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Today, we explore the intriguing and rare transit of Venus conjoining the South Node of the Moon in Libra, a powerful astrological event. We'll rewind the astrological clock to examine past occurrences of this transit, tracing back to periods as early as 1967, and reveal the fascinating insights discovered. Additionally, we'll delve into the significance of this transit, explore the themes it brings forth, and compare perspectives from Indian astrology on the South Node with the implications of Venus, as the ruler of Libra, crossing this point. Join us to understand why this transit is not only potent but also holds special importance in astrological study.
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Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today, we're going to take a look at Venus conjoining, the south node of the moon, in the sign of Libra. We're going to talk about why it's significant and what to watch for.
Also, it's a very rare occurrence, and we'll talk we're gonna talk about why that is and what it means that it's such a rare astrological event. So anyway, that's our goal for today.
Before we get into it, don't forget to like and, subscribe and share your comments and reflections; it helps the channel to grow quite a bit when you guys do that. Transcripts of any of my daily talks, as always, can be found on the website nightlightastrology.com.
I want to give you guys an update on the Kickstarter. We are in our second week of the Kickstarter. So far, we have the support of 137 backers at the time that I am recording this, which means we have a long way left to go; we still need the support of 1640 subscribers and audience members out there like yourself to pitch in and support us in this channel in the year ahead.
Remember, when you pitch in that, you are supporting a couple of really amazing things. One is that because we offer all of our classes and class bundles as rewards greatly discounted through the Kickstarter every year, the success of the Kickstarter fuels the ability that we have, as a school, to offer need-based tuition and flexible pricing. 60% of our students are able to come, and you know, pay, pay whatever they can do that's not going to harm them or their budget because of their financial situation. Because the Kickstarter does well, it's a huge reason why we're able to do need-based tuition and flexible pricing.
So when you support the Kickstarter, you're supporting the ability of people from a lot of diverse backgrounds to be able to study and immerse themselves in the spiritual language of astrology. Two, there's a whole staff of people that goes into creating and sustaining the work of this channel five days a week, year-round, three to four hours every day is my own process, and then we hand it over to a team of people that help edit it, put it into place distributed manage the comments section, weed out people who are trying to impersonate me, or you know, like all sorts of stuff that happens throughout the year.
So anyway, when you support the Kickstarter, you're supporting a staff and their livelihood, and of course, this is part of how I earn my living. So if you appreciate the channel, if you appreciate the work, it only takes a small percentage of the nearly 60,000 subscribers on this channel to pitch in and support myself, my staff, the good visions that I feel we have in our programming, and we really do appreciate it when you take a moment to go over to the Kickstarter, and pick up a reward and pitch in and help us meet our goal.
You can find the link in the description of this video or in the comments section pinned to the top. When you go over there, remember that we have a bunch of different rewards that are really great. You can pick up our Astrology of 2024 video that Alex and I made, which is where we look at all the major transits of the year ahead and a special video that doesn't get published anywhere else.
There's a year ahead of the horoscope reading. Alex and I did one video per sun or rising sign, looking at all of your major transits. For the year heads the big horoscope that we don't release anywhere else, you can find my new book, The Oracle Speaks, if you want to get the audiobook version or the text as it's coming out chapter by chapter in the year ahead and then all of our classes are massively discounted. So you can pick up any of my classes for 50% off, and then if you bundle 234 of our six different programs, the savings go up. The four-class pass or 10th Anniversary Special puts the classes down to almost 75% off the normal rate. So it's a huge, it's a huge discount.
We only do it once a year, and we do it specifically because it supports the channel, it supports everything we do, and the success of the Kickstarter really sustains all of our long term goals and projects. It's always a leap of faith to do this, and I appreciate you guys listening to me banging the drum at the beginning of every episode; I make a new intro video every day at this time of year and pin it on so I can keep my finger on the pulse give you guys updated numbers.
So you'll notice that in the video today, I'm wearing different outfits. That's because of the actual content I recorded a couple of days ago, and I'm giving you the updated numbers this morning with an edited intro. I'll be doing that daily, and I will also go on live. So you know, when you click subscribe, click on notifications because sometimes I go live, and I do live readings as a way of banging the drum and helping try to stir up support for the Kickstarter as well.
Anyway, we deeply appreciate all of you. We hope you'll take a moment to consider supporting us and that you guys will enjoy today's video on Venus in the south node.
On that note, I want to talk today about why this South Node Venus conjunction is such a big deal. Now again, I think probably a lot of people will, you know, I don't think people are sleeping on this one; it's like, well, you know, a lot of people probably know that the anytime a planet can join is one of the nodes that can be quite strong. So it's not like I think people are just ignorant about this. But there are some things that make it really unique.
