Continue Reading about Full Moon, Meaning of Sun in Sagittarius, 12th House, and More…Video Version
The Sun is moving into Sagittarius just as the Full Moon in Gemini is coming through.Here's what to watch for:* Remember that there is a powerful duality inherent in the sign of Sagittarius.* Sagittarius season represents the most intense descent of the light in the solar year, but at the end of the sign, when we reach the winter solstice, the light begins to return.* Similarly, there is a potential for voidism, nihilism, existential despair, and prodigality built into the fiery, Autumnal sign …
Continue Reading about Previewing the Full Moon, and the Meaning of the Sun in Sagittarius
Mars is just about to enter the sign of Pisces, where it will move from being a house guest of Saturn to be the house guest of Jupiter. This is a significant change because Mars has been in Aquarius since the middle of May! Plus, just as Mars enters Pisces it immediately engages with Jupiter in Sagittarius, it's host, by a square.Here's what to watch for:* Mars arrives in Jupiter's sign and what does he want? Well, the God of war wants action, cutting, aggression, violence, hostility, and …
Mercury is moving into a square with Neptune as it stations to turn retrograde this week.Here's what to watch for:* The 9th hexagram of the I Ching is sometimes translated as "Passive Restraint," or "Restraint of the Small."* The image of the hexagram depicts clouds gathering in the west, and the winds of change stirring, but no rain coming.* The teaching of the hexagram involves the idea that we are helpless before a bigger power that is gathering, or that we cannot force change prior to its …
Continue Reading about Mercury Square Neptune and Gathering Clouds
Mars is now moving into an engagement with Jupiter, which will perfect just as Mars moves into Pisces and over the same period of days in which Venus is stationing and turning direct and Mercury is also stationing and turning retrograde in Sagittarius, in a square to Neptune. Wow! It's an intriguing series of transits coming in the next 7 to 10 days as the Moon is also waxing and gaining strength!What to watch for:* Impassioned speech, ideas, rhetoric, debate* Miscommunication and misperception* …
Continue Reading about Mars Square Jupiter and a Busy Week Ahead!
Mars and Venus are moving through a trine with each other as Venus is nearing the completion of her retrograde period...What to watch for:* Resolution and acceptance* A soft edge* Agreement with qualification* Disagreement with elements of compromise* Agreement upon principles, differences in terms of sorting out the details* Coming around to an opponent's position or perspective* Revisiting past conflicts with a new maturity* Loving that which is outcast, marginalized, or provocative* An …
Continue Reading about Venus Retrograde in Libra Trine Mars in Aquarius!
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