes, including a full-time person who is doing nothing but helping me with the production of content, day in and day out, year-round.
So, you can find the link to donate in the description of this video, in the comment section of this video, or on the website, After I sign off right now, I’ll tell you about the rewards that are available when you support the channel.
All right. Merry Christmas.
This was an excellent reflection that helped me tremendously. Thank you so much!