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Happy New Moon Everyone! And happy Uranus into Taurus day. Remember, there is still time to pick up a Uranus in Taurus mini-report. See below this post for details! The New Moon in Taurus gets the day started today, but of course, the big highlight is the entrance of Uranus into Taurus, something that hasn't happened since 1934! Meanwhile, in the next 24 hours, the planet Mars is going to square Uranus just as it enters Aquarius. These are some big league transits! Things you might be feeling, …
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Today the Moon is moving into a square with Mars, just as Mercury and Uranus are conjunct and Mercury is changing signs into Taurus and just as Mars prepares to square Uranus.Here's what to watch for (but first a few quick announcements):* In case you missed it, this week I posted a three-part series on the entrance of Uranus into Taurus. It is on my youtube channel, linked here. I also gave a talk on the Esoteric Doctrines of the Planetary Dignities yesterday at Kepler College Online. If you …
Jupiter is preparing to trine Neptune again; the last time it did so it was the very beginning of December 2017.Here are some things that happened, and some things to watch for again this time around:The recent history...* Nature magazine published an article recognizing Oumuamua as the first known "interstellar object." This is a significant Jupiter/Neptune theme. Jupiter is expansion, knowledge, and the spirit of discovery and Neptune is the unknown, the mysterious, the "deep space," and the …
Annnd the Moon is weaving its way through a square to Mercury, conjunction to Pluto and then conjunction to Mars today and into tomorrow, just as Venus is moving into a square with Neptune and Mercury is squaring Pluto.Here are a few things to watch for today and over the next few days to come:* Conflicts in communication, planning, strategizing, or organization* Issues with technology* Challenging words, conflicting ideas* Hard/inflexible/harsh/severe thinking* Information or messages …
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Check out my May Horoscopes, at Astrograph. Follow this link and click on your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign glyph to read what's up for the month of May! …
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