For example, this is November 28. That is tomorrow that this transit is coming through. One of the reasons that this is a big deal is that Venus is the ruler of the south node, and when the ruler of one of the nodes comes around and conjoins the node, it is especially powerful, especially important; why, you might ask, there are some really interesting reasons for that and we'll use Libra as our example today since that's where it is, I want to read you now something that comes from an Indian astrologer Vedic Jyotish different names for the same thing, and this is what he says about Rahu and Ketu, and it's really important because the traditional or ancient approach to the nodes of the moon is not exactly the same as the modern evolutionary approach.
But if you're into the modern evolutionary approach, you know that within the evolutionary school of astrology, it's also a big deal when a planet comes around and conjoins the node, ruler of the north node, with the North Node ruler of the south node with the South Node. That's a big deal in evolutionary astrology as well, but from the ancient perspective, listen to what this astrologer says; this comes from a Vedic Astrology blog.
Though Rahu and Ketu, that's the north and south, Rahu being the North and Ketu being the south, are considered one entity, we'll take them as different parts. Let us first talk about Rahu. Rahu is associated with the tamasic infatuation of a human being that's like the desire body; it is associated with materialistic pleasure and worldly desire; it makes the soul surrender to materialization it is often called the karaka of fame, greed obsession, manipulation, disease and inertia Rahu belongs to the vata nature, this is talking about Ayurveda now, but a person influenced by Rahu may be an outcast have harsh speech, be engrossed in lies treachery, it goes on and on. However, they are very powerful it's considered very powerful has the capacity of turning friends and enemies and vice versa.
Buddhist culture, Rahu is considered as one of the crowed Devatas that terrifies the native; it's considered malefic in Indian astrology. Rahu, if acting in a powerful way, may grant benefit to politicians, people seeking fame, and people seeking the realization of their desires. So, Rahu will often grant people a very strong realization of their desires.
However, what comes with that is a problematic inability to feel satiated that in the story, Rahu Ketu are one demon, and the head is severed from the neck just as the demon is trying to drink the nectar of immortality sort of illegally, and so its head cut off by an incarnation of Mohini-murti, which is an incarnation of Vishnu takes the Sudarshan Chakra cuts off his head, and this Sudarshan chakra is the weapon of time, by the way, cuts off his head, the nectar gets stuck in his throat, you could say that Rahu is this part of us in our charts that talks about where our desires are, where they lie, and also the inability to ever feel totally satiated by the realization of those desires.
For example, Rahu in the seventh, broadly speaking, might mean the desire for spouse love sex marriage relationship, but the inability to feel satiated from those very things even if you do realize them. Nonetheless, we can learn and grow quite a bit from our desires, especially when we realize that they give us something but not everything.
Now, by contrast, Ketu. If Rahu is considered the planet of worldly desires, and Ketu can be related to spirituality. It represents the spiritual process of evolution and the refinement of materialization to spirit. Ketu is a worldly malefic but spiritually benefic. Ketu is the Caracas of spiritualism, wisdom, fantasy invincibility, and psychic abilities; Ketu belongs to the Pitta element. Ketu generally matures at the age of 48. When the soul starts to turn towards salvation, now that's according to the, the sort of the vision of the stages of life through the through Indian philosophy, of course.
The point being that this south node of the moon is something that is frequently absorbing material experiences and crystallizing them, turning them refining them into spiritual insight; and as such, the South Node tends to not be great for worldly things but is great for spiritual realization, taking wisdom, taking experience and turning it into spiritual insight. So now you understand, maybe you're starting to understand why the south node with its ruler Venus is a big deal.
Let's say that Libra broadly speaking as the exultation of Saturn in the masculine domicile of Venus, represents social ideals, the way your relationship should go, ideally, the way friends should go, what friendships should go in your life, ideally, the way your social life should run and what it should look like and how refined it should be, and how pleasing it should be.
Ideally, it also has to do with the sense of the refined sense of taste, pleasure, and aesthetic that we develop. That's almost like the architecture of pleasure; you can think of Libra as something like the kind of Platonic architectural design that we have in our mind somewhere as to what pleasure should look like or should feel like; there's a lot of shoulds there, and that Saturn's piece and Libra, perhaps.
Libra is also broadly speaking; many people conflate it with the seventh house in modern astrology, and it is not to be conflated with the seventh house from the traditional point of view. But either way, you could think of this placement. So you can think of this placement as when the south node comes through Libra, we are ready to take all sorts of experiences in this Libra and realm, or through the Libra and archetype, and refine them into spiritual insight.
