Continue Reading about Full Moon this Weekend + Venus Square Pluto
Mars has left Aquarius and entered Capricorn through its retrograde, meanwhile, Saturn and Uranus are in a tight trine with each other.A few things to watch for:* The sudden emphasis on "earth" is notable, especially as Leo season is now winding down and Virgo season is upon us.*Because Virgo season marks the preparation for the harvest and the entry into the yin/dark half of the year, it is a good time for making many nuts and bolts changes, checking items off the "to-do" list, and essentially …
Continue Reading about An Abundance of Earth Energy Coming Soon!
Mercury is turning retrograde in the sign of Leo today!Here are some things to watch for:* The last time Mercury was retrograde in Leo was the summers of 2011 and 2012. Look back to that time, and look at the whole sign house of Leo in your birth chart to see what topics were active. Take note of any changes, revisions, delays, setbacks, that were happening. Ask yourself the question, "How was my life path unfolding during that time relative to these topics?" This exercise may give you some good …
Happy New Moon Everyone! And happy Uranus into Taurus day. Remember, there is still time to pick up a Uranus in Taurus mini-report. See below this post for details! The New Moon in Taurus gets the day started today, but of course, the big highlight is the entrance of Uranus into Taurus, something that hasn't happened since 1934! Meanwhile, in the next 24 hours, the planet Mars is going to square Uranus just as it enters Aquarius. These are some big league transits! Things you might be feeling, …
Continue Reading about Uranus Entering Taurus on the New Moon Today!
Over the next week, Mercury will be not moving more than one degree while it is in a square with Saturn who is also preparing to station and turn retrograde. Mercury will thus be in an applying square to Saturn between now and the end of the month. That's a whole lot of Mercury/Saturn to come!Here's what to watch for:* Mercury in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn combine fire and earth, which are incompatible elements that tend to conflict with each other. Fire is hot and dry, while earth is cold …
Continue Reading about Mercury Square Saturn the Rest of the Month!
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