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In today's episode, we'll dive into the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the sign of Taurus, which will likely be one of the most impactful transits of the upcoming year. We'll examine this alignment from multiple perspectives, offering a comprehensive preparation for its influence.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Ellenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Today, we begin the first of a three-part series exploring the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the sign of Taurus, which is happening in April of 2024.
Most astrologers agree that this is the biggest transit of 2024. I'm certainly treating it that way. I think it's right up there. I'm always willing to be wrong or surprised, and maybe there'll be another transit that will totally take the cake for 2024, but I think that this transit is probably it.
So I thought it would be fun as we are coming to the end of the calendar year here to reflect on this upcoming conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus that will be happening in the spring of the year ahead, kind of set the table for what's to come, we're going to look at this in three different parts, we're going to look at it from a kind of historical perspective, we're going to break down the archetype through storytelling, and examples from clients that I've seen over the years.
Then we're going to do horoscopes for all 12 signs, a three-part series that we're going to unfold and unpack this week, and then we're going to start in, by the way, later in the week, we're going to be starting in on Pluto into Aquarius, which is I think, going to be a four or five-part series that I've been developing all new content, I think you're really going to like that, too. So, I am looking forward to this week, the year ahead, and some of the big transits to come.
Anyway, that's our agenda before you before we get into it. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and share your comments and reflections as you are anticipating this transit. What's on your mind? We'd love to hear from you. Transcripts of any of my daily talks can always be found on the website nightlightastrology.com.
You guys know we are trying to get to 1777 backers in our 10th annual Kickstarter campaign, which is happening right now, all the way up until New Year's Eve; we would really appreciate your help. A big thanks to everyone who's already pitched in; you can find the link at the top of the comment section pinned to the top you'll find the link in the description of this video; you will find the link so far, we have 304 backers, we still need 1473 That's at the time that I'm recording this intro.
So, if you haven't already, and you appreciate this channel, and you like the content, please consider supporting us when you do pick up 50% off any of my online programs or bundle them together 2,3,4 class passes; we have six different programs that we offer online, they're all fantastic. You can get up to 75% off when you push up the bundle to three or four classes. So I highly recommend doing that. It's the only time of year that we run the sale and all of our programs, and we have a bunch of lectures and readings.
My book is on sale; you can get a chapter-by-chapter release of my book before it comes out in print. So, an audio version will be released chapter by chapter; I'm working on the third chapter right now, and the first two have already been released. Anyway, there's lots of good stuff to pick up. Today, I want to talk about what prayer and meditation do for this channel before we get into our content for the day.
Now, it's hard to say because I don't know exactly why; you know, I can't always quantify exactly what daily prayer meditation does for the work that I create. But I want you guys to know what goes into this work and why I think it matters. I have had a daily form of practice spiritual practice since I started doing this.
So I've been doing this daily content creation year round, 300 plus days a year, for many years. Now, it's five days a week on YouTube. But it has been like that for me for 12 years. I am a creature of habit in so many ways. But for me, the best habits are the ones that support your happiness, your health, your sanity, you know, a little bit more. Not that I'm on it or anything that I'm like perfectly aligned or anything.
I've had silence as a practice. Most recently, I've been hanging out with the Quakers, which has been really cool. So a lot of silence. There have been periods of prayer, periods of mantra meditation, and periods of, you know, different kinds of mantra meditation, regular sort of sit-seated meditation. But that has been one of the practices that is part of how I shaped my content. So here are the three things that I believe that daily prayer and meditation does for this content, and I want you to know about these things because I think it will help you to value or understand the intentions that go into the content you listen to.
Number one is when I sit and get quiet before I write my content for the day, or I take time to be reflective while I'm in the process of creating content, whatever practice that's been over the years. It helps me to empty myself so that something of creative value can come through, and I call it creative value. It might be spiritual value. It might be emotional value. It might be comedic value. But so regularly, here's what happens if I sit down to create content, and I haven't done that, and there have, it's not like there have been days where I've been like in a rush, and I haven't done it.
But I will tell you that almost every single day for 12 years, this has been something that I do, and the main thing that it does is it just takes all this stuff, the thoughts, the emotions, the feelings, the streaming narratives going on in my life, and it just dumps them out. It says, okay, for now, I'm just going to empty all that. I'll get back to it later, and my cup is empty, and it's very relieving.
