* The Sun is now separating from Saturn. If you speak astrologese, then I don’t have to say anything about this. If you don’t then aaahhh…thank you Saturn, for temporarily increasing our sense of dread, limitation, imaginative longing, maturity, focus, sobriety, isolation, insecurity, wisdom, adulthood and discipline. I realize now exactly what this is and what it isn’t, what I am and what I am not, and will heed your good words moving forward from here.
* The Moon is in Taurus applying to a square with Venus and trine to Mercury. It’s a good day to make something unusual appear normal, beautiful, and stable. It’s a good day for women with bold visions or ideas to make announcements or plans or to gather support and valuable information. It’s a good day to adorn or decorate, to embellish or seriously and maturely overdo something. The square to Venus in Aquarius is sort of like a good day for a date at a post-modern art museum. In fact, it’s one of those days where I wouldn’t be surprised to see a pair of cowboys on a date in a post-modern art museum.
* Jupiter is closing in on his opposition to Uranus while nearly making the sextile with Saturn. On the one hand this transit describes the potential for truly liberating changes right now (for example the recent victory in the ongoing Standing Rock saga), and on the other hand it may describe revolutions that favor “the opposition,” for example the election of Trump, his cabinet choices, the abortion bills passed in Ohio, etc. Often it’s not that the most revolutionary events happen under the exact perfecting of the aspect, but that seeding events take place that in turn set off a domino effect in the months following. So we should watch and pay careful attention to what “seeds” of revolution are being planted in our lives and in the collective right now.
But for today, as we approach the full Moon, with the Moon in her exaltation, and with contacts to Venus and Mercury, here’s to a day filled with odd beauty, quirky commentary, fun conversation, and the richness of the simple things we live for!
Prayer: Thank you for the simplest gifts. They keep us coming back for more. So thank you!
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