Notes from Yesterday’s Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius
Some notes on yesterday's lunar eclipse in Aquarius...* Remember that eclipses do not affect us right away; they take time, and especially with the fixed or solid signs. Solid signs, like the middle of each season, are stable, enduring, and as such, they are also related to effects that take time to develop and whose impact is also potentially longer-lasting.* Remember the last time eclipses took place in Leo/Aquarius was roughly 1998 to 2000. You can, therefore, look back to those years to see …
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Mercury Retrograde in Leo!
Mercury is turning retrograde in the sign of Leo today!Here are some things to watch for:* The last time Mercury was retrograde in Leo was the summers of 2011 and 2012. Look back to that time, and look at the whole sign house of Leo in your birth chart to see what topics were active. Take note of any changes, revisions, delays, setbacks, that were happening. Ask yourself the question, "How was my life path unfolding during that time relative to these topics?" This exercise may give you some good …
Sun Square Uranus
Today and tomorrow the Sun in Leo is moving into a square with Uranus in Taurus. Don't miss Kelly Surtees kicking off my Summer Speaker series tonight at 7 pm eastern (login info is on the Upcoming Events page). Given today's astrology, and given Kelly's natural awesomeness, it should be amazing!! Meanwhile, here's what to watch for with the Sun/Uranus square:* Flashes of brilliance* An "aha" moment* The desire to be free, single, or independent* The urge to individuate* …
Venus Opposite Neptune
While we are just days away from a series of powerful aspects from the Sun, Uranus, and Mars, plus a lunar eclipse, Venus is also quietly making an opposition to Neptune.What to Watch For:* Fantasies, dreams, visions, and romantic intoxication* Desires, delusions, illusions, and projections* Divine dissatisfaction or discontent* The longing for something more* Sexual or material cravings * The urge to satisfy, please, save, heal, or help others* Whatever is uptight, held in or held back, …
Mars Approaching a Square to Uranus
As Mars retrograde moves through its conjunction to the south node, it is also reapproaching its square to Uranus in Taurus, which it first made in the middle of May, just as Uranus was entering Taurus.What to watch for:* An intensification of yang/assertive qualities in general* Given that Mars is retrograde we may also see the revisiting of old conflicts* The desire to break the rules, disregard tradition, innovate or invent* The pride that comes before the fall, the fall, and the ridiculous …