Today we will look at Mercury retrograde in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. Many of you might already be in reflection mode on this one since it technically perfected yesterday. However, it's probably still in effect, so I've got five themes and three lessons for you that I think apply during this transit.
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Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology. Happy Monday, everybody. Today we are going to look at an aspect that perfected yesterday but is probably, for most people, very much still in effect. And that is the opposition between Mercury in Libra, who is retrograde right now, and Jupiter in the sign of Aries. So that is our discussion for the day. We're going to look at five themes, and three lessons that I think are applicable for this. Most people might already be in reflection mode on this one since it was technically perfected yesterday. So but still, I think it's a good one to open the week with because my guess is that we will be processing what happened over the weekend are very much still dealing with it in these first couple of days.
So before we get into it, don't forget to like and subscribe. Share your comments in the comment section that helps the channel to grow and creates good conversation. I love hearing what you guys have to say always, and click the notification bell for updates. Once you subscribe, you know if I go live or new video drops or whatever, you can always find a transcript of any of my daily talks on the website. I just want to point you over to the website right now,, to highlight the opening of my new program, Ancient Astrology for the Modern Mystic. This is the Fall Enrollment period for my first-year course. So if you go to the Courses page and click on the first-year program, you can learn all about it.
Over 12 months, you'll learn about kind of get a sense of everything that's included in the program; right there was a video with some live q&a with alumni and how they have taken their experience forward from the class. There are 30 online webinars that I teach on the year. They're all two to three hours each; they meet on Saturday starting November 12, from 12 to about two to 3pm Eastern time. They're all recorded. If you can't make it live, you can follow along at your own pace, everything you get to keep and download for life. There's an optional certification exam at the end if you want to take it. We also have 12 online webinars that are led by guest teachers outside of the 30 classes. We have an interactive group forum discussion staffed by tutors; we have tutors that lead live breakout study sessions in between major units and tons of bonus material; you can email me with questions throughout the course anytime, as well. So if you are interested, the Earlybird payment saves you $500 off. Check that out; we also have a payment plan; if you want to stretch out the tuition over 12 months to make it a little bit more manageable, you can do that. And then we also have need-based tuition. That is one of our kind of one of the missions of my business has always been to make sure that astrology is accessible for people who have a serious interest in learning more about it. So if that's you apply and take advantage of it, we are not; you know we're not picky if you have a limited tight budget, and it's not going to change, and you need to work within a very tight budget to make an astrology class happen. That's what it's there for. If we ask the people who you know, you have the means to do it, then, you know, if then don't take advantage of it. Obviously, we've just always worked the system on trust over the years, and it's worked out fantastically. There are a certain number of those sort of need-based tuition scholarships that we have available. So just be sure you apply early; we also appreciate it because it doesn't swamp us at the end of people apply early with the need-based application.
So that being said, let's get into it today; I'm going to put the transits up on the screen. And let's take a look. So, first of all, here we go. First of all, let's point it out here. This is Sunday, September 18; you can see Mercury in Libra going through the opposition to Jupiter in the sign of Aries. But if we push this forward just a couple of days, you're going to see that all the way until Wednesday, Mercury is hovering around the opposition to Jupiter. And so the energy of this transit is in the air through midweek, which is why we're going to talk about it today. Remember, this transit also has a history behind it. It's already happened once through Mercury's direct motion. So if we go back just a little bit, we're gonna backtrack and see Mercury was opposing Jupiter right around the beginning of September, 1 second September 3, right in that window as well.
So a little bit of history behind all of this, and you could if you keep a journal or you keep even like you can even look back at emails, sometimes that helps. You should be able to see and get a sense of what was going on then. And you may notice that there are some reoccurring themes or patterns coming up again now. Also, we're going to have one more passive this down the line when Mercury comes back after it turns direct in Virgo and then comes back into Libra. It'll do it. Again. We'll have another opposition to to Jupiter. More on that later today. We're just going to talk about the one that's happening right now.
