Today I'll be talking about the Sun's recent ingress into Virgo, and exploring the meaning of the sign of Virgo. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
Mars Square Saturn
In this video I'm looking at Mars' square to Saturn, which perfected today. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
A New Moon in Leo
Today I'll be talking about the New Moon in Leo and what that means for the month ahead. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
Looking at Suicide Through Astrology
Today I'm taking a look at a client’s chart, exploring the possible signatures of suicide in a birth chart and addressing this important topic in the light of astrology. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
Horary Demonstration: Will He Come Back?
Today I'm taking a look at a horary chart demonstration and I discuss my thoughts on fate and free will. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
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Mars Square Pluto and Saturn
Today, I'm covering Mars' square with Pluto and upcoming square with Saturn, as well as answering some questions live. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
The Daimon and Astrology
In today’s video, I’m sitting down with Cat from the Creative Introvert and answering some questions on the topic of the daimon, and how it shows up in ancient astrology and philosophy, and what place it might have spiritually. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
Which Planet Signifies…?
In today’s video, I’m sitting down with Cat from the Creative Introvert and exploring the lesser-known significations of the planets. I hope you enjoy it! Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
Chart Demonstration: Understanding Sect
Today I'm demonstrating a birth chart reading, outlining some techniques you can apply to any chart you read, and giving you a taste of what I teach in my online course, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
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Planets in Profile: Mercury in Leo
Today I'm taking a look at the meaning of Mercury in Leo, as part of an ongoing series, Planets in Profile. You can find the previous Planets in Profile talks here. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
Can We Burn Up Karma?
In today’s video, I’m sitting down with Cat from the Creative Introvert and answering some questions on the topic of karma. I share my thoughts on whether we can “burn up” our karma, and what a spiritual response might be to the karmic fields of our birth charts. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …
Understanding Dharma: Part Two
Today I’m answering some more questions on Dharma, such as how we might find our calling in our birth charts, as well as how to know whether you're on the "right" path. This is a follow up to the first Q+A on "Understanding Dharma," which you can find here. Listen on Soundcloud Listen on Apple Podcasts …