I think that's one of the main benefits of meditation; I have no idea if it's taking me to nirvana or not, you know, I have no clue. But I do know that it empties me out, it empties my head, it empties my thoughts, it empties my feelings, and empties everything, and my heart is just open, and my mind is just open. Ideally.
It gets relatively more, so you know what I mean, and then something comes through an idea, a thought and inspiration, an image that becomes the basis for writing my talk for the day, and I think that is really, really valuable. Because for creative content to come through, in a sense, we have to, we have to have your hands open as a creator, and I couldn't do it if I didn't have this kind of practice.
Number two, it helps me to avoid creating content for my own bias, moods, needs, etc. It's kind of similar to what I just said. But the other truth is that I will often because I'm a petty human, and that I think we all can be that way. I don't think I'm petty; I just think I can be. But you know, it's easy for me to be like, Oh, I'm going to shape my content today based on this person and what I wish I could tell them if they were here, right now, do you know what I mean? Or whatever. There are so many ways that my personal drama, my bias, my frustrations, and my angst, and honestly, like sometimes it's okay to draw from your own experiences in the way you shape content, but not if you're coming at it from a place that's really reactive, and you're just clouded.
So, doing this helps me to avoid just creating something from a super unconscious space. Not that it doesn't have; I mean, the unconscious is going to make its way into everything we do. So, I'm not saying I'm perfect, but it certainly helps. That's the point.
Number three, it helps me ask for guidance for myself, and it helps me ask that the content be for the highest good of those who receive it. So you know that when I'm sitting down to do this, what I'm saying is, please help me say something that is valuable. Please guide me so that I'm not my ego and my, you know, kind of faults and flaws aren't clouding the content; let it be clear, let it be useful. Let it be healing, let it be to the benefit of the people who are listening, that in that space of meditation allows me to ask for that, and even if the person asking is a hypocrite or imperfect, I believe that the divine appreciates that prayer.
Because if you can just get into that space. In a sense, it's like it doesn't matter if you're a perfect angel 24/7. Or if you can be a jerk from time to time. It's the intention that matters. Look, I know I can be an imperfect person. But please, right now, just use me for some good. Asking that, I think, makes a big difference in the content and the way that comes out.
This is why I also tell my students to do it before they sit down for a reading with someone, or why I tell my students if they're going to go have a social media, career, and astrology to do it before you make content. I believe it matters.
So anyway, if you believe these things matter, then I ask that you consider supporting me and my team and this year's Kickstarter. So you can be a part of the community and what is building and growing these good things.
Head on over the link is at the top of the comment section. It's in the description of the video. Pick up some classes or a reading, my book, or any of the rewards we offer help us reach our goal by the New Year of 1777 backers. I hope you guys are having a great day and that you will really enjoy this video that we're about to watch on Uranus and Jupiter getting together in the spring. All right. Thanks, everyone.
All right, let's go ahead and get into it. So we're going to be looking at Jupiter and Uranus coming together in the sign of Taurus from several different angles in the series as a way of prepping for what is arguably the biggest transit of the year ahead. I feel like this is a fun thing to do coming to the last month of the year. So yeah, let's let's take a look at what we can expect and the first thing to note.
I'm going to pull up the real-time clock and show you the exact day of the conjunction. So here it is. Put it up there. There we go. Here is the real-time clock, and you will see that on April 28, 2024, we have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Now, you have to remember that the day of the conjunction is not always the day of an event. Right around it, the day of the exact conjunction will sometimes flash, but often, it's the weeks preceding, and following that really big, significant events happen that are often set in motion or inspired by the conjunction the orbit the conjunction; I use about a three-degree orb, which is what ancient astrologers used.
So this is the April 20, Jupiter Uranus conjunct in Taurus transit that most astrologers are talking about as the biggest, if not one of the biggest, transits of the year ahead, and it comes into the three-degree range. If we just back this up a little bit.
I think you could put that three-degree range at, you know, the beginning of April. So there it is about three degrees off on April 3, and then on April 20, it perfects, and then if you give it another three degrees of separation, and that takes us up to, you know, about May 8.
Now, Jupiter is going to continue carrying that influence into the months ahead because this is a massive archetypal event that is also the seeding of a new Jupiter Uranus cycle. What's interesting is to note how often Jupiter and Uranus come together in the same sign, which is although Jupiter and Uranus will come together, it doesn't take too long for them to come together because Jupiter goes through one sign a year. So if we fast forward this a little bit, we can see that Jupiter is gonna catch Uranus in Cancer in 2038; it's about 15 years, 14 years, roughly. So, you know, it's not like they never happen. Fourteen years; it's just a little over Jupiter's cycle of 12 years. But, and there's there can be a little variation in that, too.