So, five themes, let's look at five themes that I think you could easily track or identify with this transit. Number one, I thought I knew how I felt. Now maybe feel could be replaced with the word think. I thought I knew what I thought about something, or I thought I had an idea or opinion formed about something, a conclusion that I had arrived at. But now I'm rethinking it. Or I thought I knew how I felt about a situation. But now I'm rethinking and analyzing and reconsidering how I felt. The mind-emotional connection here might be quite fluid. But you know, however, you tend to process things, whether it's more, you're more of a thinker, or a feeler or pretty good blend of both. You may be reconsidering something and probably something that comes back around to the beginning of September somehow, maybe not. Sometimes they're not always connected in a linear fashion. But reconsidering how you think or feel about something. And the temptation to make declarations or proclamations about this change could be quite strong. You may want to resist that temptation, or you may want to act upon it. And I think my inclination is always to wait and see, just give it a little space to breathe. Because the impulsiveness of Jupiter in Aries could make you feel like, well, I thought one way, but now I think another way, and so I'm going to Instagram about it. Be a little bit careful of big, loud declarative statements or proclamations about rethinking or revising something.
Because, you know, it's you can't, you know, I remember when I was a kid, you guys have probably heard me say this before, my mom used to do this thing at church because she was one of the leaders with the kids, she would have a squeeze toothpaste out of a tube. And then she would say, words are like toothpaste; you can't put it back in the tube. And she would make us try to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Of course, it's an impossible task. So, you know, it was quite a lesson I never, you know, I never forgot that. And with Mars and Gemini have failed miserably ever since. Like, I'm a forever blasting toothpaste out of the tube person and learning the same lesson over and over sometimes. But anyway, you may be rethinking or reconsidering something; sometimes, you need to say something about it, but maybe not to everyone. Sometimes you need to say something about it. And maybe it is more public, or it's more of a flag in the ground kind of moment. But watch for that if you haven't experienced that already over the weekend.
Number two, I just can't push something down. I've been feeling or thinking something. And I, you know, I tried to push it away, but it's coming back. It's kind of a play on the same idea, right? Mercury's past Jupiter. And you've felt a really strong thing. And then you're like, I'm just gonna let it go. But then it comes back. It says no, no, you need to talk about it; you need to do something, you need to say something, you need to make a change. Okay, so I just can't put push something down. It'd be the same idea.
Number three would be I might have to go this one alone. Jupiter in Aries, pushing its agenda across the opposition on Mercury in Libra, who's very concerned with diplomacy and harmony, making sure everyone gets along, could show up and be demanding that you do something that breaks from others or what others think or feel or what the diplomatic thing to do would be you have to just go it alone, you have to do your own thing. I might have to go this one alone. It's very Jupiter in Aries kind of thing, right? That something could be coming up that's forcing your hand or that, you know, there's no way of compromising or reaching some kind of diplomatic solution. And so the answer is just going to have to gonna have to go solo on this one. I would watch for that.
Number four, maybe in the opposite direction, should I compromise? Jupiter in Aries might be being pulled in the opposite direction by Mercury and Libra coming back and saying, Look, you thought you wanted to go this alone. You thought you wanted to go pioneering off on a trail, you know, rocket ship to the moon. But you may want to compromise. You may want to figure a way of coexisting with someone or something else rather than going it alone. The question might be quite intense; should I compromise? I don't know. So that's number four.
Number five would be the scales are tilting in the opposite direction. Something happened in a situation, and it seemed to really go in one side, and then all of a sudden, it's tilting in the other side, almost like a karmic balancing. And I think we could actually see this one more time later, which, you know; eventually, we'll do a video when Mercury's coming back, which is several more weeks away yet, but we have basically the same idea, which is that you know, the scales might be tilting back and forth a few times the scales being a Libran image and the idea of someone or something that you've run into, there's maybe been a battle or a struggle of wits or wills and And somehow the scales have tilted in one direction. Now they might be tilting in the other direction.