The Libra and South Node stuff will diminish worldly things in a way and emphasize otherworldly things. But it will often do so in a way that has to do with ideals of beauty and pleasure. For example, the south node in Libra is something that can be great when someone is considering turning away from problematic elements related to your desires and pleasure that keep you from some higher, more transcendental state of peace and happiness.
A great South Node in Libra teaching is like, Oh, well, maybe there are too many processed foods in your diet, or I don't know, I'm just making this up. But, like, maybe there's something about the way you seek out pleasure that's keeping you from achieving some kind of like very idealistic, Libran, high vision of like pleasure and temperance and beauty and so, you know, there will be almost like an austerity or an asceticism are a renunciation or a backing away from the problematic elements of the physical world that aren't allowing you to reach some higher plane of Libran beauty or equanimity, or peace or whatever, and that's kind of a nice part of having the south node in the sign of Libra.
You could also think about the South Node and Libra as within our relationships, where are we uncompromising, overly idealistic, and as rigid as a set of architectural blueprints and so the south node and Libra moving through will also show us here's where you're too rigid in what you think pleasure, happiness, peace. You know, relational harmony ought to look like this is where you've been too strict. This is where you've been too, you know? Yeah, like inflexible, sort of remember Saturn, exalted in Libra.
You've been too flexible about your vision of what relationships are inflexible and too rigid, and so you need to chill out because the transcendental, otherworldly, spiritual value of love and connection is more important than these pristine, you know, plans of perfection that are actually making your life more, you're sort of white-knuckling it too much because of them. These are south node and Libra potential lessons that can come up with south node and Libra; you could see the south node and Libra as helping us refine elements of our life that help us reach a higher ideal of happiness or harmony, especially in relationships and with regard to pleasure and happiness.
But then you could also think about the South Node and Libra as showing us where there's some kind of unrealistic, rigid idealism that's keeping us from experiencing something of a mature love and flow and harmony, right because there's rigidity in Libra as well.
You could also think about any kind of refinement of artistic understanding or refinement of your way of doing or being in relationships that have come through spiritual insight into what's worked and what hasn't. Those are Venusian qualities that are maybe getting there's a refinement or a maturity happening. So think about the spiritualization taking place through the sign of Libra when it comes to relationships.
These are all things that happen when the south node comes through Libra, but what makes it extra special, and we have to think about now is what does it mean when the ruler comes in; when the ruler comes in, it's like, you know, so we take our kids every fall to this apple orchard, in, in Minnesota, kind of outside of the Twin Cities and there's all of these apples that are like on the tree and then there's lots that have already fallen on the ground, and it's amazing because they're like, some of them you'd barely even touch and they just knock off because they're just ready to be picked.
This Venus with the south node is like beautiful fruit that is on the tree; there's the ruler Venus in her own sign with the south node; this beautiful fruit is ready to be plucked. It's ready, you could pick there's some on the ground already that maybe, you know, maybe there's some that are rotting, you gotta let go those can't touch those, you know, but there's good fruit on the ground that's just fallen, and there's fruit on the tree, fill your basket, you know, go home and make an apple pie.
Venus conjoining the south node is about a moment of realized wisdom. Now, there could be, as Venus hits the south node of the moon, some sense of diminishment or loss or difficulty in terms of worldly things that Venus represents, and there may be temporarily being diminished or being curbed or diminished so that we can remember this kind of otherworldly spiritual value.
For example, Venus on the south node can come up when you're, maybe you're, ready to end a relationship, and it's painful to do so, but you know exactly why you need to, and the need comes from the fact that you're ready to be with someone who has the similar, similar spiritual values as yourself perhaps.
So Venus, with the south node, can provide loss or difficulties when it comes to the attainment of various worldly things or desires. But usually, it will come with a mature realization around Venusian things that actually enhance your life spiritually in the long run. At the exact same time, if you've done work, I don't want to make the material, spiritual distinction too strong, stronger than it is because sometimes spiritual and material crossover.
So it's not like nothing beautiful or brilliant or amazing fruit on the tree isn't gonna be put in your basket and harvested that may not benefit your life, both spiritually and materially. But the point is that sometimes Venus in the south node will represent a kind of culminating wisdom, a fruit on the tree of wisdom gained that also reflects some kind of loss or letting go or releasing or diminishing of something that you are attached to in the worldly sense.
But as the, as you relinquish the attachment to something worldly, the fruit is of otherworldly value that is, is just, you know, just tremendous, and with Venus, there's probably crossover; it might be about a refinement of desires, a refinement of tastes, refinement of relationships. So that higher spiritual insight is now guiding the relationship or the way you act or indulge or the way you pursue your desires more than it was in the past.
