It's the last quarter Moon today.* With the Moon in her fall in Scorpio and the Sun in its exile in Aquarius, today presents us with the analysis of what is no longer working, of where the problems lie and of how they came to exist.* With Mars and Saturn hosting the lights right now, and just separating from a square, we are getting a glimpse of the limits of our power or control. If we have over-endeavored, we might be feeling a vague sense of shame from not being able to live up to our …
The Uranus/Pluto Grand Finale
In the month ahead, Uranus and Pluto finish their long dance between the signs of Aries and Capricorn.Here's what to watch for:* When Uranus enters the last "anaretic" degree (sometimes called the 'killing' degree) of Aries, it will be effectively finishing 8 years worth of a square to Pluto in Capricorn by whole sign.* Meanwhile, Saturn is quickly approaching its conjunction with Pluto, which will finally perfect next winter.* We are reaching the end of an era of upheaval, revolution, and …
A Lunar Eclipse in Leo
Happy Monday! In case you missed my talk on last night's eclipse, here are the highlights:* The effects of last night's eclipse will be present for many months to come. Sometimes I like to think of eclipses, especially if they are visible in your local area, like the flashes of somebody's headlights that you might see coming toward you while driving your car at night. I'm talking about the kind of flashes that might be warning you that one of your lights is out or that there is a camped out …
Venus Trines Mars while Mars Squares Saturn
In the next several days, Venus in Sagittarius will move into a trine with Mars in Aries, just as Mercury is moving into a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn.Here's what to watch for:* Don't be fooled. Although Venus and Mars are getting together right now, with Mars engaging with Saturn, Mercury moving into a conjunction with Pluto, and Venus and Mars both in fire signs, the picture of harmony we are witnessing right now has more to do with trying to force a positive resolution or conclusion …
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