So watch for karmic balancing in relationships, watch for, you know, and if it's your time to give something or to surrender something, or to let go, rather than when, and you can just feel it, then do it. Do you know? On the other hand, if you can, if you have been, I don't know, if you've been walked on. Or if you're like, you know what, no, I'm going to stand my ground here, chances are, it might be time for the scales to tip in the other on the other side. So just stay aware of the scales, going back and forth right now on something. And those are the things that you may have already noticed over the weekend; I thought I knew how I felt, I can't push something down any longer, I might have to go this one alone, should I make the compromise, and the scales have tilted in the opposite direction.
So first of all, before I go on, I'm going to talk about three lessons that I think come with this. But have any of you experienced that? If you have, hit me up with a comment in the comment section, and use the hashtag grabbed if you want to also share the very Mercury opposite Jupiter Libra Aries kind of story. I really love hearing from people about those kinds of things. You can use the hashtag grab. You can always email us at grabbed@nightlight
So three lessons. So I always try to when I sit when I write out the transits, oftentimes I'm reflecting on how they're speaking to me in my own life, or I might throw the I-Ching, or I might be taking something and reading for the Tao Te Ching, or the Bhagavad Gita or another sacred text. There are three lessons that I was sitting with this morning, some of which feel personal to me right now. And some of which feel like archetypal, like they might be there for everyone.
One, it's important to know how we feel first. And by that, I mean, sometimes, when there are big decisions to make, the first thing you think about is how do I make the decision within the social matrix or fabric of my life. How do I tell Mom? How do I tell spouse? How do I tell kids? Or, you know, how do I say or do or share something I've realized and inside decision, a choice, a job change? Whatever it might be. How do I let my boss know I'm leaving and going somewhere else? Or whatever the case might be? How do I break the news to other people, and a lot of the time, we think through major life decisions or changes that are deeply personal immediately in terms of what other people will think or react, and we start pre-meditatively planning for that. And we skip over a whole first step that's super important, which is sitting down and being like, even if I pretty much know the choice or decision I've arrived at, for example, I still need to sit down and say, How do I feel about this decision that I'm making or, you know, real, almost like just taking a day or two, or just a few moments, even to be like, this is something that's for me first. This is something that, you know, comes up within my own heart within my own soul. It's a decision that I'm making for these reasons for me. I think there is a time at which it might be appropriate to then figure out, okay, then how do I share this? Do you know what I mean?
Like, I remember one of the big choices that I made early on was to become a professional astrologer. And I remember telling people like, you know, I remember sitting on my porch in New York City, and I hope I do astrology until the day I die. I remember sitting there going; I want to be an astrologer. Okay, well, how do I tell everyone but I don't know. And then it was like, Wait a second, I want to be an astrologer, you know, and I just sat there with it. And I remember I had this moment sitting on the stoop outside of the apartment building that I lived in, in the West Village, which was right across the street from Integral Yoga. And I sat there, and I just started crying. Because I stepped back and allowed myself to just feel the weight of the realization because what my head wanted to do was immediately go into Okay, well, how do I tell people what will they think? How do I manage it? Where do I, you know, like, and I think sometimes, even if we just take 10 minutes to go well, how do I feel first? Before I get into managing other people's responses or expectations or social presentation of whatever change it is that I'm making, which may by its very nature have social ramifications. I'm not saying we exist in a vacuum, right? But it's like, have you taken time to just feel what you feel and, you know, sit with it. It might be hard, or it might be beautiful, or whatever. So that's my advice right now if you haven't done that, even if you already made a choice or had a big proclamation of some kind over the weekend, like, have you taken time to just sit with it and see Feel into whatever that is for a little bit, I think is a good thing to do.
Two. You can't lose when you aren't trying to when Mercury opposite Jupiter can involve power struggles, all different kinds of power struggles, battles of will, and wits. Inherently there's a competition of competitiveness with Jupiter in Aries. Mercury in Libra may not seem like it's competitive by nature, but it is in its competitive in this way. Mercury in Libra has the same kind of competitive edge that Aries does. But typically, that competitive edge is applied toward finding the perfect compromise that elevates and gives one a sense of nobility and virtue. And, you know, it's kind of like when you've come up with the most eloquent, sophisticated, diplomatic peaceful solution, it makes you feel good about yourself. And so diplomacy is just as filled with competitiveness. As you know, a sports arena is filled with like jocks banging football helmets or something.
