Today I'll be taking a look at some of your birth charts live, and look at how today's lunar eclipse is playing out in your life. You can find out more about my upcoming courses beginning in June here:
Today I'll be taking a look at some of your birth charts live, and look at how today's lunar eclipse is playing out in your life. You can find out more about my upcoming courses beginning in June here:
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Hi Acyuta,
I’m sorry I missed the live chart readings today! Mine might have been interesting/instructive.
My natal moon is 9 degrees Sagittarius, so just 4 degrees from the full moon/south node eclipse, which trines my natal Mercury today. Additionally, my natal Mars is STILL opposite Pluto, while transiting Mars is conjunct natal Uranus, soon to conjunct natal Mars – a Mars return at 25 degrees Cancer, sandwiched between the eclipses. Uranus in Taurus is sextile my MidHeaven. Transiting Venus (which was conjunct natal Venus in Gemini a few days ago) is trine both natal Neptune and natal Saturn today, AND sextile natal Pluto. So that’s a lot of things going on… seems like a lot of planets are aspecting each other at this time. And there appears to be a sequence of Venus, Moon, and Mars Returns happening in the same week (Not sure if it’s accurate to call this Sagittarius moon a lunar return for me). They seem to be speaking to me anyway, and to each other. I’m wondering what the divinatory significance could be for this personal eclipse chart (drawing upon my Astro Dienst daily horoscope) and how it will relate to the upcoming solar eclipse and the potentially ‘explosive’ / transformative Mars opposition to Pluto, pretty much on top of my natal Mars.
Thank you for the heads up in your YouTube discussion. To prepare, it might be a good time to get back to a regular spiritual discipline (fell by the wayside years ago but still informs my awareness when I bring it to mind), along with other positive regimens I’m trying to maintain and build upon. That kind of discipline makes things easier.
Though I missed the live readings today, I enjoyed your chart demonstrations and analysis. Feel free to use this chart if you find it germane to your discussions going forward. Thank you for the very helpful teaching and analysis.
In your discussion you mentioned the Mars/Pluto opposition could be more intense in a ‘perfection year’ or in a ‘zodiacal releasing period ruled by Mars.’ What are those?
I’ve been looking at my chart to identify potentially mitigating factors to offset Mars/Pluto and other difficult planetary aspects. Though Uranus will be squaring Saturn, Uranus is also in a positive sextile with my mid heaven, and Saturn is in a supportive trine with my ascendant. Mercury will be in a recurring square to Neptune, but reflecting on Neptune’s place in my current chart, I noticed what appears to be a Yod formation with Neptune at the apex and Pluto and Saturn/Neptune at the base. So, while I know next to nothing about Yods, I’m very intrigued by that and what it might be telling me. Anyway, maybe that will give me a clue about the opportunities and pitfalls presented by the eclipse sandwich you have described. From things you said it seems that this eclipse chart reflects what can be gathered and concluded from the last 18+ years…
I hope my understanding is not too far off the mark. You give us a lot to think about.
I look forward to beginning your course in June. It represents in part a chance to return to ancient philosophy and take it in new directions.
It did make me laugh today that someone in your live chat feed could claim to be bored. I certainly am not!
Thanks for your guidance, dedication and humor,