Mercury has just entered Leo and is moving into a square with Uranus in Taurus over the weekend.Here are a few things to watch for:* With Mercury squaring Uranus and also moving toward a broad opposition with Mars it's an easy time to catch "foot in mouth" syndrome. So be careful of that!* Mercury square Uranus is fast thinking, a communicator of original ideas.* Insights that come suddenly, unexpectedly, brilliantly, or disruptively.* A breakthrough in a debate or dialogue.* Sudden inspiration, …
Mars Retrograde in Aquarius
Mars has turned retrograde in the sign of Aquarius, marking the start of a long period of Mars also being closely conjoined with the south node of the Moon.Here's what to watch for:* The frustration of the will* A sense of futility and detachment* Apathy and indifference after a defeat* Feeling ineffective, weak, or exhausted* A tendency to become easily agitated or triggered* The feeling of being forced backward* Giving up what's been gained or no longer desiring something you fought hard for* …
Sun Opposite Saturn
The Sun is moving into an opposition with Saturn.What to watch for:* Depression, lethargy, and a general feeling of tiredness* Great ambition being met with the bitter reality of limitations, hardships, obligations, or responsibilities* Healthy vs. unhealthy father figures or authorities* The balance between firm boundaries and gentleness* The attempt to deny or avoid the reality of doubt, hurt, pain, fears, or shadows* The desire to revel in pain, doubt, hurt, fears, or cynicism, as though all …
Summer Solstice, Cancer, and the Joy of the Moon!
In addition to today's video blog on the Summer Solstice I've prepared this written report, as well!The Sun is entering the sign of Cancer today, which means it's the Summer Solstice! Let's take a look at the meaning of the Summer Solstice, as well as some reminders about the sign and symbolism of Cancer...* The Summer Solstice is first and foremost, in the language of astrology, a symbolic moment that participates in the symbolic framework of horoscopic/tropical astrology. Though it was …
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Mars/Venus Opposition and the I Ching
Venus and Mars are moving into their opposition, which will perfect Thursday afternoon. Both planets are also conjunct the nodes of the Moon in Leo and Aquarius.Today a meditation with the I Ching:* The 2nd hexagram of the I Ching is the quintessential "yin" hexagram of the I Ching. Its meaning is in some ways as simple as its common name, "the receptive." The basic meaning of the second hexagram refers to the need for greater receptivity, humility, gentleness, passivity, and openness to being …
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Venus Opposite Mars
Venus is closing in on an opposition to Mars this week, while Mars is also stationing to turn retrograde by the end of the month. Both Venus and Mars are also closely conjoined the nodes of the Moon right now.Here's what to watch for in the material world right now, or here's what you might be hearing in the hallways, or here's what you might be telling yourself:* Meow! I look great, and I see you seeing it, which makes me want you, even though I may not be attracted to you (you might be …