The Moon is in Capricorn today, applying to square the Sun in Libra as we cross the 1st quarter threshold of our new cycle.With the Moon in the sign of her detriment today, and the Sun in the sign of his fall, this 1st quarter Moon looks somewhat daunting. Let's look at essential dignities of the lights today with an eye for what these debilities might signify and what we can learn from them.When the Sun is in Libra two challenges tend to appear. One is the tendency …
Personal Truths and Phony Compassion
The Moon is in Capricorn today, about to conjoin Pluto and trine Jupiter and Mars before squaring Uranus by this evening.What do you do when someone tends to judge you for having judgments? Put differently, how do you relate to someone if they withhold their love, respect, or affection if you share your true feelings, opinions, or responses to their behavior or choices?What's the difference between judging someone and having a natural response to their actions because you are in a relationship …
Mars/Jupiter Conjunction!
The Moon is in Sagittarius this morning. You could see it last night as a little thumbnail or ivory sliver in the sky. Today Mars conjoins Jupiter at sunset and will be conjunct all day tomorrow as well.Let's talk about the Mars/Jupiter conjunction today.Mars was traditionally considered the "lesser malefic," because of his excessively hot and dry nature. The word "malefic" sounds pretty menacing to our ears today, but originally its malefic designation was associated with its relationship to …
The Poet Between the Lines
The Moon is in Sagittarius this morning, about to conjoin Saturn in Sagittarius and then moving into aspects with Mercury, Neptune, and Venus by this afternoon.Since Venus is almost exactly opposite Neptune, let's talk about the Venus/Neptune dynamic today.While Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, desire, harmony, and happiness, Neptune represents glamour, intoxication, imagination, fantasy, delusion, drunkenness, and the transcendent or transcendental. When you put these two planets together …
Listening to the Harvest Maiden
The Moon is in Scorpio again today, but now void of course.Meanwhile, Venus in Virgo is moving closer to an opposition of Neptune and Mars in Virgo is about to conjoin with Jupiter in Virgo. It's a good day to reflect on the sign of Virgo, especially on the ideas of purity, morality, innocence, youth, learning, organization, health, and discipleship.We live in a complicated moment in history when it comes to these subjects. More than ever we glamorize youth...we don't want to lose it, we …
Growing in Good Faith
The Moon is in Scorpio today, applying to Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto simultaneously in one action packed day. It's a powerful surge of energy coming out of our new moon as Mercury is finally picking up speed and as we come off last cycle's eclipses.Here's a brief list of what to watch for:* The recovery of something lost or the revelation of something that was hidden... (Mars/Jupiter conjunction with Mercury as ruler gaining momentum again)* Things being made right or errors adjusted (same as …
Mercury Overcoming Saturn
The Moon is void of course this morning, and moving through the via combusta. Meanwhile Mercury is overcoming Saturn through a sextile, and Mars is applying to conjoin Jupiter in Virgo while Venus is applying to eventually conjoin and pass both Mars and Jupiter.The old astrologers would often look at the application of one planet to another in terms of the power dynamic. Which planet might exert more influence or carry greater weight in any given relationship was in part determined by the …
New Moon in Libra
New Moon! New Moon! New Moon!A new Moon opposite Uranus in Aries today, with Mercury now direct, and with a Mars/Jupiter conjunction approaching. It's time to GET. SHIT. DONE. This cycle opens with a bang, and it's all about doing what we know we have to do, in the most tactful and diplomatic way possible. We can't go where we need to go or accomplish what we're here to accomplish in life without ruffling some feathers. And even if we feel deeply troubled by the responses we get from others at …
Astro Weekend’s What to Watch For
The Moon is in Virgo today, void of course, and the nodes of the Moon have just entered Virgo and Pisces. Meanwhile Mercury will turn direct within the hour and is the current ruler of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Moon, and the north node, all in the sign of Virgo.Let's take a look at the variety of transits happening right now.Here's what to watch for:* The attraction between the old man and the young girl (Venus square Saturn)* The desire of the young apprentice for a mentor or teacher (Venus in …
Mars Approaching Jupiter
The Moon in Virgo is moving from a conjunction of Mars to an immediate conjunction of Jupiter. Meanwhile Mercury has stationed and will shortly be turning direct.When Mars approaches Jupiter, what happens? And what do the essential dignities of these two planets tell us?Let's zoom out and look first at the combining of planetary themes between these two planets,within the image of Mars approaching or overtaking or passing Jupiter..First we have the images of something like military level …
Mercury Stationing in Libra
The Moon is in Leo today, moving toward a trine of Uranus. Meanwhile, Mercury is about to station in Libra, turning the scales upside down again.Let's discuss Mercury's station and turn direct that's happening in the next few days.All retrogrades follow the same pattern. A planet moving through a particular degree space of the zodiac eventually slows down and stops in its direct or forward movement. Then it moves backward through the same degree space until it stops again. Finally it moves …
Mars/Neptune and the Shady Massage
The Moon is in Leo today, just past aspects to Mercury and Saturn. The Moon will next move toward a sextile of the Sun by later tonight.Meanwhile, Mars and Neptune are nearly exactly opposite. A story!A few nights ago, in line with my post about stinky onion stew, I had a "woe is me" meltdown about moving and the stressors of the past month or two. I decided that I would go and get a massage because I was "due." Not even realizing how Mars/Neptune my needy and demanding tantrum was, I walked out …