But the point is that what doesn't happen very often is for Jupiter to come back together in the sign of Taurus, like, I'm just going to fast forward around the wheel here, and we'll just do this little exercise, which can be really interesting. So watch, we're just tracking Uranus into the future, and when Uranus comes into the sign of Taurus, there we go; we'll get one more.
But as you'll see today, in some of the historical examples that I use, there are huge periods of time where the conjunction does not recur. So this is 2107.
That is the next time that the two planets get together in April of that year. That's a long, long time from now. But if you go back in time, what you'll find is that their conjunctions are also, historically speaking, rare in the sign of Taurus.
So what I want to do is show you the most recent three examples of Jupiter and Uranus conjoining in the sign of Taurus, and what I did was I just picked a few events; there are so many events that happen on the global scale. But I tried to pick some events that are archetypally representative of Jupiter and Uranus of Jupiter and Uranus in the sign of Taurus in particular.
What's interesting about outer planetary contacts, and I'll just say this right now before we get going, is that the outer planets, this is something that I've observed, but it's also one of the reasons that you will find that archetypal astrologers don't always pay a lot of attention to the signs as much as they do the combinations of outer planets, Richard Tarnas being the famous example.
That's because when it comes to the outer planets, it's as though they're beyond the parameters of signs and dignities. Okay, so they're, it's almost like they don't participate in the board game of ancient or traditional astrology, in that they're not really sign rulers, and people sometimes say that they are, but most of the people who came up with sign ruler ships for the outer planets had never studied and had no idea how the ancient system of dignities actually worked.
So, without understanding that it's not, it doesn't really make sense to try to assign them rulerships. That's a whole different conversation, but one that's, you know, kind of a big one. It's a big conversation in the world of astrology for the past couple of decades as we've rediscovered most of our ancient texts, which, by the way, is what makes it so much fun to study ancient
astrology because it's just mind blowing that we have all this information now in the last couple of decades.
So, anyway, what you'll find is that with Jupiter and Uranus, sometimes it's as though pieces of the sign will show up, and other times it's just archetypically, Jupiter and Uranus, no matter what sign it's in, and that's pretty consistent when you look at different Jupiter Uranus conjunctions throughout many different signs. So these examples, some of them that I'm going to share with you, are just sort of Jupiter-Uranus moments, but I did pick the ones where Jupiter and Uranus was in Taurus for further reflection and maybe to offer some comments on how the sign of Taurus and earthy Venusian the sign of the Moon is exalted, and so forth come into play. But anyway, so just a little disclaimer before we get into it.
So, all right, let's look at some Jupiter-Uranus historical examples, and these are going to be the three most recent examples of Jupiter being in the sign of Taurus. Now, in part two of this series, we'll be looking at the archetype of Jupiter Uranus. When it comes to the personal nativity, meaning how does the transit of Jupiter and Uranus conjunction play out in our individual lives? What we're doing right now is to look at some collective events as a way of magnifying the archetypal combination.
It's a little different when you look at things collectively versus personally, and as you guys know, the focus of my channel tends to be on the personal side of things. But it can be useful once in a while to point out historical examples that nicely represent the archetypal qualities of major planetary transits or ingresses. For example, we'll do the same thing with Pluto into Aquarius; again, we'll be previewing that as well this month.
Okay, so let's go back in time, and what I want you to see is here's Jupiter going around about one sign per year, and we need to take this back in time to the most recent conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in the sign of Taurus. So, to do that, we need to take Uranus to go around the Zodiac in about 84 years. So here is the last time that they got together; we're going to see them in Taurus, and the two come together, here's Jupiter conjoining, Uranus, in the early part of May 1941.
So again, these are cherry-picked examples that serve the purpose, sort of like excellent examples of Jupiter-Uranus. There are a lot of things going on, and I'm not here to do any kind of full historical or mundane analysis, right? This just helps you see the archetype in the historical events that were happening the last time these two planets got together. 1941
This is really, I think this is super fascinating. So the British recovered; I believe it was in a German submarine. But they recovered the Enigma machine, which was a machine that the Germans were using in World War Two to encrypt coded messages, and I believe the messages coordinated attacks between land and air or something like that, or the sea and air. Anyway, it was huge, and there was a movie, I think, that was made. I want to say Benedict Cumberbatch was in it, but maybe I'm getting the wrong one, and it was about the breaking of that code. Well, the Enigma machine was recovered at this time, and then subsequently, the code was broken, and that was a major breakthrough and turning point of sorts in World War Two.
