Continue Reading about Moon Poetry for the Moon in Cancer/Sun in Aries March 2015
The Moon is in Cancer today, squaring the nodal axis of the Moon before moving into an opposition to Pluto and square to Uranus.What to watch for:* Concerns over beauty, spending, finances* The heart reluctantly opening, then pouring and pouring* A cross roads, hard decision, emotionally difficult choices* Planning for the future, trying to make wise decisions* Family/children/marriage wrapped up in difficult choices and patterns that need cleansing or healing* The feeling of emotional fatigue …
The Moon is void of course in Gemini this morning but will soon enter Cancer and then immediately apply to make the first quarter Moon. Our halfway point between eclipses.Let's meditate for a moment today on the themes of birth and death, and the passage of the soul from one phase to another.As the Moon enters Cancer to make her first quarter today, we are entering a crossroads moment in our current eclipse cycle. We are somewhere exactly between the past and the future. Something is being born, …
Continue Reading about First Quarter Crossroads and Lightness of the Soul
The Moon is in Gemini today, applying to sextile Uranus in Aries before squaring Chiron and Mercury in Pisces. Meanwhile the Sun in Aries trines Saturn in Sagittarius today and Venus in Taurus is moving into a square with Jupiter in Leo. And of course Uranus and Pluto are still square!What to watch for:* The cutting, separating, and dividing necessary for a new beginning* Vacillating between several options, an underlying feeling of ambivalence, even boredom* Revisioning our philosophical …
The Moon is in Gemini today, applying to sextile the Sun and oppose Saturn in Sagittarius early this afternoon before squaring Neptune. Meanwhile Mercury is separating from Chiron in Pisces and Venus in Taurus is entering into a square with Jupiter in Leo.What to watch for:* Arguments about beliefs, points of view, philosophical ideas* Different forms of perceiving a situation, at odds* Seeing both sides of a situation, an underlying ambivalence* Strong forms of communication, aggressive …
The Moon is in Taurus today, and you might have seen it last night like a thumbnail with Venus nearby! The Moon will aspect Mercury this morning and then Chiron before going void of course for the rest of the day. Meanwhile, Uranus and Pluto are still square, and the Moon cycle is building toward our next eclipse at full moon!What to watch for:* New eras that require wise judgments at the outset* Ending relationships beginning others* Challenging ethical situations and charged emotions* Problems …
Continue Reading about Facing the Past and Making Wise Judgments 3.23.2015
The Moon is in Taurus today, applying to conjoin Venus in Taurus this afternoon. Meanwhile Mercury in Pisces is applying to conjoin Chiron in Pisces and little by little our Moon cycle is starting to build toward a powerful full moon lunar eclipse this month.What to watch for today:* Healing words, emotional thoughts* Feeling sorry for ourselves* Lack of confidence* Emotional repression* Trying to smooth over something that feels too painful to examine honestly* Spirituality as a defense or …
The Moon is in Aries today, gradually applying to conjoin with Mars in Aries by later today. Meanwhile Mercury is sandwiched between Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and the Uranus/Pluto square is still intensely activated right now.What to watch for:* A confrontation with someone or something from the past* Aggressive, edgy, impulsive* Victims and savior* Miscommunication, oversharing, or hiding our feelings* Feeling sorry for ourselves* Weepy* Convicted, fierce, and fast* Starting something new, …
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