In this video, I'll be looking at Mars' ingress into Taurus, and the current astrology, in light of the recent events here in the US. 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to refresh on some of the major transits of January in light of the current events. So much for trying to take a political vacation. I reached out to Cat and I was like, we're gonna do this promotional video on the Bhagavad Gita, which about the Bhagavad Gita …
Three Horary Charts Plus the US Senate Race
Today I have three horary chart demonstrations for you, one is a horary I cast in November for the US election, one asks will I get into a school, and one is regarding a pregnancy. 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. And today we're going to take a look at three different horary charts to give you a sample for a few successful horary charts from my practice, I like to give chart examples once in a while because I know people are studying out there and it can …
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A Year Without the Outer Planets
Today I'm sitting down with Cat from the Creative Introvert to take some questions on the topic of the outer planets, including why I recommend taking them out of your practice for one year. …
Mercury Conjunct Pluto and Mars at the Anaretic Degree
In this talk, I'm taking a look at Mercury's conjunction with Pluto, as well as Mars moving into the 29th degree, or anaretic degree, of Aries. Transcript: 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy New Year again everyone and Happy Monday. Today we're going to take a look at Mercury's conjunction with Pluto, we're also going to take a look at Mars moving into that 29th an erratic degree of Aries. The tensions of January are about to appear they're going to be …
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The Major Astrology of 2021: Part Two
Today I'm sharing part two of a series exploring the most significant planetary transits of 2021. Transcript: Acyuta-bhava Dasa 0:55 Hi everyone this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to talk about the major astrology of 2021. This is the second part of a two part series I started yesterday, the first part of the series we took a look at Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn and their contacts throughout the year ahead. Today we are going to take a look at the eclipses of …
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The Major Astrology of 2021: Part One
Today I'm sharing part one of a series exploring the most significant planetary transits of 2021. Transcript: Acyuta-bhava Dasa 0:40 All right, here we go. Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Today we're going to take a look at the major astrological transits of 2021. There's going to be two parts to this series, we're going to do part one today, and we'll do part one tomorrow. First, I want to just start by saying Happy New Year, everybody. 2020 was pretty intense, …
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Planets and Plants in 2021
Today I'm sitting down with my wife, Ashley from Sky House Herbs, and looking at the upcoming key astrological moments of 2021, and discussing some of the plants that can be helpful through these transits. Acyuta-bhava Dasa 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, happy 2021. Everybody, it's nice to have 2020 coming into the rear view now. Today I'm joined by my wife Ashley, who is going to be talking about some of the herbal allies that might help us out, given some …
Sun and Rising Sign Horoscopes for January 2021
Today I'll be looking at the Sun/Rising Sign Horoscopes for January 2021. 0:46 Welcome everybody. This is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at all 12 Sun and rising sign horoscopes for the month of January. I thought it would be fun to do a live cast. It's the holidays, it's almost New Year's. So hopefully some people can catch this live and enjoy it. We will be putting timestamps on this afterward. So that if you're watching this and you're trying …
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The Astrology of January 2021
Today I've posted my Astrology of the month for January 2021, the first of a new year. I'd also love to know how the month of December has been for you - be sure to leave a comment below! 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody and happy holidays if you were celebrating Christmas, Merry Christmas. Happy New Year coming up here pretty soon. Today we're going to take a look at the astrology of January 2021. So the first month of a new year, I'm …
Planets in Profile: Mercury in Capricorn
Today I'm taking a look at the meaning of Mercury in Capricorn, as part of an ongoing series, Planets in Profile. You can find the previous Planets in Profile talks here. 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we're going to talk about the meaning of Mercury in the sign of Capricorn. So this is part of a series that I've been doing called planets in profile. I've taken Venus and Mars through the 12 signs so far, now we're working on mercury. I try to do …
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Planets in Profile: Mercury in Sagittarius
Today I'm taking a look at the meaning of Mercury in Sagittarius, as part of an ongoing series, Planets in Profile. You can find the previous Planets in Profile talks here. …
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Becoming a Professional Astrologer with Juanita Benedicto
Today I'm talking to my friend Juanita about becoming a professional astrologer, and sharing some tips for taking your practice to a professional level. …
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