The Moon has just entered Scorpio and is applying to trine Neptune in Pisces by later this afternoon. Meanwhile the Uranus/Pluto square is nearly exact again (for the final time), and it’s all happening right as Mars is conjoining Uranus and we’re rapidly approaching eclipse season. A very dynamic springtime is on its way!What to watch for over the next few days:* Belligerence from the past trying to steal the peace of the present* An overwhelming desire to break new ground, chuck …
Relationships and the Hard Heart
The Moon is in Libra this morning, opposing Venus in Aires and then on to trineMercury in Aquarius before going void of course later this afternoon.Here’s a very particular story playing out in the planets right now:What happens when a relationship has been shaped and maintained by one person’s hard work, sacrifices, or leadership? What happens when that person dies, or an unexpected shock, heart attack, injury, or accident occurs? What happens when the strategic ruthlessness of our …
Last lunar cycle of the winter
The Moon is in Libra today, applying to conjoin the north node of the Moon before moving into a long series of oppositions with Mars, Uranus, and Venus in Aries, not to mention a square to Pluto. Yet another intense day of Pluto/Uranus energy!Heading home from the mountains this morning, but here's a short list of what to watch for today:* Agreements reached* Conflict resolution* New collaborations * Moon's light waning, a feeling of culmination after the recent full moon* Deals and …
Full Moon Forecasting
It’s Full Moon in just a few hours! The Moon is in Virgo opposite the Sun and Chiron in Pisces.What to watch for:* diet and lifestyle changes demanding* altered states, dreams, escape, boredom* something comes to its conclusion or finish* a wound or nagging problem that won’t go away, try as we may* independence and the fear of commitment* a new approach to an old system* power struggles between the new and the old* learning a new trade, craft, or skill* understanding the history of …
Full Moon last laughs
It's the full moon tonight and into tomorrow morning!What is currently rising to the top?What is coming to a head?What are you realizing now like a drunken epiphany...will it last until the morning?The Virgo Moon says, "What is your most useful offering? Why aren't you putting it into action? What's keeping you from developing your skills in the most practical ways?"The Pisces Sun says, "Are you nourishing your soul with your imagination? Are you dreaming? The answer is yes, you are dreaming …
South Node Speaking Louder
The Moon is void of course today in Leo, nearing the Full Moon, meanwhile Venus is conjoining Uranus in Aries and squaring Pluto in Capricorn, while Mars simultaneously prepares to cross the south node in Aries.What to watch for alongside media images:* Increased tension or hostility that has a long history* The Prime Minister of Israel speaking in the US today* A love shadow from the past haunts* CNN headline: “Lewinsky shadows over Clinton Portrait”* Sudden heart attacks, attacks …
Digging into the South Node
The Moon is in Leo today, applying to trine the Aries stellium at the south node before conjoining Jupiter and opposing Mercury in Aquarius by late tonight.Things to watch for today, and then a deeper explanation of the south node of the Moon.What to watch for:* Controversial new ideas challenging the status quo* Ego stand offs* Something is coming to a close, something is finishing or finalizing* Strong progressive ideas about sexuality/gender* Breaking new ground* Going it alone* Standing up …
Careful Critics and Generous Leaders
The Moon is void of course in Cancer today but will enter Leo later this afternoon. In the meantime let's look at the pileup of planets around the south node in Aries, all of which are squaring Pluto in Capricorn and trining Jupiter in Leo, who is also currently receiving an opposition from Mercury in Aquarius. Did you get all of that?!What to watch for:* An impulse from the past threatens to derail your progress* An individual standing alone/against the group* A challenge to the ego, a …
The Roots of Eternity
The Moon is in Cancer this morning about to square Uranus and oppose Pluto before moving void of course.What to watch for:* Sudden or unexpected eruptions of emotion* Important memories surfacing* A challenge from the past returns* Family drama/trauma/karma* Transformation within the home* Inner psychological realizations that strike hard and fast* Initiating something new that requires emotional vulnerability* A big decision and the feeling of fate* Unexpected opportunities or job offers that …