The reason that this serves as a fantastic example of the Jupiter-Uranus dynamic is that there are a couple of things that are here in this event. One is a major breakthrough, a major turning point. I don't know if you guys have ever seen. I mean, I just think a lot in terms of some of my favorite movies like The Lord of the Rings, one of my favorite series. In the two towers there's this big battle going on, and it really looks like the allies of Middle Earth, hemmed up in this fortress called Helm's Deep. It looks like they're about to lose the battle, and then as the dawn breaks, Gandalf shows up with a big army, and he comes roaring down the hillside with all of these horses and the dawn is coming up.
That couldn't be a more Jupiter-Uranus like moment where the tide turns, and there's something redeeming, but it's like, you know, a really dark and stormy kind of dark night of the soul, and then the clouds split, and light just pours through. That is archetypally similar to Jupiter-Uranus. Jupiter-Uranus represents these turning points in our life story that serve as these breakthroughs of hope, light, and progress.
They come unexpectedly; it's like a stroke of grace or some kind of discovery or turning point that really literally turns the tides in some larger and more complicated series of events.
So these are major redemptive turning points, and I think this is a great historical example. However, the idea of cultural, artistic, imaginative, political, and technological progress and breakthroughs are highly characteristic of Jupiter and Uranus. The other thing that happened around this time in 1941 was the classic film Citizen Kane premiered in May of that year in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles in the month of May, and it was, of course, written by Orson Welles, and he starred in the title role.
I thought this was interesting; I looked up some facts about Citizen Kane, like what makes this film unique. It was his first feature film, and he was given mostly free rein to create the film as he wished, which was unheard of at the time.
So here's an example of an iconic movie in the history of that art of the art forms like cinema and major motion pictures, and it's this major breakthrough in imagination in art and in culture, which is very, very common for Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions. You see this repeatedly under such conjunctions. Now, the story is about a fictional newspaper magnate, Charles Foster Kane, and I guess it was widely believed to be based on real-life magnate William Randolph Hearst.
Anyway, it was filmed in a style that was completely different, and it featured a lot of flashbacks if you've ever seen it before and basically, the storytelling technique was revolutionary and really changed the trajectory of cinema.
There was also this initial rejection of it because it was so different, but it went on to be nominated for nine Academy Awards, and it's still considered to be one of the most breakthrough important turning points in, at least, American cinema that's ever happened. Here's Jupiter, Uranus in a Venus-ruled sign, and that's the example where there's something about the sign of Taurus and its dignity that is clearly present in one of the events of that conjunction.
So, again, what is characteristic about this? You have something like the Enigma machine, which is this turning point in a war, and it's a breakthrough, and there's something difficult to decipher that is suddenly being understood. So the theme of sudden understanding of complete and total comprehension that comes quickly or suddenly a flash of light and Epiphany, a breakthrough, as well as cultural artistic innovation and breakthroughs. Very significant.
Let's go back in time because there's another example that we can look at, and I want to keep this moving along. I don't want to labor these points too much here. So well, let's go back, and you're going to notice we have to get Uranus back into Taurus again, and it's not going to happen until 1858.
Here it is, in May of 1858. You can see Jupiter and Uranus coming together. Again. There's a variety of things that happen, but I just want to focus on one. First of all, I want to show you this one's a little tricky because the conjunction comes in late May, and literally just like a couple of weeks later, Abraham Lincoln, who is not yet the president, makes a famous speech called his house divided speech; I want to read you the first lines of this speech.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. That's a quote from the Bible; of course, I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the union to be dissolved; I do not expect the house to fall. But I do expect it will cease to be divided; it will become all one thing or all the other.
Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become lawful in all the states old as well as new north as well as South.
This was considered a prophetic speech on the part of Abraham Lincoln, who would go on to accept the nomination for the presidency, and of course, the rest is history, as they say.
