The Moon is in Virgo today, just past last quarter and beginning to release its bond with the Sun. As this takes place, the Moon will begin its application to a trine with Venus and then subsequent squares with Mercury and Saturn.Before today's forecast, I'd like to say thank you to everyone for supporting my daily horoscopes in 2016 and ask for your support in 2017. Today I begin a 40 day prayer and fundraising period for another year of these daily horoscopes. You will find the link to make a …
Last Quarter Moon in Leo
The Moon is in Leo today, moving toward its last quarter square with the Sun in Scorpio. Meanwhile Mercury is closing in on a sextile to Jupiter and conjunction with Saturn as it makes its appearance as the evening star. Meanwhile Jupiter and Saturn are coming together by sextile as well.What to watch for:* Careful deliberation, quiet, and critical thinking leads us to depart, leave, or distance ourselves from something or someone that isn't appropriate for us. This may in turn stimulate a …
Moon Trine the Sun Today
The Moon is in Cancer today, applying to the Sun by trine. Meanwhile Mercury is finally starting to appear again as the evening star and is moving toward a conjunction with Saturn just as Jupiter is making his sextile to Saturn.Here's what to watch for:* As the Moon is waning she starts bringing things to conclusion, or starts disseminating and releasing things from their bonds, as she makes aspects to other planets. There is perhaps no more helpful aspect for releasing, completing, following …
Moon to Jupiter and the Sun
The Moon is in Cancer today, moving toward a square with Jupiter...Before I go into today's horoscope, I'm excited to announce that next Tuesday I will begin my annual 40 days of fundraising for another year of daily horoscopes in 2017. For 40 days I'll be in prayer each morning before I write my daily horoscope, praying for support from my readers and spiritual guidance for another year of 300+ daily horoscopes. This past year has been a difficult one for many of us, and for me these horoscopes …
Moon Flowing Away from Saturn Today
The Moon is flowing away from an opposition to Saturn this morning and will enter Cancer later this evening. Meanwhile, Jupiter is closing in on its sextile to Saturn.Here's what to watch for...* Yesterday's Moon/Saturn opposition may have brought up some difficulties or setbacks. Saturn often deprives, limits, and blocks things from flowing along smoothly, or from continued growth. However, the good news is that this should be only a temporary setback as Saturn is in Jupiter's sign (the planet …
Jupiter and Saturn Bringing Things Together
The Moon is making a trine to Jupiter today and then an almost simultaneous opposition to Saturn, tracing out and foreshadowing the approaching sextile between Jupiter and Saturn in the next week.Here's what to watch for today:* Holding steady with regard to plans for the future, despite small setbacks or challenges* Keeping our integrity in the face of challenges, confrontations, and tiredness* Weaving things together while facing challenges and opposition* Offering nothing to resist* …
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Nightlight Astrology Blog Named a Top 100 Astro Blog
Today I received an email from a fellow named Anuj Agarwal saying my blog was chosen as one of the top 100 astrology blogs on the internet. He asked if I would share this news on my website and help point people to their other rankings. I wasn't sure how to respond at was flattering, but I don't personally believe we can really rank astrology blogs or astrologers. So I asked him how they chose their top 100, and he wrote back and said they choose these winners based on: Social …
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Retreat and Innocence
Happy Full Moon Everyone!This morning I sat with the I Ching and examined the current planetary transits. I asked the I Ching to clarify a couple of transits that are coming in the next few days, specifically the Mercury/Mars sextile and Jupiter/Saturn sextile, and the Moon's upcoming oppositions to Mercury and Saturn.Here's what came back...Hexagram 33: RetreatThe image of dangerous forces on the rise or in pursuit, and the instruction to retreat or withdraw rather than trying to undertake any …
Jupiter/Uranus: Oppression and Imagination
Jupiter and Uranus are moving toward an exact opposition with each other by Christmas and the New Year.Here are some important events related to previous Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions and oppositions...* On December 17th of 2010, as Jupiter and Uranus were within two degrees of their conjunction, a Tunisian man set himself on fire after his goods were confiscated at a roadside stand he was selling them at...he died in January as Jupiter and Uranus were just separating from their conjunction, and …
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Full Moon Energy Building
The Moon is in Aries today, applying gradually to a trine with Venus and square with Mars by late tonight, after it moves into Taurus. Meanwhile, Venus has just entered Capricorn and Jupiter is moving closer to a square with Pluto and an opposition with Uranus. Mercury has also just entered Sagittarius.Here's what to watch for:* The waxing moon in Mars' sign points toward the fiery, intensification of things as we head toward the full Moon.* Mercury is moving toward its first appearance as the …
Jupiter/Saturn Shows Signs of Progress are Near
The Moon is in Aries today, moving toward an opposition with Jupiter and then a trine with Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn are themselves in an applying sextile with Saturn in Jupiter's sign.Here's what to watch for:* Modesty leads to success.* Favorable interventions or turns of circumstance that lead to unexpected good fortune.* Family or community support leads to success.* An inspirational image to set our eyes upon.* Concentrated efforts lead to results.* Good intentions lead to things working …
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Jupiter/Uranus on the Horizon
A brief horoscope of the day...the Moon is applying to a square with Saturn today, and then a trine with the Sun. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Uranus are tightening in their opposition...What to watch for:* The intensity and heaviness of the day is reflected in the application of the Moon to a square with Saturn. Watch for the emotional heaviness to build and consider that slow, simple, quiet, responses to the world around us will likely work better than any extreme efforts.* By tonight the Moon will …