The Sun has entered Virgo today, and the Moon is just past first quarter in Sagittarius, applying to square Neptune and trine Mars in Leo and then Venus retrograde in Leo by late tonight.What to watch for:* Increased attention to detail, planning, organization, craft, purity, service, chores, sensual attentiveness and worrisome obsessing (Sun/Jupiter conjunct in Virgo)* The marriage of opposites, the sexual attraction of greatness to greatness, the king and the queen turning the lights down low …
Revaluing the Gift
The Moon is in Virgo today, applying slowly to sextile Saturn in Scorpio by tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, Venus is now on the opposite side of the Sun and will begin her journey toward her position as the morning star. She is also now applying through retrograde to a conjunction of Mars in Leo, while the Sun is applying to a powerful square with Saturn by the end of next week.What to watch for:* The reunion with an old flame, lover, or friend (Venus rx toward a conjunction with Mars)* The return, …
Sign Changes in the Sky
The Moon is in Gemini today, applying to sextiles of Venus and Jupiter by this evening. Meanwhile the Moon's host, Mercury, is very strongly situated in Virgo, Mars has finally left its fall in Cancer and moved into Leo, and Jupiter is about to leave Leo after a full year in the sign of the Lion and will be entering Virgo by tomorrow.Like yesterday today's astrology favors organization, study, administrative work, purity and cleanliness, simplicity, detail or craft oriented work, communication, …
Open Giving, Open Receiving
The Moon is in Aries today, applying to trine the Sun in Leo and then square Pluto in Capricorn. Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter are conjunct again and both exactly square to Saturn (now direct) in Scorpio. Mars is also slowly moving into a trine with Saturn.What to watch for:* A generous outpouring, form of aid or assistance is given to someone in need, or someone representing someone in need (the Moon in mutual reception with debilitated Mars as the Moon trines the Sun in its rulership)* A …
A Gathering Under Full Moon
The Moon is in late Capricorn, applying to sextile Saturn in Scorpio before entering Aquarius and then applying to make the full Moon by early tomorrow morning.Meanwhile, Jupiter is nearly exact to its square of Saturn, and tomorrow Venus will retrograde back into Leo. Interesting to note....Jupiter will square Saturn exactly before Venus does through her retrograde. This should make for an interesting situation, and today we'll include that in our analysis of the Full Moon and the …
A First Look at Invisible Pluto
The Moon is in Cancer today, squaring the nodes of the Moon right now and then heading toward a trine with Neptune, and then conjunction with Mercury and Mars while opposing Pluto, and then finally making the square to Uranus and the new moon conjunction to the Sun by tomorrow morning.Before looking at what to watch for today let's take a moment to reflect on NASA's first ever flyby of the planet Pluto, which is happening right now after nearly ten years of flight.In addition to the beautiful …
Last Quarter Harvesting Time
It's last quarter Moon today, as the Moon in Aries squares the Sun in Cancer. Simultaneously, the Moon in Aries will be engaging her mutual reception with Mars in Cancer, and squaring Pluto in Capricorn.Here's a list of what to watch for given these signatures in the sky right now:* Role reversals and changes of power or position* The weak becoming strong and the strong becoming weak* Generational transformation* Mutually beneficial strategies* Healing wisdom transferred from one generation to …
A Warrior/Mother Last Quarter Moon
The Moon is in late Pisces and about to enter Aries where she will begin her last quarter aspect to the Moon. Over the next two days the first Moon cycle of summer will begin disseminating her gifts and learning lessons. As the last quarter Moon will be in the sign of Aries, and the Sun in Cancer, this disseminating moment will likely bring up the Moon/Mars mutual reception between the Moon and Mars in each other's signs. In horary astrology there are certain conditions in which this aspect …
Moon/Venus: Beware the Killjoy
The Moon is in Scorpio today, applying to a square of Venus and Jupiter by this evening. The reception between the Moon and Venus today is challenging. While Venus is strong in conjunction with Jupiter, the Moon in Scorpio is in its fall and also in the sign of Venus' detriment. It's a planetary exchange we might think about with a few different phrases:* a killjoy* don't let something rain on your parade* saving faceFor example, as the social media feeds have blown up with the celebration of …
The Summer Lion’s Preview
The Moon is in Leo this morning, applying to Mercury in Gemini, and then the nodes of the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. A busy day of aspects!Before we get into what to watch for, it's important that we take note of the immediate presence of Saturn's retrograde into Scorpio. We've seen a racially motivated mass murder at a church service in the US, as well as the Pope's progressive global statements about climate change (remember that Saturn's entrance into Scorpio began with Hurricane …
Archetypes Not Stereotypes
The Moon is in Cancer today, applying to trine Neptune before opposing Pluto this evening. Meanwhile, as Jupiter in Leo trines Uranus in Aries we're seeing an interesting mix of symbols.Regarding Jupiter in Leo we're seeing the subjects of pride, power, charisma, dignity, autonomy, will power, ego, brilliance, destiny, and specialness, as well as luck, fortune, victory, success, fame, and achievement.On the other hand, Uranus in Aries brings subversive competition, diversification, fighting, …
Return of the Scorpion
Dark moon time. The Moon is in Gemini, applying to sextile Jupiter and Uranus by this evening. Meanwhile Saturn has finally dipped back into the dark waters of Scorpio, where it will now stay until September 17th.Let's take a deeper look at the symbolism of Saturn's retrograde into Scorpio...Between October of 2012 and December of 2014 Saturn was transiting the sign of the Scorpion. Within weeks of Saturn's entrance into Scorpio Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast of the USA, creating major …