But what I find so unique about this event, which comes literally just a couple of weeks after the conjunction, is that it represents one of the other classic Jupiter-Uranus themes, which is political, social, religious, moral progress, and breakthroughs. We become more broad-minded, more accepting that Jupiter is one of those planets that invites us to broaden our minds and to broaden our hearts and to become more all-inclusive, and the word that Jupiter loves is the word unity.
Here, Uranus, the kind of outer planet that is Promethean and revolutionary, is making this sort of prophetic announcement that we're either going to be unified, and we're going to abolish slavery, or we're going to go all in, in the opposite direction, and this is a kind of flashpoint for, for our moral and spiritual compass as a young country. I am not someone who looks at historical events in a black or white way. Because, you know, history is complicated and, you know, I'm not someone who believes that the history of our country is, you know, rosy, right.
But this is a really important moment of progress for this country, and it's marked by Jupiter-Uranus' conjunction in Taurus just a few weeks earlier. I find that to be inspiring because maybe some moments of progress are coming. But what I do know is on the personal level, progress is one of the promises that Jupiter Uranus brings in faith in morality in virtue, in belief in hope and inspiration, in imagination, and we could all use renewal and rejuvenation and like a reset that broadens and opens our hearts and minds. I mean, when could we not use that? Right. So it's an exciting transit from that standpoint.
Let's go back in time; now, this one is going to take us way back, and I just want to point out, like, watch. I mean, it takes a really, really, really long time for Jupiter to catch Uranus while it's in the sign of Taurus; again, going backward from this point, see, it doesn't catch it there, and you got to keep going back and back in time, and it was really interesting for me to, you know, to perform this exercise as a way of looking very closely at just how rare these events are and it reminds me that, one of the things I heard one time that really changed my view of astrology. Did you know that not all of the planets will ever be in exactly the same position twice until the sun burns out.
The sun will burn out before all of the planets in the solar system through zodiacal measurement anyway will be in exactly the same place again, so they don't repeat. We're using a language of patterns, which is absolutely amazing. What's even more amazing is that a language of patterns can still only grasp something that is so utterly unique, and that's a really important thing to remember because astrology can put you into this mindset that there's nothing new under the sun and everything is just repeating actually in the light of our solar system, nothing really ever repeats in exactly the same way, and I don't know, I find that really inspiring.
So anyway, look at how we're, we're in the 1300s. Right now, look at how far back we have to go, right? I think this is, you know, just I was like, Oh my God, how far back will I have to go? But we're almost there now, and I'm doing this exercise just to kind of, I feel like it does something in the mind and body to, like, watch this happen. So I thought we would do it even though it's tedious, but just look at how much time in history passes before we get Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus again.
So now we're coming close, and here they are in 1181. Jupiter and Uranus get together in the summer of 1181. There were two things that happened in 1181 that I thought were interesting, although it is much harder to find exact historical data. But this was a year that had Jupiter and Uranus together for a good portion of the year, as Jupiter goes through Taurus, so they're co-present.
You can see, for example, if I trace this out, that the two are co-present here and came back together in December of 1181. So they are there from June through December as a kind of co-present phenomenon. So most of 1181. They're there together.
Here are two interesting things that happened that year one, St. Francis was baptized and named Francis. That was like his given name as initiation, I guess, and then a massive supernova that was in the sky from June till December was documented.
That's interesting; it coincides perfectly with the Jupiter-Uranus alignment, and so these two events are interesting. I think, for one thing, what, like, why is St. Francis, I mean, regardless of if you're, you know, into Christianity, or you really don't like it or whatever.
One of the things that defined St. Francis was, well, two things really were that he was someone who, in a way, influenced the trajectory of the Catholic Church by means of his compassion for animals and his belief that God spoke through nature, which is a very Jupiter-Uranus and Taurus kind of thing.
You have a famous nature saint, kind of taking his monastic vows with Jupiter-Uranus conjoined in Taurus, and someone who was said to have literally talked to and even preached to, shared the good news with animals, and I worked for the Franciscans in New York City at a residence home as a social worker when I was just out of graduate school, and I moved to New York City and left behind the trajectory I thought I was going to be on as an English teacher and did social work and was writing my book and taking a very different path, at least started to get interested in astrology.
The Franciscans that I worked for were very interesting, eclectic, and a different kind of Catholic than I had ever encountered. I grew up Protestant, you know, so it was different. But one of the things I remember the father's telling me or the, yeah, that was what I call Father John, there were two fathers, both Father John, that I worked for.
