Mars is square to Uranus today.Here's what to watch for:* You are feeling attracted to rebels, innovators, and iconoclasts, or you are considering whether or not you are one yourself.* You are thinking about originality, bringing something old up to speed* You are feeling the need to throw off constraints or to break from the normal routine* You are drawn toward the controversial idea or position* You are feeling rushes of yang, assertiveness, aggression, competition, or a desire to individuate …
Mercury Opposite Neptune
Mercury is opposite Neptune today.Here's what to watch for:* The mind is tranquil, distant, in another world* The mind is overwhelmed, dreaming of water, preparing for the flood* I am not my thoughts, I am, thinking* A message, an important piece of information* A dream, a symbol, an omen speaking* A mantra, a sacred syllable* Mind in a fog, haze, daydream* Deception, a manipulation of facts* Distortion of information* Loss of memory* Inspired speech* Fluidity of words, thoughts, and ideas* …
Venus Opposite Uranus (written edition)
In the next twenty-four hours, Venus in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus. This is happening just prior to Venus turning retrograde next month, which means that we will have two more Venus/Uranus oppositions to come.Here's what to watch for:* While Venus represents the harmonization of things that differ from one another, Uranus represents a departure from norms or traditions. While Venus represents beauty, Uranus represents defiance and originality. While Venus represents love, pleasure, and …
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The New Moon Opposite Neptune
The New Moon in Virgo is just opposite Neptune in Pisces today.Here's what to watch for:* Remember that during a New Moon the Moon is invisible behind the Sun, emphasizing a seeding time. Meanwhile, the Sun rules intelligence, and the role of the intelligence in ancient philosophy is to select between things.* The intelligence selects what it believes to be true and rejects what it believes to be false, just as the Sun divides the day from night.* However, when we repeatedly select what we …
Venus Square Mars Has You Feeling…
Things you may notice as Venus approaches a square to Mars over the next four days...* You are ready to tackle your partner (maybe in a good way, maybe not so good)* You are ready to tackle a stranger (be really careful about this one) :)* You are encountering all kinds of interesting triangulation dynamics in relationships* Your desire to plow ahead, work hard, produce, or deliver, is being sidetracked by sparkly things, beautiful things, or leisure or non-goal oriented things* You are …