I know that sounds weird, but they're an archetypal dyad for a reason they both share an interest in power. One tends to be more about winning the other tends to be more about the perfect or ideal resolution where everyone's happy. But it's still, ultimately, there's a lot of like privileging of intelligence and beauty and grace as these highly sophisticated qualities that can be quite vain at times, even though it's hard to see them that way because they can be cloaked in the radar of like, diplomacy or being diplomatic. So anyway, my point for both sides of the Mercury opposite Jupiter spectrum is Hey, like, if you set aside; if you can get honest with yourself, and me too, right? If we can get honest with ourselves and say, I'm kind of trying to win here. You know, even if I'm on the diplomatic side, or whatever the case, we're just being honest, like, I want to win because I don't like this person. And I think they're diplomatic, you know, stuff is, is inauthentic.
If we let go of the need to win, then there's no potential to lose the way if you enter a situation and you're not there to win. You let go of your attachment to any kind of outcome. It's amazing how smoothly and aligned the situation turns out. And I've seen that again. And again, the doubt aging talks about that everywhere. You can't lose when you aren't trying to win. Just a simple teaching that we can maybe remember right now.
And three, can I be more attracted to alignment than being right? Very similar. Alignment would be a way of moving through a situation that has a certain feeling to it, that I have stayed open to the moment that I've stayed responsive and sensitive and careful that I've been more of a listener than an inserter. And in doing so, however the situation turns out, the prize is that I felt present and aligned for the process. And when we privilege that, in a sense, it's not that you might not end up feeling like you were right about something or you got the outcome you want, or whatever it's that that sets us up for the next situation. And the next moment to be more about just that sensitive situational awareness that gives us so much happiness and peace.
Curiosity is innate to that kind of consciousness. Curiosity keeps us open to meaning and the co-creation of meaning that keeps us participating in the unfoldment of the universe itself. And when we stay more attracted to alignment than being right about something, all of the treasures of the universe just pour themselves upon us. And then not only that, but because we have done so, it sets us up to do so again. So can I be more attracted to feeling like I'm in alignment in the way that I handle a situation rather than being right, which is very similar again too? I can't lose what I'm not trying to win. So letting go of winning and being right, those two things very, very Mercury and Libra Jupiter in Aries, potentially trying to duke it out with each other. And it's important to know how we feel first, to at least have space for ourselves to have a response before feeling like whatever change is happening within us or whatever thing we're trying to negotiate is. We're just launched into the social implications of it all. It's important to also just feel what we're feeling, especially when big choices or changes are coming up. Remember, I thought I knew how I feel; I can't push something down. I might have to go this one alone. Those are heavy, weighty things that can, you know, it's a lot easier if we just take a moment to sit didn't really feel what we're feeling.
So that is what I have for today. I hope that this is a helpful start to your week. And also, don't forget to subscribe, like, and give thumbs up and all that good stuff. I appreciate you guys helping me grow this channel, and this community means a lot to me. This is absolutely my heart and soul every day. I love this. I love being able to serve you guys with astrological content. It gives back to me 100 times more because I just love it, and I love that I get to do this for a living. So thank you, guys, and don't forget to always find transcripts of any my talks if you want to read them on the website. And don't forget the new program starts on November 12. I hope to see some of you in class soon. If you have any questions about anything you read on the website about the class, email us info Alright, that's what I've got. Have a great start to your week, everyone Bye.
Good insights. I am dealing with a weighty decision and I did communicate about it, but did say it wasn’t my final decision. My husband had a situation where he was attached to what he wanted, but when he surrendered and trusted there would be a good outcome everything fell into place – just like you are describing. Your explanations are right on. Thank you.