Anyway, one of the things that they told me that I thought was interesting was that, you know, he was known for ministering to the poor, to people who were sick, and to animals, and he was considered, you know, very Christ, like in that respect, but especially because of his love for God's natural world and the belief that God spoke through the natural world.
As a diviner who pays attention to signs and omens and nature, including the stars, I really appreciate that, and I think it's interesting that we have something of a revolutionary figure in the Catholic faith taking his vows at this time and then of course, a massive supernova is documented. I believe I read somewhere that it was one of only nine that have ever been documented in recorded history.
A supernova is also something that, at that time, I can imagine would have tremendously broadened our minds and our imaginations while looking at the heavens, which is characteristically Jupiter-Uranus.
So anyway, I wanted to share those examples because they make for really good demonstrations of the archetypal combination of Jupiter and Uranus but summarized breakthroughs and understanding, advancements in technology, progress, and cultural expansion. These are the best things about Jupiter and Uranus, social and political progress.
It's not like everything gets better instantly, I don't want to give any kind of utopian false hope or something. But there can be interesting progress made, whether that's, you know, decoding the Enigma machine, just, you know, looking at the universe differently because of a supernova. Or, you know, we can have moments of, you know, almost like a prophetic moment about the future of the country with respect to a very backward and morally despisable institution like the institution of slavery. So, you know, there's reason to be very hopeful about the transit, which is why people, most astrologers, are saying, look at that one next year, that's the big one.
Breakthroughs and faith and wisdom, quite literally, our moral and spiritual compass can expand; we can be struck with original mind and heart-expanding insights that really serve to take us in a better direction. So anyway, don't forget, on April 20, 2024, we have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus.
Now, it gets a lot more interesting when you look at Jupiter. There are so many other examples of Jupiter-Uranus coming together and conjunctions outside of that sign. But hopefully, this kind of serves the purpose for today and gives you some good things to think about. As I said, we're going to do more parts in this series as a way of unpacking and getting excited about the transit, and we're going to look at it more on an archetypal level and I have a bunch of examples that I've seen in the lives of my clients when Uranus conjunct natal Jupiter or transiting Jupiter goes over natal Uranus, which is also very interesting.
Don't forget, we are still trying to raise 1777 backers, donating to support this channel in the year ahead. If you like this content, my whole heart and soul goes into it because I believe in it. I believe that it is valuable spiritually and intellectually. I believe that it stimulates the imagination and puts us back in a magical universe, and you know, the truth is that I'll be here next year, no matter how the Kickstarter turns out, because I love it and because this is, this is like my dharma. But it helps tremendously to support the whole staff to support our creative direction and visions, like building the donation-based clinics so that we can offer affordable reading services keeping our programs really accessible for people, and obviously, this is part of how I earn my living.
It is always a reminder every year for me that any success I have is due to a kind of reciprocal relationship that I have with people who value what I do, and I like that. I like living in the tension of that space for 40 days a year because, yeah, just it's something about it. It just keeps it real for me, and I so appreciate everyone who's donated already; if you haven't yet, and you are able to, please hop on over to the Kickstarter. You can find the link in the description of this video, or you can find it in the comment section pinned to the top over there to pick out a reward.
All of our classes are 50% off if you bundle them together; the savings go up even more. You can use them whenever you want, and you can renew them in 24 and 25. You can gift one and save a couple for yourself. So take advantage of that while it lasts. Help us get to our goal, and thank you guys so much again to everyone who's already donated. Alright, take it easy, everyone. Bye
Absolutely fascinating!!!!! Thank you.
My Natal moon will be closely conjunct the 2024 conjunction of Jupiter Uranus, 6Ā° shy of the DESc., and also closely trine my sun and Mars in the 10th
VERY fascinating in terms of great epiphanies right now… Israel was founded May 14, 1948 at 4pm. Jupiter in Taurus, 18 degrees, Uranus in Taurus, 20 degrees. Around that time, the world was waking up to the plight of the Jewish people. Now this conjunction is coming back around, and the world is having an epiphany about the plight of the Palestinian people.
I’m not sure I understand you. Are you saying that Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in 1948? I have just checked, and on May 14th, 1948, Jupiter was at 27 degrees of Sagittarius and Uranus was at 24 degrees of Gemini. While they were not conjunct, this a nearly exact opposition, highly significant as well.
Thank you. This conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus will take place directly on my ascendant.