Now, all of that makes it pretty special. But here's what makes it even more special. This does not happen all that often. Venus is conjoining, the south node of the moon, when Venus is the ruler of the node in the sign of Libra. It's very rare. Let's go back in time; the last time that had happened was August 29, 2005. You can go back to that time and see what was happening. Do you know what was happening in my life? This is the only one I could remember. I went back to the previous ones, and I was too young. I couldn't remember anything.
This was when I started writing my book. I started writing it right after my first experiences with Ayahuasca, which helped me to get sober from drug problems that I was having. So Venus conjoins, the south node of the moon, in late August, and I am moving on to campus and a master's degree that I was in. I was starting a teaching fellowship, and I was starting to write what would become my thesis, which was a fictionalized travelogue of my experiences with Ayahuasca that would, in turn, set me on a path creatively that would turn into my book.
Crystallized wisdom at that time around that it was very spiritual around pleasure, specifically the pleasure body and addict fiction, right? And then an artistic slash spiritual expression of that newfound understanding that would crystallize in the form of a book, a piece of art. That's amazing. That's just amazing. Go back to August, late August 2005, and look at what kinds of Venusian Libran insight from, you know, any area of your life, look at the whole sign house of Libra and your birth chart, and try to understand around that time doesn't have to be exactly on August 29. But around that time, what kind of insight was crystallizing for you?
What I find really interesting is that as that conjunction is coming back, I am in the very first chapters of a new book. That is the first book I've written since I started writing that one. That's amazing. That's just fantastic. That's why it's rare, too.
Okay, go back in time even further, to September 18, 1987. If you want to check that out, no, I couldn't remember anything from that one myself; I was six years old at that time, August 30, 1986. That was the year around the time that the node, the south node, was also in Libra, and then you can go back even earlier to September 10, 1968, and to December 3, 1967. Let me run through those once more all over again, August 29, 2005, and thereabouts think about the month before and the month after; that's a good timeline to jog your memory if you need a little help. Number two is September 18 of 19, 87, I should say. Number three is August 30, 1986. Number four is September 10, 1968. Number five is December 3, 1967.
As if that is not already enough to get excited about the next one, we have one more, which will be September 4, 2024. So we'll have one more version of this to come. Now, on my timeline. What's interesting is I should be finished with my book by that time. My goal is to have it finished by October of 2024. Isn't that cool?
This is why I love astrology. You guys. I know that, like, I'm sure people who are listening to this who aren't, as you know, they aren't as deeply steeped in this nerdy mystical tradition, probably find this like, Oh, what was this guy's like, what is this guy talking about? This joker, with his little spiky hair and flannel shirt, is talking about 1987. So I hope that you guys will be able to look back and find something, and if you can't, don't sweat it, but still look at what's happening this week because it's really special.
There's something very poignant about the ruler of the south node, Venus Libra, coming together, offering us this kind of crystallized otherworldly Venusian Libran insight. Sometimes, that means there's a releasing or surrendering, or some disappointment or even diminishment of various worldly desires. But it doesn't have to be that way.
When I look back at that 2005 moment, I was having a really hard time, and the first three, four months of being sober, of adapting to all of that, and that period of time was rough for me in a few different ways. As I was learning to say no, learning to stay sober, you know, looking for help to maintain that and to dig beneath the surface and so forth, which is something that people with addiction have to do, in my opinion.
I was also starting to write a book about the insights gained in this kind of otherworldly artistic project began. Here it is, and it's happening again; this time, the book is about divination. So I think this is a really, really magical transit with a really interesting history, and I hope you're able to find something of value by looking back in time, but if not, just focus on what's happening right now this week and, and what's crystallizing? Look at the whole sign house of Libra in particular.
Alright, anyway, that's it for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Kickstarter; we're trying to get to 1777 backers by the New Year. We need your help to get there. Pick up a reward. We offer lots of really cool things to say thank you and give you something of value in exchange for supporting the channel, the school, all of the things we offer, all the things we're building, myself and my staff from all of us. We really appreciate you guys, and we'll talk again soon. Bye, everyone.
Exploring the depths of Spiritual Astrology has been a soul-nourishing experience. Each reading feels like a sacred conversation between the stars and my inner self.
Really enjoyed this read . I have Venus in Libra with the south node in my birth chart . They are not in conjunction but in the same sign of Libra . So I am having a nodal return at the same time of my Venus return essentially. Loved your insight !
This cosmic alignment can stir up deep-rooted emotions, unresolved issues, and karmic bonds that need to be addressed.