Today I'm talking about Mars square to Pluto one last time, and reflect on this long period of Mars moving through the sign of Aries, which started in June of 2020. I also go through each rising sign to share some ideas about where Mars been in your chart and what kind of work has it been doing. Transcript: 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to talk about Mars square to Pluto one last time, as we do so we're also going to reflect on this …
How to Get the Most out of a Horoscope
Today I'm sitting down with Cat from the Creative Introvert to discuss how to get the most out of a horoscope. …
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Great Conjunctions, New Ages, and the Heart and Soul
Happy Winter Solstice! Today I have some final reflections on today's Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. 0:06 Hi, everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology, happy great conjunction, happy Winter Solstice to everybody. What a remarkable day it is astrologically. I wanted to come on and do a live cast today, to add a few thoughts to the series that I already made on the great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. I was feeling like there were a few more …
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Astrology as a Spiritual Practice
Today I'm sitting down with Cat from the Creative Introvert to take some questions on the topic of astrology as a spiritual practice. We talk about what a spiritual practice is, and how astrology can be part of your daily life. …
Mars Square Pluto
Today I'm talking about Mars square Pluto, which will perfect next week, and some of the different lessons this transit has for us. 0:06 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and I am live today to talk about Mars is square to Pluto. So this is a transit that has been in the works for a little while now it's going to perfect by mid next week, but the transit is already within about one degree of perfecting. And so it's a good time to just sort of check in with this …
What it Means When a Planet Changes Signs
Today I am going to talk about planetary ingresses. In particular, I'm looking at Jupiter who is about to change signs, and Saturn that has just changed signs, moving from Capricorn to Aquarius. 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to talk about planetary ingresses. In particular, we're looking at Jupiter who is about to change signs Saturn that just changed signs. And we've talked a lot about Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, the great …
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Saturn Enters Aquarius and the Recovery of Strawberry Baby
Today I'm going to be talking about Saturn's entrance into Aquarius. I'll also share three horary charts, locating missing toys and answering a question about a pregnancy. 0:00 Hi everyone this is Acyuta bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to discuss Saturn's entrance into Aquarius. Welcome Saturn into Aquarius for the next few years. And we're also going to go over a few horary charts including two charts where we found are located a missing toy. And the there's some …
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Venus Entering Sagittarius and More Secretive Meetings
Today we're going to take a look at Venus entering the sign of Sagittarius, where Venus will form a series of antiscia with Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. Transcript: 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we're going to take a look at Venus entering the sign of Sagittarius, where Venus will form a series of antiscia with Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. Now, we also looked at these antiscia forming between the Sun when it entered Sagittarius and Mercury when it …
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A South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (Part Two)
Today I'll be looking at today's solar eclipse in Sagittarius, and going through each rising sign to explore how this eclipse could play out for you. I'll also be answering some questions on the meaning of this eclipse when it is conjunct an angle in birth charts and what it means to have a flipped nodal return. 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday! Happy solar eclipse in Sagittarius! Today we are going to continue exploring the eclipse today by …
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A South Node Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (Part One)
In this talk, I'm going to be taking a look at the upcoming solar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. 0:00 Hi everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at the upcoming solar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. Before I dive in, I wanted to remind all of you guys that I'm in the homestretch of my fundraising for my youtube channel in 2021. There's about 20 days left or so in my fundraiser, we just crossed the 600 backer threshold. Thank …
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Exploring Upcoming Transits with Raph from Reydiant Reality Tarot
Today I'm talking to Raph from Reydiant Reality Tarot about the upcoming eclipses, as well as the use of tarot as an additional divinatory tool. …
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How to Understand Your Sun and Rising Signs
Today I'm joined by Cat for another Q+A. I'll be answering questions about what your Sun sign means, what rising signs mean, and what to pay attention to when reading or watching horoscopes. …
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